Keeping the nub lit
I've noticed as I get to the last quarter of my stick I sometimes have are hard time keeping it lit. This seems to happen with cigars with a tougher draw. Any suggestions I would like to keep relights to a minimum. Thanks
Or I'd try to force the cigar to the NUB because I thought only if I nubbed it was it a good cigar, then I realized that the time to put down a cigar is if you stop enjoying it, not if it's less than an inch..
I also, now, tend to purge more... When the cigar gets a little harsh I tend to blow out of the cigar more, one to expel stale smoke, but it also heats up the cherry to help keep it lit, just don't puff on it too soon after a big purge (you can also try another method, Kuzi said he mini-purges before each puff, so that can make it less harsh/keep it lit at the same time)