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Being "asked" to show your receipt



  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    the reason for receipt looking is to see what you have bought to set off the screeners and to see if there isnt something extra you placed in your bag after checkout to set off screeners.this way they can get the stolen property before it hits us all in the end with higher prices. again if your innocent then no worrys but it seems that this is just another way of thinking to keep our law fighting men and woman from doing there job. its bad enough the criminals have more rights now a days than this type of thinking that you dont want people to do their job bc you feel threatened. so gues theres a lot of guilty minds out there. i really dont see what the big deal is of seeing your receipt. the checkout person had to fondle your items and put them in your bag and the people seen whats in your cart the whole store plus checkout. so what is looking at a piece of paper such a big deal? im just curious, what would be your way to deal with this, take all security and law enforcement away and hope bc people say they are honest that noone will steal and we live happily ever after?? also what would you do if you owned a store? you would have some type of security system in place. you would do everything possible to keep from losing money thru stealing. you would also be explaining to the exact same person these feelings when they are giving you crap about this aint fair and i wont show you anything. i just think this is pretty petty to be so outraged over and demand police and managers over 1 minute of your time for such an honest person. honesty dont mind being asked. if a screener gos off you just take it as a bad unit and go on with your day.
    You missed the point on a bunch of levels butts. However the most important point you missed we are talking about having to wait in a line to have your receipt checked. Not when a security scanner goes off. Laker brought up the embarrassment of being singled out bc an employee couldn't do their job and deactivate the security tag.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    A myth in the retail business is the "theft" factor. The reason things go up is not for theft. Stores have a yearly or bi yearly amount that is set aside for lost or stolen items. If anything all the cameras and stupid beepers cause things to go up, but overall it's due to inflation and demand. I've worked retail for several years even loss prevention. It sounds good but not really the reason. I look at it as adding added security to airports and make people take off their shoes and go through the bags to stop terrorists, my GOD like a terrorist is going to smuggle items on through the gate.. lordy. Basically I had to wait long enough to buy the item, I'm sure the hell not going to go back into my wallet to pull out proof of purchase. That's just me, I hate having to go through hoops.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    the reason for receipt looking is to see what you have bought to set off the screeners and to see if there isnt something extra you placed in your bag after checkout to set off screeners.this way they can get the stolen property before it hits us all in the end with higher prices. again if your innocent then no worrys but it seems that this is just another way of thinking to keep our law fighting men and woman from doing there job. its bad enough the criminals have more rights now a days than this type of thinking that you dont want people to do their job bc you feel threatened. so gues theres a lot of guilty minds out there. i really dont see what the big deal is of seeing your receipt. the checkout person had to fondle your items and put them in your bag and the people seen whats in your cart the whole store plus checkout. so what is looking at a piece of paper such a big deal? im just curious, what would be your way to deal with this, take all security and law enforcement away and hope bc people say they are honest that noone will steal and we live happily ever after?? also what would you do if you owned a store? you would have some type of security system in place. you would do everything possible to keep from losing money thru stealing. you would also be explaining to the exact same person these feelings when they are giving you crap about this aint fair and i wont show you anything. i just think this is pretty petty to be so outraged over and demand police and managers over 1 minute of your time for such an honest person. honesty dont mind being asked. if a screener gos off you just take it as a bad unit and go on with your day.

    I didn't quote all of your posts on this because it would be too cumbersome. There are a few liberties you took with my post that I would like to clear up. First in Canada as in the US you are considered INNOCENT not GUILTY until proven otherwise.
    You mentioned that running to my car would not be a good idea. I never said I would run to my car. I told my wife to keep WALKING to the car. If they want to see what is in my bags they can call the police.
    If they are hiring people who consider each customer a thief then they need to hire new people. I am a CUSTOMER, they have numerous methods of weeding out thieves including cameras, the electronic scanners, undercover "shoppers" etc.
    If you feel OK with giving up your rights because the government or anybody else suggest it would be a good idea, that's your concern. I am not aggressive as I already stated. I do NOT give a hard time to the employee who stops me whether they were a rent a cop or not, I ask to speak to the manager. The manager is the stores representative and it is he who can answer questions or concerns not the employee.
    There is a very easy method to deal with situations like this without causing a scene however you never responded to the fact that it was the store and it's policies, and equipment who caused the scene. Do you really believe that when the lights, and alarm goes off and the auto voice comes over the P.A. system asking the "customer" to return to the checkout , that this isn't embarrassing? Let's not forget I have just spent money in this place and now because of their proceedures I am being made to look and feel like I may have possibly be trying to steal something in front of everyone within seeing distance of the exits. You don't think I have the right to feel offended or be upset? Get real dude. If you call me a thief or lier without any proof I'm going to be all over you.
    As for someone asking about looking in my bag, nope, sorry that's what the camera's are for and if you want to look in the bag call the police. If the store is not willing to take each person they ask to task by having the police respond... then why should anybody let them look in their bags? I question whether this is a useful policy or just another control device to attempt to scare off the real thieves which does not concern me in the least.
    My rights are worth way more to me then saving a few cents at Walmart or any other store who practices policies like these IMO
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Interesting thread. It'd be equally interesting to see if some of the arguments held up in different contexts.

    Anyhoo, I have to say this still seems like much ado about nothing, unless the receipt checker is being especially obnoxious about it or the process is somehow onerous. In particular, I don't agree that anybody's rights are being eroded or denied. If I'm asked to show my receipt and I show it, I have in no way jeopardized the existence of any right I have to not show it. I've simply chosen not to exercise such a right. If, for some reason, I choose to exercise it the next time, it's still there to be exercised.

    All things being equal, I prefer not to introduce unnecessary stress into my life.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Interesting thread. It'd be equally interesting to see if some of the arguments held up in different contexts.

    All things being equal, I prefer not to introduce unnecessary stress into my life.

    I agree with that Urbi. But I would add that when someone else inflicts unneccessary stress into my life, I prefer to deal with them in a way which makes them think twice about doing it again in the future :)

    Then I go back to being a real sweetheart and smoke a cigar.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    You've captured my sentiments to a T. Life's too short to dance with ugly women and argue about receipts, I think. I say that with the same caveat, if the checker is being especially obnoxious, he or she deserves a swift kick in the junk.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    You've captured my sentiments to a T. Life's too short to dance with ugly women and argue about receipts, I think. I say that with the same caveat, if the checker is being especially obnoxious, he or she deserves a swift kick in the junk.
    ah you gents crack me up.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Having a warped sense of humor I have thought it would be funny to have a receipt checker call a manager. When the manager arrives advise him before you can show the receipt to the checker or anyone else you will require their personnel files so you can examine their criminal history background as you don't feel comfortable with just anyone knowing what you are taking home and although the checker looks like just a peach of a person you can never really be sure. I would love to see their slack jawed looks. hahaha
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Having a warped sense of humor I have thought it would be funny to have a receipt checker call a manager. When the manager arrives advise him before you can show the receipt to the checker or anyone else you will require their personnel files so you can examine their criminal history background as you don't feel comfortable with just anyone knowing what you are taking home and although the checker looks like just a peach of a person you can never really be sure. I would love to see their slack jawed looks. hahaha

    That would be fun...stay tuned :)
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i just noticed at my Giant Eagle that there is a sign on the wall right next to the door with something similar to:

    we reserve the right to inspect any and all packages, backpacks and bags.

    made me think of this thread. Would that sign change your look on things?
    ive never been asked to show whats in my bag when go there.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    i just noticed at my Giant Eagle that there is a sign on the wall right next to the door with something similar to:

    we reserve the right to inspect any and all packages, backpacks and bags.

    made me think of this thread. Would that sign change your look on things?
    ive never been asked to show whats in my bag when go there.

    Actually Kuzi, it would change my shopping habits completely. I just wouldn't shop there.
    I would however go out of my way to find out if that policy were legal. Even the police cannot just do random searches without cause. Maybe that's just here thou, dunno'
    If it turned out to be legal I would stop shopping there and write letters to the editor to invoke a debate in the community so at the very least people could choose to shop there or not based on their willingness to endure random searches.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    i think that would apply to bringing things into the store or when leaving with said things. Now if it said purchases or must show receipt before leaving that would be different. sort of like costco (which I really don't shop at). I personally feel that no one has the right to do it since if they have an issue refer to the camera's that litter the friggin' store or ask the clerk. I can see not allowing bags from outside like some store post, but again if your busing your trips then it doesn't make sense. Basically I'm like Laker, I don't like my personal privacy intruded upon and though it's getting more and more less private in this damn world I'm taking anything I can get, but I won't shop at places that try to enforce such policy's. I won't shop at wallmart due to the way the company operates and the way it treats the workers. I find them repulsive.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Yesterday I took a trip to Wal Mart with the wife and kid, picked up some Cokes, a new Remote for the TV, and the movie Dark Knight. As we were checking out I noticed the woman didn't scan the movie across the thing to disable the security device inside so I didn't say anything just to see what would happen.
    As we walked through the doors the alarm went off and I just kept walking. The door man looked so confused that he didn't know what the sound was and never even looked at us. We kept walking to the car, no one ever tried to ask us to come back or anything... It was kind of funny that when you would think they would check your bag they didn't even try... haha
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Yesterday I took a trip to Wal Mart with the wife and kid, picked up some Cokes, a new Remote for the TV, and the movie Dark Knight. As we were checking out I noticed the woman didn't scan the movie across the thing to disable the security device inside so I didn't say anything just to see what would happen.
    As we walked through the doors the alarm went off and I just kept walking. The door man looked so confused that he didn't know what the sound was and never even looked at us. We kept walking to the car, no one ever tried to ask us to come back or anything... It was kind of funny that when you would think they would check your bag they didn't even try... haha

    Yeah but c'mon Puro, your are a self proclaimed FREAK ! LMAO
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Yesterday I took a trip to Wal Mart with the wife and kid, picked up some Cokes, a new Remote for the TV, and the movie Dark Knight. As we were checking out I noticed the woman didn't scan the movie across the thing to disable the security device inside so I didn't say anything just to see what would happen.
    As we walked through the doors the alarm went off and I just kept walking. The door man looked so confused that he didn't know what the sound was and never even looked at us. We kept walking to the car, no one ever tried to ask us to come back or anything... It was kind of funny that when you would think they would check your bag they didn't even try... haha

    Yeah but c'mon Puro, your are a self proclaimed FREAK ! LMAO
    Very true, it also could have been my Police Dept. hat I was wearing... hahaha
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    So help me understand this "show your receipt thing. Like I said earlier, I've only had to do that at Sam's and I guess that's part of the agreement. I've only been there once or twice and each time, they just very quickly scanned my receipt and swiped it with a highlighted. Two seconds, no big deal. At Wal-Mart and other similar places, what do they do. Do they just scan the receipt, do they search through all your stuff? Do they search each and every bag you have, even your wife's purse, etc.? I'm generally in favor of less intrusion in my life, whether it be by federal, state or local government, private industry, etc. In the name of helping to prevent shoplifting, I don't mind quickly showing a receipt. I'm not sure that's too effective, but whatever. However, if they're doing extensive searches and really holding me up, that I'm not going to be OK with.
  • bangalohrbangalohr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 81
    I'm also not in the habit of giving up my rights in exchange for convenience.

    "those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither"

    It's principle. I'm with ya Scram.
    That's a sad commentary on the US as a whole. Two Words... Patriot Act
  • bangalohrbangalohr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 81
    I blame the stores for their setup. Have an exit for the people who didn't make a purchase and equip it with one of the theft detectors. Then you have an exit for people who made a purchase but don't have merchandise between the register and the exit. How difficult is that?
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