Last time they won the cup I was 4 years old! I want one of the cigars they were smoking in teh dressing room after winning with the "B" logo on it! Must have one!!!!!
I AM A TOROTO MAPLE LEAF fan. If I cheer for anyone else in this lifetime I would have to give up my status as a born a raised Leaf fan. I have never had a lot of feelings for the Canucks, and watching them melt down and pull some of the crap they pulled off in this playoff I could never go for them.
The Bruins played Bruin hockey and while very rough... they kept it clean and played hockey. The Canucks were so busy whining about everything that I think they forgot that they actually had to beat the Bruins to have the cup given to them. Their GM constantly whinning on the news was a large distraction for a team who seemed to feel they were entitled to the cup without earning it first.
Watching Tim Thomas was watching history in the making, he was phenominal. Thomas Kaberle got to win a cup and as an ex-l leaf that was nice to see.
I feel for all the real Canuck fans who had to sit back after watching their team lose the cup... they then had to ebdure a few hundred morons who decided it would be a good time to trash the city. Still waiting to hear the estimates, but with cars burned, windows smashed, and damage all over the downtown... the cost will be in the millions. I celebrated the win with a Puro Authentico last night.
Thats like a guy from San Francisco being a NY Yankees fan. Nobody outside NY should root for NY and the same should apply to Toronto.
LMAO. Read again Maddy. I was born and raised in T.O. I'm allowed. The "Leaf Nation" extends right across the country LMAO. Next year is Toronto's year...
I agree Rob, I will say though, that I don't think those people are hockey fans. MORONS that do that sort of thing in their own city are pretty fu cked up. There were groups of people who were trying to stop some of these events but in a situation like that you can find yourself in danger real quick. Not a lot of "deep thinkers" out there on the streets last night, me thinks.
I think it's funny when people from another state or country root for another team people are like, "WHAT", turncoat. lol. I use to watch hockey a lot many years ago when I played, but when the NHL started to crack down on so called violence I sort of stopped watching it. Sure I still love Hockey but I personally feel the league needs to fix their policies.
I AM A TOROTO MAPLE LEAF fan. If I cheer for anyone else in this lifetime I would have to give up my status as a born a raised Leaf fan. I have never had a lot of feelings for the Canucks, and watching them melt down and pull some of the crap they pulled off in this playoff I could never go for them.
The Bruins played Bruin hockey and while very rough... they kept it clean and played hockey. The Canucks were so busy whining about everything that I think they forgot that they actually had to beat the Bruins to have the cup given to them. Their GM constantly whinning on the news was a large distraction for a team who seemed to feel they were entitled to the cup without earning it first.
Watching Tim Thomas was watching history in the making, he was phenominal. Thomas Kaberle got to win a cup and as an ex-l leaf that was nice to see.
I feel for all the real Canuck fans who had to sit back after watching their team lose the cup... they then had to ebdure a few hundred morons who decided it would be a good time to trash the city. Still waiting to hear the estimates, but with cars burned, windows smashed, and damage all over the downtown... the cost will be in the millions. I celebrated the win with a Puro Authentico last night.
Laker. A "B's" fan???!!! Thats awesome!
I can die a happy man now.
The Bruins played Bruin hockey and while very rough... they kept it clean and played hockey. The Canucks were so busy whining about everything that I think they forgot that they actually had to beat the Bruins to have the cup given to them. Their GM constantly whinning on the news was a large distraction for a team who seemed to feel they were entitled to the cup without earning it first.
Watching Tim Thomas was watching history in the making, he was phenominal. Thomas Kaberle got to win a cup and as an ex-l leaf that was nice to see.
I feel for all the real Canuck fans who had to sit back after watching their team lose the cup... they then had to ebdure a few hundred morons who decided it would be a good time to trash the city. Still waiting to hear the estimates, but with cars burned, windows smashed, and damage all over the downtown... the cost will be in the millions. I celebrated the win with a Puro Authentico last night.
Here. Here.
Is your name in refrence The Lord of the Rings?