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Outdoor smoking ban

bige1371bige1371 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
Well it's official I can no longer smoke outdoors in NYC. Starting tommorow New Yorkers will no longer be able to enjoy their cigars at beaches and public areas. I am not big into politics but this is just crazy. I enjoy taking the wife and kids to the beach(5 mins from my house) and smoking a cigar while the kids play. I respect the rights of others and do not set up in an area where others are at. I will now be restricted to smoking in my back yard or the VFW or face a fine of up to $250. Does any other state or city have anything like this? Or is this just another case of "Only in New York"?


  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    Well it's official I can no longer smoke outdoors in NYC. Starting tommorow New Yorkers will no longer be able to enjoy their cigars at beaches and public areas. I am not big into politics but this is just crazy. I enjoy taking the wife and kids to the beach(5 mins from my house) and smoking a cigar while the kids play. I respect the rights of others and do not set up in an area where others are at. I will now be restricted to smoking in my back yard or the VFW or face a fine of up to $250. Does any other state or city have anything like this? Or is this just another case of "Only in New York"?
    Sadly "Only in New York" my friend, we need Juilani back in power (not sure how it's spelled think it started with a G actually..)
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    The last time i was in Pleasanton CA you couldn't smoke in public. At that time I was a cigarette smoker. I was walking down the street smoking minding my own business and the city police stopped me and gave me a warning instead of a ticket, guess it as because I was from out of town and didn't know. I think they still have a ban on smoking in public
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    Sadly this will become much more common in the upcoming few years.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    And yet they still want the tax money from the sales of cigars...
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Sadly this will become much more common in the upcoming few years.
    I agree 100%. I honestly believe that within the next 10-15 years, tobacco will either be illegal or taxed to the point that only the super-rich can afford to by it in America.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    Sadly this will become much more common in the upcoming few years.
    I agree 100%. I honestly believe that within the next 10-15 years, tobacco will either be illegal or taxed to the point that only the super-rich can afford to by it in America.
    I also agree. Thats one of the reasons I have started collecting some of them.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    Lol, we think alike Brian. One of the main reasons I want a walk-in (other than the obvious) is so I can really get a stockpile going.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Sadly this will become much more common in the upcoming few years.
    I agree 100%. I honestly believe that within the next 10-15 years, tobacco will either be illegal or taxed to the point that only the super-rich can afford to by it in America.
    This will only lead to organized crime and billions of dollars lost in loss of businesses and tax dollars wasted on prosecuting smokers. Hell, with all the taxes on tobacco, some gangs and remnants of some mafia families have already started cigarette smuggling (which will only become more frequent with higher taxes/prohibition).
  • zeebrazeebra Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,166
    Welcome to our FREE country!!!! I'm not even going to start right now on the govt. as I just enjoyed a Kristoff and dont want to ruin my mood.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something...

    That way when it's deemed illegal, than California will make it legalized for certain people with ailments.... Then I will get diagnosed with said ailments and still smoke.... Yeah... That's what I'll do
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something...

    That way when it's deemed illegal, than California will make it legalized for certain people with ailments.... Then I will get diagnosed with said ailments and still smoke.... Yeah... That's what I'll do
    When that happens I know a doctor that will write us subscriptions
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something...

    That way when it's deemed illegal, than California will make it legalized for certain people with ailments.... Then I will get diagnosed with said ailments and still smoke.... Yeah... That's what I'll do
    When that happens I know a doctor that will write us subscriptions
    God bless you sir
  • amz1301amz1301 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,287
    Lol, we think alike Brian. One of the main reasons I want a walk-in (other than the obvious) is so I can really get a stockpile going.

    Damnit, now you guys have got me thinking. I'm calculating I'm going to need roughly 6,500 sticks on reserve. Might have to turn that extra bathroom into a walk-in.
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something...

    That way when it's deemed illegal, than California will make it legalized for certain people with ailments.... Then I will get diagnosed with said ailments and still smoke.... Yeah... That's what I'll do
    When that happens I know a doctor that will write us subscriptions
    God bless you sir
    And to think both my ex's thought that was useless information. Prescription tobacco....whose laughing now baby!!
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something

    But tobacco does cure something...sadness. When I'm sad, I smoke a cigar and then I'm happy again. Take away my cigars, and I stay sad. No lab testing or government studies to tell me that one!
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something...

    That way when it's deemed illegal, than California will make it legalized for certain people with ailments.... Then I will get diagnosed with said ailments and still smoke.... Yeah... That's what I'll do
    Well, there is a study that shows cigar smokers, on average, outlive non-cigar smokers.
  • bige1371bige1371 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 196
    All I have to say is George Burns. I will still try to smoke a cigar on the beach this year. I'll just have to act ingrorant to the law when caught see what happens.
  • edelrionycedelrionyc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 312
    I live in NYC and i hate the smoking ban. From what i hear the police won't be enforcing this law and it's up to the common citizen and the parks department to say something... That's not enough to stop me... So i'll just ignore the ban, continue doing what i'm doing, and hope that if someone does approach me to extinguish my cigar there will be a warning first...
  • havanaalhavanaal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 150
    I'm from Upstate, and I go down to NYC frequently. This was Bloomberg's idea, and everyone knows it's totalitarian and idiotic. But that doesn't stop a billionaire from ramming through policy just because he can. There's no way this can possibly be enforced, so I will not only ignore it, I will flaunt it. When someone walks up to me and tells me my cigar is illegal I will say the following: 1) In Washington Square Park, and most others, people are smoking marijuana, and no one stops them. There are people on the streets in this city smoking crack, and if you go to certain unsavory neighborhoods, there are people shooting up heroine and other illicit substances, all out in the open. Why don't you go police them, if you're so concerned with upholding the law? 2) You see those buses going by over there? They emit tons of toxins into our air. What would you do with them, shut them down? If you don't advocate for the elimination of polluting vehicles then you are a hypocrite. And hypocrites have no credibility with me, I'm sorry. 3) This is a legal activity in places like Cuba, China, and Iran. I prefer to live in a free country, even if I have to coexist with totalitarian minded people like you and Mayor Bloomberg. 4) Since you consider me a lawbreaker, I suggest you call the police. Or better yet why don't you MAKE me put out this cigar. I pay taxes, same as you. I deserve some respect. If you disagree, I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.
    You'd be surprised what a pissed off, 250lb dude can do with a grapefruit spoon.
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.
    You'd be surprised what a pissed off, 250lb dude can do with a grapefruit spoon.
    Someone's been to prison
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.
    You'd be surprised what a pissed off, 250lb dude can do with a grapefruit spoon.
    You been working out?
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something

    But tobacco does cure something...sadness. When I'm sad, I smoke a cigar and then I'm happy again. Take away my cigars, and I stay sad. No lab testing or government studies to tell me that one!
    So cigars cure depression......
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I'm going to start a Science lab to prove Tobacco cures some disease or something

    But tobacco does cure something...sadness. When I'm sad, I smoke a cigar and then I'm happy again. Take away my cigars, and I stay sad. No lab testing or government studies to tell me that one!
    So cigars cure depression......
    Thats been my experience. Especially "buyers remorse". I spend lots of money on cigars and feel bad, then I smoke said cigars and don't care anymore. Repeat process.
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.

    "He's like 'put up your dukes.' And I'm like 'I got f*ckin no dukes."
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    I feel your pain, NYC smokers. I am Canadian, and TALK ABOUT TAXES ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS!!! We have some of the highest around.
    I get relief from chronic pain with a cigar...more relief than from any pain meds my doctor has ever put me on. Still can't get a prescription from a doc, but my therapist prescribes (read "suggests") a couple beer and a Cuban cigar at least once a week. I should document it and send it in to the Gov. or something.

  • dwayne3307dwayne3307 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 272
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.

    "He's like 'put up your dukes.' And I'm like 'I got f*ckin no dukes."
    LMAO!! I can't remember the name but tell me this is from Adam Sandlers talking goat bit.
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    I am prepared to challenge you to a duel. Choose your weapon!

    i choose a grapefruit spoon.

    oh wait...

    im on your side.

    "He's like 'put up your dukes.' And I'm like 'I got f*ckin no dukes."
    LMAO!! I can't remember the name but tell me this is from Adam Sandlers talking goat bit.

    Indeed it is the talking goat
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