Mitt for brains Romney
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,386
Anyone else super pissed off this jackass is being labeled as the front runner for the GOP?
Tim Pawlenty and Herman Caine are interesting; I'm waiting to see what kind of campaign they'll run
- Romney and Palin are tied with 16% of the vote
- Pawlenty pulls in 13%
- Cain comes in 4th with 12%.
Some other polls have Guiliani polling 2nd behind Romney
People need the freedom to try and the freedom to fail. We've created a society where there's not much reward in self reliance and in some cases it's even punished.
I guess the point I'm trying to make here is if you want your freedoms your going to have to let other people have theirs too. You should use your morals to guide you and those close to you. In the same breath you shouldn't use your morals as a rule to oppress others.
If Palin somehow comes in the mix, I quit.
"Among all Americans, Obama and Romney are knotted at 47 percent each, and among registered voters, the former governor is numerically ahead, 49 percent to 46 percent."
Polls can be misleading and it's still waaaaay too early to call anything, but I'm shocked that Mitt is even close......
Yeah, Obama's a shoo-in.
Riiight. The Dems controlled Congress and the WH for 2 yrs with a supermajority that could - and did - ram what they wanted through, and they still control the Senate + WH. I'm sure it's all the GOP's fault that the economy's in the crapper.
Another standard progressive line, "The stimulus didn't work only because we didn't spend enough; it's the Rethuglicans fault for stopping card-check, more stimulus, and more regulations.". No surprise here.
" From a high of 10.8% in December 1982, unemployment gradually improved until it fell to 7.2% on Election Day in 1984.[5] Nearly two million people left the unemployment rolls.[47] Inflation fell from 10.3% in 1981 to 3.2% in 1983.[2][48] Corporate earnings rose by 29% in the July–September quarter of 1983, compared with the same period in 1982. Some of the most dramatic improvements came in industries hardest hit by the recession, such as paper and forest products, rubber, airlines, and the auto industry.[47]
By November 1984, voter anger at the recession evaporated and Reagan's re-election was not in doubt.[35][36][43] Reagan was subsequently re-elected by a landslide electoral and popular vote margin in the 1984 presidential election. Immediately after the election, Dave Stockman, Reagan's OMB manager admitted that the coming deficits were much higher than the projections released during the campaign."
So with some fluxuations un-employment was around 7.2 - 7.4 however like now it was much higher as the "official" percentage is very much skewed. The GOP have stood in the way of any major recovery in this country. You probably won't believe it but the votes are on record as to what they voted for. And almost every time it was against the american people and for corporate interests..
just so you know that was a little funnin.
i dont want anyone gettin their panties in a bunch...