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Suggested Improvements to the Forum



  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    i know it may be a bit selfish, but i have put a ton of time and posts into this forum and i would hate to lose them all.... especially in my catalog. so i lose everything that i have put hard work into so that you guys dont have to type out a line break in HTML?
    that kinda sucks.
    Correct me if I've got this wrong, but it sounds like you're basically saying that rather than make the forum more user friendly for everybody, and that is important because not everyone understands basic HTML, you'd prefer to maintain your status as forum Big Dog at the expense of other users who are not as internet savvy. I'm not trying to call you out Matt, I'm just saying that a forum software that is easier to utilize for all skill levels benefits everyone, whereas what you mentioned benefits one person...you.

    And I'm not even really disagreeing with you for the most part, but yeah, that does sound a bit selfish.

    From my perspective, I get the HTML stuff enough to make this forum work for me without a problem, I've got no issue with that. And in the same breath, if a new forum software would make it easier for everyone else to use the forum, I'd gladly start out at zero again. Maybe that's a sign that I just have too much free time to post and have not contributed as much to the forum as you, I'm not really one to judge that, but to me post count is just a number.

    If I'm way off base here, I'll just shut up and go kick rocks, but I wanted to put a different view out there. A forum is about the community, not one person.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    This thread is bullsh1t. Its turned into nothing but a bitchfest.

    If you have something constructive to suggest fine but if you want to be a pretentious d1ck, please, shut the f*ck up. Its perfectly fine to suggest things thats what Tim was getting at. But bashing the core of the forum and the people on it, LEAVE.

    Yea doc that was directed at you. I've had enough of your pretentious bullshit. You're full of *** dude, if the forum and some of our traditions like post count contests etc aren't for you. You're welcomed to leave
  • dbeckomdbeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,807
    Guys, I started this thread based on Tim's suggestion that we "start a thread of suggested improvments to the forum"...to centralize our ideas to make THIS FORUM better and more enjoyable for those participating.

    Tim also stated that "we like to keep this forum independent and self governed. Just like our forefathers would have wanted it: for the people, by the people.  We trust you guys, you're all adults and we'd rather let you enjoy the freedoms of a small, close knit forum without the constant surveillance or meddling of big brother."

    If any changes are made, they will likely be small tweaks aimed at improving the overall experience on the forum...not a complete overhaul that would wipe out all the information and posts.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i know it may be a bit selfish, but i have put a ton of time and posts into this forum and i would hate to lose them all.... especially in my catalog. so i lose everything that i have put hard work into so that you guys dont have to type out a line break in HTML?
    that kinda sucks.
    Correct me if I've got this wrong, but it sounds like you're basically saying that rather than make the forum more user friendly for everybody, and that is important because not everyone understands basic HTML, you'd prefer to maintain your status as forum Big Dog at the expense of other users who are not as internet savvy. I'm not trying to call you out Matt, I'm just saying that a forum software that is easier to utilize for all skill levels benefits everyone, whereas what you mentioned benefits one person...you.

    And I'm not even really disagreeing with you for the most part, but yeah, that does sound a bit selfish.

    From my perspective, I get the HTML stuff enough to make this forum work for me without a problem, I've got no issue with that. And in the same breath, if a new forum software would make it easier for everyone else to use the forum, I'd gladly start out at zero again. Maybe that's a sign that I just have too much free time to post and have not contributed as much to the forum as you, I'm not really one to judge that, but to me post count is just a number.

    If I'm way off base here, I'll just shut up and go kick rocks, but I wanted to put a different view out there. A forum is about the community, not one person.
    i did say it was a bit selfish... but there were other points made that were ignored. there is a ton of info on this forum that would be lost forever if everything was new. there are posts that wont happen again. there are threads that are crazy useful. there are tons of things that I didnt post that would be lost.

    yes, that one point is selfish. and i did admit that, but there is more to it than that.

    for the record, i knew exactly zero HTML when i signed up to this forum. the thread about formatting your posts helped me learn what i needed to know. and frankly, if it was a sticky, it would not be an issue for 99% of the people that show up here.

    yes, i DO want to maintain my post count. that represents YEARS of posting and research that helped me to understand the world of cigars better.
    but it is NOT because i want to be viewed as a "forum big dog"

    this thread is one of the only times where i have mentioned my post count in anything other than a contest for it, or as a joke that i have no life.
    I dont "throw my post count around" and make others feel like they dont know what they are talking about because i happen to post like i have no life... ( i mean i dont have a life) I do feel that everyone has good things to say and good opinions about cigars. it is such a subjective topic that it is difficult to have a "wrong" opinion about cigars. I always like what others have to say and i read damn near every post on this forum. i love it all.

    i have a feeling that i have learned just as much (if not more) from all of the people on this forum than i have put out there.
    since i know you (j0z3r) and have been on this forum with you for years, i dont feel like you are disrespecting me. I do feel a bit hurt that you would insinuate that i would be that selfish.
    it is about more than me. the posts on this forum benefit more than just me. all the posts benefit everyone.

    as said above, if we could retain everything, post count, info, all old threads etc, i would have zero opposition to making it easier to use.

    i still feel that this format is very easy to use, and adding a sticky about formatting posts could solve 99% of any issues. in fact, we already have that thread: CLICK

    iduno... its not a threat, but if i lost all of my posts, and my catalog, and my blending 101 thread,etc, i would be nothing short of pissed. yeah i have copies of these things on my computer, but i didnt copy the questions, the comments, and all the other good points you guys made that go along with. I would feel a bit hurt by Ccom.

    Post counts are the most obnoxious numbers included in board softwares, The best board's I've ever participated in, or administrated over have had post counts disabled, so that the urge to post crap, or "Yeah!" just to get that plus 1 post, while ultimately doing nothing but clogging the forum with inane bull-ish, isn't there. It works too. The quality of content increases, when the guys who only care about their persona, and ability to post in EVERY LAST GODDAMN MuTHERFACKING Intro thread, or on a cigar board "How to set up my humi", "cello x no cello" type *** post, which should alreasy, on a legitimately softwared forum, have stick topics addressing these issues to great end without turning the subforum into a swamp of mud and dead topics to drag one's feet through to find something worth reading.
    doc... i get your point.
    I almost never post in any "Intro thread" unless there is a question i am answering.
    im not a post whore.
    I feel my content does add to the knowledge base of the forum and also to the community even if my comments are not 100% cigar related

    i do post on many threads of questions that have been asked many times, but i always do so because i was a "new guy" once. some guy with a "large" post count gave me the info i was looking for, as basic as it seemed to them, and as easy as it would have been for me to search the forum myself for it. this is part of what makes the cigar community wonderful... the willingness of the people who have been around forever to help those who just have their toe in the water.

    I understand that you dont like the post count thing. i have never looked down on anyone that has a smaller post count than i do. i dont think anyone on this forum would look down on you or anyone for not having a high post count. this forum is not like that. thats one of the reasons i love this forum so much.

    i never expected more respect because of my post count. in fact, i was surprised i wasnt made fun of more for not having a life. I mean, lets face some facts here... i have very little life due to my work schedule, so i find myself spending HUGE amounts of time on this forum. (i spend FAR more time on this forum than i do actually smoking cigars)
    i have actually been quite humbled by many of the posters here. i am also very happy that i am able to help people along in their cigar journey just by posting my opinions, and i am also very happy that others have helped me in my journey.

    cigars would not be as enjoyable to me if it wasnt for this forum. I have a high post count because i have no life, because i am a nerd, and because i love to interact with all the amazing people here.

    maddy... you do know you are my bud and i respect your opinion, i just want you to know i may have phrased that a bit differently...
  • xIcedGuardianxxIcedGuardianx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 873
    I'd love an app to get this forum on my iphone, i'm a member of a couple other non cigar related forums that have said app and it's great when I'm bored at work and don't have access to a computer.
    It's called safari. Using it right now;)
    + 1 I've had no issue using safari on my phone. All my posts are done on my phone. Just me I guess.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    maddy... you do know you are my bud and i respect your opinion, i just want you to know i may have phrased that a bit differently...
    kuz, He took a direct swipe at us, you in particular in my opinion. This isn't the first time I've seen him make personal attacks and the second time he's done it to me. He just doesn't have the balls to put someone's name in it, I did.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    If any changes are made, they will likely be small tweaks aimed at improving the overall experience on the forum...not a complete overhaul that would wipe out all the information and posts.

    Ding Ding Ding ... Thanks for having some sense brother.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    For my part this forum seems fine as it is for now, but change is always inevitable, and sometimes good. I'm sure any changes made would be small and incremental. Any major change that is made should not affect the current database an be backwards compatible. It is only an improvement if you can retain all the good work that has been done, prior to that change, while moving forward. I'm apprehensive about making it easier to post pics. We have become a photo based society. Your next lighter will probably come with a camera option soon.

    A PM promt would be nice as I don't always think to check it. Possibly a new member/intro type room. Have a thumbnail to the photo link if you want to view full size - click. Spent alot of time scrolling down "quoted" full sized pictures to get to the text message, sometimes missing it.

    That's all I got for now dbeckom/Timb
  • blurrblurr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 962
    +10 Maduro.

    Back to topic so this isn't an attack on a few people...I would like to possibly see a few members with small moderator capabilities. Just a few, maybe 3 to 5. Not too much power, as we've just seen in this thread that a regular discussion can get quickly turned into personal attacks. But a few unbiased & fair members could probably handle the moderator powers of move, close, etc of topics.
  • TheedgeTheedge Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 316
    I think this could fall under be careful what you wish for. I used to post quite a bit on a forum called Road Food, they started changing things too much, it just wasn't the same after that. It may be easier to post photos and links on other forums, but you know what happens then....people post lots of photos and links. Heres a great rock band, heres a funny joke, heres my complete series of Newt Gingrich lecture videos. There may be something to be said for having to jump through a few hoops and learn a bit of html in order to post some of those sorts of things.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Think how happy they'll be to be able to copy and paste a photo without first having to upload it to PhotoBucket or some similar site so as to be able to obtain a URL for the photo. "Four keystrokes" my butt.
    ok... type in phototbucket.com
    click on "upload now"
    click on "select photos and videos"
    select photo from the window that pops up on your computer automatically
    click "save and continue to my album"
    the picture you just uploaded will be the first one in your album
    when you put your mouse over the pic, it will "pop out" with a few options. the bottom one is "IMG code" click on that. it will automatically copy it. all you have to do then is hit

    and there you go... you have a picture. even with typing out the instructions, and finding a pic to download on to my computer that took under 3 minutes.
    yes, that is more than 3 keystrokes. i get that. but how convenient does it have to be? a good amount of that is how almost all other forums work. its still annoying. to get a line break you can hit <br> and get it.
    if you are like me, you will do that early in your session on your computer, highlight it, copy it (ctrl+c) and then just hit "ctrl+v" to enter a line break every time you need it. it is actually incorporated into my life so much that when i type at work i will often find my self hitting "ctrl+v" to get my line break.

    so in a way i see your point, it IS more than 4 key strokes to get a picture, but that is how it works on almost every other forum. however for a line break it is 7 strokes once (<br>, highlight, Ctrl+c) and then TWO key strokes once. iduno....

    as said before, i dont wanna lose all my posts, and all the info on the forum. i dont wanna lose everything awesome that is already here. if there was a way to keep the post count and convert everything over without losing a single bit of amazing info... well then i may be ok with it.

    im just sayin.

    Well, for starters, that PhotoBucket example was just one of a bunch of others that I could have mentioned. Then, with your 'ctrl+v' example and others along that line of thought, I assume you're using FireFox as your browser. I much prefer Google Chrome. If it will do the things you're mentioning that will be good. I haven't yet had time to try to find out.

    The other thing you have to consider is that I do about 90% of my 'putering with my iPhone and consequently I have to use Safari on it. There are no 'ctrl' keys that I've found on the iPhone keypad, meaning that I can't go about it in the way you're suggesting. I wish I could - I'd have no argument with staying with what we've got if I could be shown how to simplify it all on my iPhone. I'm just not ready to take a comprehensive course in HTML and all its attendant bullsh(t - not at my age. It ought to be such that a person could hit 'enter' twice and get a paragraph break...period.

    And, as regards paragraph breaks, it still requires 8 keystrokes to accomplish. It's no wonder Vince never puts any breaks in his Sunday morning ramblings. I wouldn't either. (I gave up reading those long ago - they made my eyes hurt)

    The thread "How to format your posts" was well done but it didn't go quite far enough. In reading through it, I think rad1964 was assuming we all used the same browser and I've learned that they don't all work the same way with the same features. This may be contributing to my frustration in hoping to find a simpler way for these posts.

    I'm sure open to any fact-based suggestions anyone might want to offer.


  • JonathanEJonathanE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 401
    I think this could fall under be careful what you wish for. I used to post quite a bit on a forum called Road Food, they started changing things too much, it just wasn't the same after that. It may be easier to post photos and links on other forums, but you know what happens then....people post lots of photos and links. Heres a great rock band, heres a funny joke, heres my complete series of Newt Gingrich lecture videos. There may be something to be said for having to jump through a few hoops and learn a bit of html in order to post some of those sorts of things.
    That's a good point actually. The quality of this forum may have a lot to do with the fact that it isn't as easy to post trash!


  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    This thread is bullsh1t. Its turned into nothing but a bitchfest.

    If you have something constructive to suggest fine but if you want to be a pretentious d1ck, please, shut the f*ck up. Its perfectly fine to suggest things thats what Tim was getting at. But bashing the core of the forum and the people on it, LEAVE.

    Yea doc that was directed at you. I've had enough of your pretentious bullshit. You're full of *** dude, if the forum and some of our traditions like post count contests etc aren't for you. You're welcomed to leave
    I have never made a personal attack directed at anyone on this forum, especially not Kuzi who I have a great deal of respect for! Kuzi was concerned that all of the good content on this board would be lost if the software changed, and I simply said it could be archived somewhere, and that any good board software would have the ability to "sticky" topics, which is where all of the threads about setting up a new humidor, or my RH is acting up, or "cello or no cello*, and the Guide type posts Kuzi has worked so hard on could be stickied, so that there aren't 5 threads on the same topic all saying the same thing on the first page of the board, eating up space and bandwidth.

    As for the post count thing, that was just an observation from a decade of using internet message boards as a means of discussing topics... Post counts become a race, and a symbol of who is better than who. I don't think it is a huge problem here or anything... I was just drunk, and throwing it out there.

    That said, if post count contents are the "core" of the forum, I think you need to do some re-evaluating. Now, if you would please take a deep breath, and realize that you are getting really offended by the internet, I think you'll see that you might have just overreacted... jusssssst a teensy wheensy bit.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    doc... i get your point.
    I almost never post in any "Intro thread" unless there is a question i am answering.
    im not a post whore.
    I feel my content does add to the knowledge base of the forum and also to the community even if my comments are not 100% cigar related

    i do post on many threads of questions that have been asked many times, but i always do so because i was a "new guy" once. some guy with a "large" post count gave me the info i was looking for, as basic as it seemed to them, and as easy as it would have been for me to search the forum myself for it. this is part of what makes the cigar community wonderful... the willingness of the people who have been around forever to help those who just have their toe in the water.

    I understand that you dont like the post count thing. i have never looked down on anyone that has a smaller post count than i do. i dont think anyone on this forum would look down on you or anyone for not having a high post count. this forum is not like that. thats one of the reasons i love this forum so much.
    Please don't take my rant above as being directed at you, Kuz. If anyone deserves respect for posting constructive, interesting, "worthwhile" content on this forum, on the regular... it is most certainly you.
  • boydmcgowanboydmcgowan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,101
    Just throwing out my opinion on the forum improvements.

    1. Sticky some threads in each group. Formatting, the PM thread, humi seasoning thread, how to set up a cooledor, age vs resting, newbie welcoming thread, etc. Oh yeah and don't forget the things I hate and things I love, the blending 101 thread, I'm sure there are more out there . . .

    2. Have someone who can move threads or remove them, if needed. The word game is the worst offender to be moved, and I like the game. As far as removing threads I don't mean as a censoring thing but more to filter out the unused threads. Such as when people will open a new thread just to pm someone and there is like 2 posts in it (I've done it too, before I realized there was a PM thread), I would love those to be deleted after a week or so to make searching old threads easier. But thats not really a big deal, and probaby hard to do.

    3. Also maybe if there was a way to combine threads, such as the 3 we had about the LHC core last week. hahaha, all good info, but it would be more streamlined if it was in one thread. Again probably not worth the effor it would take to do it, because its really not a big deal.

    Thats really all I got, this is my first forum and I like it just the way it is overall. Thank you for putting this all together CCom and thank you for being open to our suggestions.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    That said, if post count contents are the "core" of the forum, I think you need to do some re-evaluating. Now, if you would please take a deep breath, and realize that you are getting really offended by the internet, I think you'll see that you might have just overreacted... jusssssst a teensy wheensy bit.
    Nope I'm not offended or over reacting at all. I'm just calling it like I see it. I'm not trying to have a debate with you, I'm just telling you how it is. From what I've seen of your posts you have nothing to offer but the pretentious attitude and horrendously subjective reviews.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    That said, if post count contents are the "core" of the forum, I think you need to do some re-evaluating. Now, if you would please take a deep breath, and realize that you are getting really offended by the internet, I think you'll see that you might have just overreacted... jusssssst a teensy wheensy bit.
    Nope I'm not offended or over reacting at all. I'm just calling it like I see it. I'm not trying to have a debate with you, I'm just telling you how it is. From what I've seen of your posts you have nothing to offer but the pretentious attitude and horrendously subjective reviews.
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.

    Lot's of us have high post counts and it would be too bad to lose them but if that is what change dictates and that is what the majority of the forum wanted then IMO that is what should be done. I am not saying the forum needs changes, I really don't think it does. I had to learn some coding to format my posts and if I can learn so can anyone else. That said I return to my point about changes to this forum being brought on by the majority, not blocked or steered by a few with high post counts.

    As far as mods go... FORGET IT!! Even if a few of the long time formum members or a few choosen members were made mods it would cause problems. People have a VERY hard time being completely fair with other people. It would enevitably lead to REAL problems between forum members. If (and I hope we never do) we need a moderator in the end,I hope it will come from C.Com and not be made up of forum members. Keeping the decisions at arms length would protect the integrity of the forum more then having a forum member decide who gets to speak and who is to be considered OK and who is to be shunned.

    This whole post has been rather disruptive already and we haven't done anything more then DISCUSS changes. I personally feel like we live in a society that is so spoiled we are always looking for the "EASY" way and not concentrating enough on the "RIGHT" way.

    There have been a few of these types of flames lately. What's up guy's? Need to get out to the golf course more or what? Why is it lately that when we have a difference of opinion it becomes a personal attack ? I think maybe we all need to think first and punch keys after.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
    Thanks Maddy. This is a perfect example of why we DON'T need any mods. People who act in a reasonable way don't need outside interference.
    I've never shied away from saying what is on my mind either Maddy, but sometimes I think it is better to keep it ...on my mind. When I have ignored that personal advice I have had a few tit for tats back and forth with a member or two here, and regretted it later. Thing is, like I have always told my kids, "be very careful when you say something to someone. If you say something wrong or hurtful, you can apologize all you want... but you can't take it back". To disagree with someone is noraml, to do so in a manner which does not result in a personal comment or attack is extraordinary.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    That said, if post count contents are the "core" of the forum, I think you need to do some re-evaluating. Now, if you would please take a deep breath, and realize that you are getting really offended by the internet, I think you'll see that you might have just overreacted... jusssssst a teensy wheensy bit.
    Nope I'm not offended or over reacting at all. I'm just calling it like I see it. I'm not trying to have a debate with you, I'm just telling you how it is. From what I've seen of your posts you have nothing to offer but the pretentious attitude and horrendously subjective reviews.
    The pretentious attitude? I call 'em like I see them, with regard to cigars... Or any other subject brought up on this forum. Not sure where I have ever been pretentious here. I try only to post fact, and as for my personal, opinions, well they are my opinions, which you are free to disagree with, that being the entire purpose of this forum for DISCUSSION. If everyone agrees on everything, it becomes repetition, not discussion...

    And lastly, I never made any personal attacks at anyone.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
    Thanks Maddy. This is a perfect example of why we DON'T need any mods. People who act in a reasonable way don't need outside interference.
    I've never shied away from saying what is on my mind either Maddy, but sometimes I think it is better to keep it ...on my mind. When I have ignored that personal advice I have had a few tit for tats back and forth with a member or two here, and regretted it later. Thing is, like I have always told my kids, "be very careful when you say something to someone. If you say something wrong or hurtful, you can apologize all you want... but you can't take it back". To disagree with someone is noraml, to do so in a manner which does not result in a personal comment or attack is extraordinary.
    Oh come on Doug! They need to make me and you moderators and we can just spend all day arguing and deleting each others posts! lol It would leave pretty much everyone else alone and keep us both busy! ;)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
    Thanks Maddy. This is a perfect example of why we DON'T need any mods. People who act in a reasonable way don't need outside interference.
    I've never shied away from saying what is on my mind either Maddy, but sometimes I think it is better to keep it ...on my mind. When I have ignored that personal advice I have had a few tit for tats back and forth with a member or two here, and regretted it later. Thing is, like I have always told my kids, "be very careful when you say something to someone. If you say something wrong or hurtful, you can apologize all you want... but you can't take it back". To disagree with someone is noraml, to do so in a manner which does not result in a personal comment or attack is extraordinary.
    I hear ya doug. One day I'm going to make it out to your island and smoke a cigar with you and get this kind of advise face to face.

    My Brother-in-Law is dating a girl from Victoria, they both say we need to go there sometime. Close to you isn't it?
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
    Thanks Maddy. This is a perfect example of why we DON'T need any mods. People who act in a reasonable way don't need outside interference.
    I've never shied away from saying what is on my mind either Maddy, but sometimes I think it is better to keep it ...on my mind. When I have ignored that personal advice I have had a few tit for tats back and forth with a member or two here, and regretted it later. Thing is, like I have always told my kids, "be very careful when you say something to someone. If you say something wrong or hurtful, you can apologize all you want... but you can't take it back". To disagree with someone is noraml, to do so in a manner which does not result in a personal comment or attack is extraordinary.
    Oh come on Doug! They need to make me and you moderators and we can just spend all day arguing and deleting each others posts! lol It would leave pretty much everyone else alone and keep us both busy! ;)
    I second this, lol! You two with any kind of power what-so-ever would be hilarious.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    I've got a good idea: how about we create a sixth forum category where all the in-fighting moves to and we can call it the Sandy Vagina Section. We can go there to read up on all the personal bickering between brothers...and Lassy can drunk post there with reckless abandon.

    by the way, that was a joke (for anyone not adept at dry humor)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    by the way, that was a joke (for anyone not adept at dry humor)
    A funny one too. "Hey Peter I can see your Vagina from here!"
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    i know it may be a bit selfish, but i have put a ton of time and posts into this forum and i would hate to lose them all.... especially in my catalog. so i lose everything that i have put hard work into so that you guys dont have to type out a line break in HTML?
    that kinda sucks.
    Correct me if I've got this wrong, but it sounds like you're basically saying that rather than make the forum more user friendly for everybody, and that is important because not everyone understands basic HTML, you'd prefer to maintain your status as forum Big Dog at the expense of other users who are not as internet savvy. I'm not trying to call you out Matt, I'm just saying that a forum software that is easier to utilize for all skill levels benefits everyone, whereas what you mentioned benefits one person...you.

    I don't think that's fair jozr. I thought Johnny walker blue was the big dog around here. All joking aside, I don't think this is something to get your panties in a twist over. Lighten up.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Well, post count or no post count . . . I just want that **** censor gone so I can mother **** **** in a ***** **** **** with a spoon **** **** ***** after I **** **** all over **** **** **** and then I'll **** ***** with the cardboard box ***** **** **** with the ****** ***** roll of duct tape ***** all I want
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
  • amz1301amz1301 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,287
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    It's getting a little personal here guy's. Maddy, c'mon bro', if Doc says he was not directing his comments at any person (read his post again and you can make that point) then I think we all owe it to him to take him at his word. When we get into a situation where people are being challenged on everything they say because someone takes it as a personal attack then I think we have lost our forum already.
    It is a little personal, this isn't the first incident though Doug, its just the one I chose to respond to. I've said my piece, I don't apologize for it but I won't make it a flame war or anything.

    I will say thanks to everyone who let me know they agree, I don't mind saying what others want to ...
    Thanks Maddy. This is a perfect example of why we DON'T need any mods. People who act in a reasonable way don't need outside interference.
    I've never shied away from saying what is on my mind either Maddy, but sometimes I think it is better to keep it ...on my mind. When I have ignored that personal advice I have had a few tit for tats back and forth with a member or two here, and regretted it later. Thing is, like I have always told my kids, "be very careful when you say something to someone. If you say something wrong or hurtful, you can apologize all you want... but you can't take it back". To disagree with someone is noraml, to do so in a manner which does not result in a personal comment or attack is extraordinary.
    I hear ya doug. One day I'm going to make it out to your island and smoke a cigar with you and get this kind of advise face to face.

    My Brother-in-Law is dating a girl from Victoria, they both say we need to go there sometime. Close to you isn't it?
    Hell yeah ! Victoria is only an hour away, come on out here ! Ditch your family and we can go on a three or four day drunken herf. Ever been arrested in a foreign country ? LMAO

    As for that crack about me and Puro having any power being hillarious... I agree, at least in Puro's case :)
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