Is it just me, or has the DDs been kinda blah lately? I haven't had ANY interest in anything that has been posted on there for last few months...getting rather bored.
yeah i want to see sum wild rare stuff, GoF, opus, Fuente, etc.....I mean i know they are here to make money and all but sometimes a good deal gets me on a buying rage afterwards lol...wait, maybe thats a bad thing! lol
Same old stuff over and over...I usually bounce when i hear something good from the Ccom staff. You can make deals by firing off an e-mail, Tim/Andy will work with you for something special. That said, A most is to get a hold of the MOW Amada Corona's......They're GOOOOD!!
I have to agree with you guys on this one. Been watching and haven't been really impressed with what has been up there. Not that I would have bought anything unless it was something I just could pass up. I'm glad I can usually just call in and get a good deal when I find something I really want. It's just more fun when the daily deal is hard to resist.
The one thing I will say is that they have been putting up more then one deal a day. I find it funny that people think that once it's down they can't call in and get the same deal. Been saying it for a long time now.....CALL IN ORDERS FOLKS!!!! They are great to talk to and informative. They can usually work something out for you too.
Agreed on all counts - DD has been pretty boring for the past few months. When they did 1-deal per day, every few weeks an interesting/really good deal on a good stick would come along - now it seems with 3-a-day, it's just boring stuff over and over again.
I use to check them religiously, but in the past few months they've been so erratic that I've stopped. There has been good stuff on there from time to time, but there's mostly stuff I'm just not interested in. I'm also not smoking as much as I used to, so I've been spending my cigar budget on more expensive sticks which just aren't featured on the deal site.
It's been quite a while since I saw something I wanted to purchase, too. I don't like to complain, they are selling good sticks at good prices, but I've been getting just about all my cigars elsewhere.
I'll add one more note to this: I've noticed I find myself going after high quality sticks these days and my tastes have changed. I had most of the usual stuff like the vegas line and stuff, although good, I look for better.
I wont turn the diesel linde down but like more upper end like Oliva V type stuff. I would love to see some deals on AF, Ashton, Avo, Davidoff.
Also, I have been leaning to the side of Corona's for time restrictions and tastes. The MOW Puro, Amada, and Illusione to name a few. I want to give the Davidoff Puro D' Oro a go.
Anyway, it all dends on the time and mood that I'm in at the time I reach in the box. Plus, I found a great site for high end wines that has been eatting up some of my cash. If you get a chance, check out
I'll add one more note to this: I've noticed I find myself going after high quality sticks these days and my tastes have changed. I had most of the usual stuff like the vegas line and stuff, although good, I look for better.
I wont turn the diesel linde down but like more upper end like Oliva V type stuff. I would love to see some deals on AF, Ashton, Avo, Davidoff.
Also, I have been leaning to the side of Corona's for time restrictions and tastes. The MOW Puro, Amada, and Illusione to name a few. I want to give the Davidoff Puro D' Oro a go.
That's exactly where I'm at. Same brands/lines too. Corona's, and especially corona gordas.
Same old stuff over and over...I usually bounce when i hear something good from the Ccom staff. You can make deals by firing off an e-mail, Tim/Andy will work with you for something special. That said, A most is to get a hold of the MOW Amada Corona's......They're GOOOOD!!
Yeah...I know about emailing them...but frankly I'm sick and tired of waiting days for a response,imo, my rep has kinda lost some clout with me... so honestly its really not worth the email. If I want something I am really finding myself either calling or going to my B&M. And Sometimes I'll email and I won't get a response, so I just don't bother calling either and just end up going to my B&M. They might cost a little more, but at least they'll answer you.
Agreed on all counts - DD has been pretty boring for the past few months. When they did 1-deal per day, every few weeks an interesting/really good deal on a good stick would come along - now it seems with 3-a-day, it's just boring stuff over and over again.
Exactly...if I wanted these kinds of deals, I'd open go to my cigar monster app.
I'll add one more note to this: I've noticed I find myself going after high quality sticks these days and my tastes have changed. I had most of the usual stuff like the vegas line and stuff, although good, I look for better.
I wont turn the diesel linde down but like more upper end like Oliva V type stuff. I would love to see some deals on AF, Ashton, Avo, Davidoff.
Also, I have been leaning to the side of Corona's for time restrictions and tastes. The MOW Puro, Amada, and Illusione to name a few. I want to give the Davidoff Puro D' Oro a go.
Anyway, it all dends on the time and mood that I'm in at the time I reach in the box. Plus, I found a great site for high end wines that has been eatting up some of my cash. If you get a chance, check out
I also love the Diesel line, they had a deal on them few days ago, but I already have a box for d.5s...sigh...I also feel the same as you.
All right doc, I'm breaking out of my slump and ordering those Leon Jimenes! I love trying new stuff and $15 for a fiver (shipped) is great. I'm in for one, plus a great deal on 5 Vegas AAA on checkout. Wahoo!!!
Is it just me, or has the DDs been kinda blah lately? I haven't had ANY interest in anything that has been posted on there for last few months...getting rather bored.
I dunno, I noticed those Graycliffs were gone when I woke up this morning, somebody's not bored!
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
Hi guys. Thanks for the feedback. We will take a look and see what we can do to get a better variety of deals up there. One of the biggest challenges which you may not be aware of is something called MAP pricing. It is essentially price fixing where tthe vendor is able to institute a minimum price for their goods that we can sell it at. I understand why it exists but am not a big fan of it because it is ultimately the end consumer that suffers. More and more suppliers are adopting these policies and the penalty for not abiding by them is losing our account. One of the more recent companies that instituted this type of policy is Rocky Patel which is why you may have noticed us not running their deals anymore. Every year more suppliers are adopting these policies and every year the ones that have them are tightening down more and more. I think it will come to a point where the most discount you will see on products will be 10% off retail. Like I said, a very sad thing IMHO. We are going to try to find ways to get as creative as possible to deliver you guys the best deals but I think it will be in the form of more mixed packs etc.
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
Same old stuff over and over...I usually bounce when i hear something good from the Ccom staff. You can make deals by firing off an e-mail, Tim/Andy will work with you for something special. That said, A most is to get a hold of the MOW Amada Corona's......They're GOOOOD!!
Yeah...I know about emailing them...but frankly I'm sick and tired of waiting days for a response,imo, my rep has kinda lost some clout with me... so honestly its really not worth the email. If I want something I am really finding myself either calling or going to my B&M. And Sometimes I'll email and I won't get a response, so I just don't bother calling either and just end up going to my B&M. They might cost a little more, but at least they'll answer you.
We appreciate the feedback Alex but I shop all the sites for the bargains everyday and it is a rare occassion when you guys are the lowest. Do the other internet retailers not have to comply with these same limits??
Alex SvensonBlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered UsersPosts: 1,204
Depends not all companies are direct with the same vendors. For example, I am not a direct Padron account so I can discount those as I don't have to abide by their policies. Some of my competition is direct and are held to it. There are some supposes I am direct with that my competition isn't. We are going to do some new types of deals to skirt these policies so stay tuned.
I think this is just the progression of being a vet cigar smoker where you have really honed in on what you like and what you dont.
On a slightly related note, I really prefer the one deal a day instead of the 3/day but I think I might be in the minority.
I'm with you on this one. It seems like when there was only one DD the quality of the deal (IMO) was better. Also, there seemed to be more feedback from BOTL's, which helped me decide to buy.
Hi guys. Thanks for the feedback. We will take a look and see what we can do to get a better variety of deals up there. One of the biggest challenges which you may not be aware of is something called MAP pricing. It is essentially price fixing where tthe vendor is able to institute a minimum price for their goods that we can sell it at. I understand why it exists but am not a big fan of it because it is ultimately the end consumer that suffers. More and more suppliers are adopting these policies and the penalty for not abiding by them is losing our account. One of the more recent companies that instituted this type of policy is Rocky Patel which is why you may have noticed us not running their deals anymore. Every year more suppliers are adopting these policies and every year the ones that have them are tightening down more and more. I think it will come to a point where the most discount you will see on products will be 10% off retail. Like I said, a very sad thing IMHO. We are going to try to find ways to get as creative as possible to deliver you guys the best deals but I think it will be in the form of more mixed packs etc.
I understand this policy, but I also don't agree with it. I know RP has implemented this change, and if anyone knows me can say I buy (or used to) a lot of RP deals. But now since his change, I find myself kinda pissed off at him and basically have stopped buying his stuff anywhere. It was my go to brand for awhile there and now I am not going to pay $10 for a cigar I was getting for around $6 - $7. I would be interested to hear how his sales are doing since he implemented this change...
Same old stuff over and over...I usually bounce when i hear something good from the Ccom staff. You can make deals by firing off an e-mail, Tim/Andy will work with you for something special. That said, A most is to get a hold of the MOW Amada Corona's......They're GOOOOD!!
Yeah...I know about emailing them...but frankly I'm sick and tired of waiting days for a response,imo, my rep has kinda lost some clout with me... so honestly its really not worth the email. If I want something I am really finding myself either calling or going to my B&M. And Sometimes I'll email and I won't get a response, so I just don't bother calling either and just end up going to my B&M. They might cost a little more, but at least they'll answer you.
never had a problem with tim as he has been the only one i started dealing with awhile back and gets back to me pretty quick, i sent him an email last night and im sure ill hear back this morning about an inquiry
Very Interesting thread, thansk for all the feedback ALex. I have yet to have an issue with any reps, always get a return email ... Tim and Kelly take gfood care of me, and Actually have built a great relationship with them i feel , and I am not a BIG SPENDER , but i do order consitantly, i have tried a couple other sights and have been less than happy with the product and service, i stick with where im trested good.
I'd like to apologize to anyone who has emailed me and either not received a response or waited several days for a response. Not here to make excuses. I get a ton of email and try to personally respond to each and every one ASAP.
Recently I have gotten THE Kelly G to assist me with emails and with her help, you should all see a much quicker turn around.
Go ahead and try it. Email me at tblythe @ with a brand you love to smoke. I'll email you back by EOD tomorrow with a price you won't believe.
I'd like to apologize to anyone who has emailed me and either not received a response or waited several days for a response. Not here to make excuses. I get a ton of email and try to personal respond to each and every one ASAP.
Recently I have gotten THE Kelly G to assist me with emails and with her help, you should all see a much quicker turn around.
Go ahead and try it. Email me at tblythe @ with a brand you love to smoke. I'll email you back by EOD tomorrow with a price you won't believe.
The one thing I will say is that they have been putting up more then one deal a day. I find it funny that people think that once it's down they can't call in and get the same deal. Been saying it for a long time now.....CALL IN ORDERS FOLKS!!!! They are great to talk to and informative. They can usually work something out for you too.
I wont turn the diesel linde down but like more upper end like Oliva V type stuff. I would love to see some deals on AF, Ashton, Avo, Davidoff.
Also, I have been leaning to the side of Corona's for time restrictions and tastes. The MOW Puro, Amada, and Illusione to name a few. I want to give the Davidoff Puro D' Oro a go.
Anyway, it all dends on the time and mood that I'm in at the time I reach in the box. Plus, I found a great site for high end wines that has been eatting up some of my cash. If you get a chance, check out
Also, a lot of brands have contracts stipulating how low prices can be set on their product, which pretty much precludes them from the DD.
On a slightly related note, I really prefer the one deal a day instead of the 3/day but I think I might be in the minority.
Krieg - email sent.
I'd like to apologize to anyone who has emailed me and either not received a response or waited several days for a response. Not here to make excuses. I get a ton of email and try to personally respond to each and every one ASAP.
Recently I have gotten THE Kelly G to assist me with emails and with her help, you should all see a much quicker turn around.
Go ahead and try it. Email me at tblythe @ with a brand you love to smoke. I'll email you back by EOD tomorrow with a price you won't believe.