Not sure what to think of the article - it's talking about two completely different things as if they're the same.
Curing disease, and preventing disease, is how the human race extended the median life expectancy from 40 yrs to 80 yrs - it was disease that killed young. But at a certain point, the body just gets old - cells are still turning over and renewing themselves even when you're 80, but the problem is complicated - in short, your DNA is running out and the your body ain't what it used to be; disease doesn't have anything to do with it
Interesting article, but I'm awfully skeptical of any article that never goes into specifics, that only touts promises of eternal youth and never says how it actually works or how they plan to do it
Interesting article, but I'm awfully skeptical of any article that never goes into specifics, that only touts promises of eternal youth and never says how it actually works or how they plan to do it.
+1 I tend to be skeptical when magaicians keep their "magic" hats out of reach. If it's real science, or real magic, then it should be accompanied by confident boldness!
This is all conjecture, but it is reasonable conjecture. All accumulated cell (DNA) damage is theoretically reversible, and all disease states are theoretically curable. Put both together performing perfectly and you get immortality.
Here's the biggest problem with this though: it is possible, but it is not a single decision, therefore the ethics are going to get really fuzzy. Some of the pieces of the puzzle will be doing things like curing AIDS and various cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. Few would question the ethics there. Some other pieces will go towards improving quality of life for the elderly, and simply SLOWING the aging process. Ethics there become a gray area, but I don't see a tremendous amount of resistance because it's an extension of current medicine, which aims primarily to keep you alive longer. Eventually the puzzle just sort of falls together and aging is all but halted and almost all diseases are cured or prevented and we get immortality without ever tackling the ethical problems therein because each piece of the puzzle seemed innocuous until they came together...
<br.And the pic of the bikini workout is nice too.
Curing disease, and preventing disease, is how the human race extended the median life expectancy from 40 yrs to 80 yrs - it was disease that killed young. But at a certain point, the body just gets old - cells are still turning over and renewing themselves even when you're 80, but the problem is complicated - in short, your DNA is running out and the your body ain't what it used to be; disease doesn't have anything to do with it
Interesting article, but I'm awfully skeptical of any article that never goes into specifics, that only touts promises of eternal youth and never says how it actually works or how they plan to do it
Now I'm not a doctor, but in my lifetime there have been maybe only one or two people I know that just up and died in their sleep of "Natural Causes"
So basically we would just look younger but still die of ass-cancer or a heart attack or high cholesterol at the same age?
Here's the biggest problem with this though: it is possible, but it is not a single decision, therefore the ethics are going to get really fuzzy. Some of the pieces of the puzzle will be doing things like curing AIDS and various cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. Few would question the ethics there. Some other pieces will go towards improving quality of life for the elderly, and simply SLOWING the aging process. Ethics there become a gray area, but I don't see a tremendous amount of resistance because it's an extension of current medicine, which aims primarily to keep you alive longer. Eventually the puzzle just sort of falls together and aging is all but halted and almost all diseases are cured or prevented and we get immortality without ever tackling the ethical problems therein because each piece of the puzzle seemed innocuous until they came together...
That's going to be a problem...
If you want a second, check out what stem cells did recently for an ALS patient.