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Xikar cutter

KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
Well, looks like my Xikar is locked up. It seems something went wrong with the button that opens the cutter, seems to be jammed for some reason. Anyone experience this?? I was wondering if there was a quick fix as supposed to sending it in. Lifetime warranty though, reason I bought the cutter!


  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    I haven't had that happen to mine, but from time to time, bits of tobacco get inside and make the blades move tightly. Try rapping it on a hard surface to see if there is a bit jammed in there.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Yup my first one did that. Took it to the shop and had them replace it.

  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    guess ill just stop off at my local B&M and have them ship it off. Maybe I'll get an upgraded one?? lol
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    well, nothing I tried could get my cutter working. So I mailed it off few days ago. So i guess we shall see how good this lifetime warranty really is!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    They were really quick turning my punch around, less than a week if memory serves correctly.

  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Good to know, I know the website said 3 weeks or so...hopefully I can get it back sooner. I prefer my double G over my punch cutter
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    Have you ever used a v-cut? I use a palio as a first choice, a xikar/wolf v-cut as a second choice, and a punch if i forget everything except my keys at home.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Not sure if you tried, but My shop just took my old one and gave me a new one. It was nice since I didn't even buy it through them, but the dude knows me a little so I think he assumed I bought it there. Either way nice and easy.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Have you ever used a v-cut? I use a palio as a first choice, a xikar/wolf v-cut as a second choice, and a punch if i forget everything except my keys at home.
    nope, never have used a V cut. Just never really thought about it I guess. Only V cutter I know of is the community cutter at the cigar bar...and I hate using community cutters.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    If you see a WOLF or XiKar V-cutter for sale somewhere at a good price (I think I recently paid like 10 bucks for a WOLF), and have some spare cash, go for it. Regardless of whether you immediately fall in love with it or not, it's an interesting tool to have on hand, and really can change the way some cigars smoke. I have, personally, fallen in love with my WOLF, and for instance, the guy who writes http://thecigarfeed.com uses his V-Cutter for almost every cigar he smokes. Always interesting to see. The WOLF and Xikar are the best V-Cutters I've ever seen also, and while the WOLF has a plastic body, it is sturdy, and sharp as hell!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    Wolf makes the Xikar cutter, from what I understand, explaining why they are the only two with the blade made the way they are. I found a wolf for around the same price, and I gave to to someone with a terminal disease while I visited them in a foreign country. The Xikar one is slightly, to the tune of $40-45, more. Xikar has an alloy case though and is damn near indestructible (read: field worthy), so I am currently in a bidding war with some Jack Leg from Hawaii trying to get one for a good price. What does a big @ss Samoan need with a v-cutter anyways?
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Wolf makes the Xikar cutter, from what I understand, explaining why they are the only two with the blade made the way they are. I found a wolf for around the same price, and I gave to to someone with a terminal disease while I visited them in a foreign country. The Xikar one is slightly, to the tune of $40-45, more. Xikar has an alloy case though and is damn near indestructible (read: field worthy), so I am currently in a bidding war with some Jack Leg from Hawaii trying to get one for a good price. What does a big @ss Samoan need with a v-cutter anyways?

    Hey, you gave me a v-cutter when you were here. I switch up between using that, Xikar and my perfect cutter. They are all great. I have yet to have a problem with any of them. And with my Xikar and perfect cutter there is a warranty. Krieg, sending it back was probably the best thing to do. My v-cutter, I can't do that. Because in the famous words of DSWarmack, "some Jack Leg" gave it to me, lol....
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    RCY Cigars:
    Wolf makes the Xikar cutter, from what I understand, explaining why they are the only two with the blade made the way they are. I found a wolf for around the same price, and I gave to to someone with a terminal disease while I visited them in a foreign country. The Xikar one is slightly, to the tune of $40-45, more. Xikar has an alloy case though and is damn near indestructible (read: field worthy), so I am currently in a bidding war with some Jack Leg from Hawaii trying to get one for a good price. What does a big @ss Samoan need with a v-cutter anyways?

    Hey, you gave me a v-cutter when you were here. I switch up between using that, Xikar and my perfect cutter. They are all great. I have yet to have a problem with any of them. And with my Xikar and perfect cutter there is a warranty. Krieg, sending it back was probably the best thing to do. My v-cutter, I can't do that. Because in the famous words of DSWarmack, "some Jack Leg" gave it to me, lol....

    You can send it back from what I understand, they have the same warranty as Xikar, at least thats what I was told when I bought it.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    I'm sure sending it back was right thing...couple of years ago me and JZ were at a local B&Ms anniversary party and a Xikar rep was there. JZ had the redwood cutter and it had a little scratch on the wood...he pointed it out to her just as a passing kinda thing, she grabbed open a box and gave him a new one right then and there. I was shocked and amazed and became a Xikar customer for life at that point. It will be interesting to see if they fix my cutter or send me back a new one...if they send me a new one, wonder if it will be the same one? I had the Xi2 Titanium (it's solid gray). We shall see, I'll keep everyone updated.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    still waiting on my cutter....Xikar reps don't like answering the phone at corporate. I have been calling for a couple of days to find out where the hell my cutter is. Finally had to call the "retailer rep" line to get someone to answer. turns out that my cutter was rerouted BACK to kansas city! I was not happy. Damn USPS idiots. They're sending it fedex this time so hopefully I'll get it soon. I am tired of using my punch cutters.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Damn I've sent my different accessories back a number of times and never had it take more than 2 weeks.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    well, i found out what happened. Took me calling into the Xikar retailer line to actually get someone on the phone there, that pissed me off...(after i left numerous messages on the consumer line)...turns out that they sent my cutter back on may 19th, but it got to Kennesaw, which is 30min south of me and then went BACK to Kansas!! I was pissed. Stupid ass USPS. But I wouldn't have known any of this if I didn't manage to get someone on the phone. My address on file was correct, so what do you expect from USPS...but Xikar FAIL was the fact they never called me back...U would have figured that someone there would have either returned my phone call or wondered why the hell did they have this cutter laying around for a month.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Hey Kreig did you ever get your cutter back?
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Hey Kreig did you ever get your cutter back?
    yeah...eventually...took over a month
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    That's crap. I'd send an email to customer service. They were responsive to me that way.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    That's crap. I'd send an email to customer service. They were responsive to me that way.
    Well...it to be fair...I think it was only half their fault. The reason being is because USPS is a bunch of idiots and decided to send my package back to Kansas...who knows why. My beef is why the hell didn't they feel the need to call me and ask to confirm my address? I had to call...eventually having to call the retailer line to get someone to answer because no one would return my messages. Now that I got my replacement...it's kinda screwed up too...won't open all the way...I have to pry it open where it will cut a cigar...I'm getting fed up with Xikar.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    I just posted this message on Xikar's Facebook page:

    "Hi Kurt,

    I first just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed Xikar's products over the years. I have bought your cigars, herf-a-dors, cutters and numerous other products but I have a problem and I am hoping you can help me.

    Back in beginning of May I sent my Xi titanium cutter to you guys to be fixed. And was eventually sent a replacement. But the cutter I was sent to me is also having a problem now. It will not open all the way and I have to pry it open to where it can cut my cigars.

    To be honest, this wouldn't have bothered me so much except for the fact that it took over a month to get my cutter back the first time and I really don't want to go without my cutter for another month without knowing what is happening. I left a few messages and never had a phone call returned, finally having to call the retailer line to get someone to talk to. As it turns out, USPS sent my cutter back to you guys and it sat there for awhile and no one decided to call me and confirm my address or anything. I know USPS can be...shall we say...less than perfect...but I was extremely frustrated to find out it was just sitting there.

    My question to you is, if I send my replacement cutter back, can I count on a timely turn around? Or if it's delayed, an email or phone call to let me know what's going on?

    I love Xikar's customer service and products, they have always been top notch imo. But this last experience was a little frustrating."

    Chris Kitchens
    Wonder what kind of response I'll get...whatever it is, I'll post it here.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Got a pretty quick response: "Chris, sorry for the inconvenience. Send the cutter directly to me, Bob Moreno. I will personally handle the return, repair and/or replacement. Have you tried cleaning the blades with rubbing alcohol, WD40 or some type of cleaning solution? It may the internal parts? Put my name on the outside of the package. You could also return it to your local retailer for 100% replacement. Let me know. Sorry for the delay. Bob Moreno, Dir Marketing, XIKAR"

    Gonna try the WD40 if that doesn't work I'm gonna send my cutter to him.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    Sounds like a pretty reasonable response. One you're not likely to get from most places these days. I have a bullet punch from them that's dull as hell. Unfortunately it was that way when I got it new. I should send it in to them.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Got a pretty quick response: "Chris, sorry for the inconvenience. Send the cutter directly to me, Bob Moreno. I will personally handle the return, repair and/or replacement. Have you tried cleaning the blades with rubbing alcohol, WD40 or some type of cleaning solution? It may the internal parts? Put my name on the outside of the package. You could also return it to your local retailer for 100% replacement. Let me know. Sorry for the delay. Bob Moreno, Dir Marketing, XIKAR"

    Gonna try the WD40 if that doesn't work I'm gonna send my cutter to him.
    Nice, sometimes you have to throw a little mud in public.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Got a pretty quick response: "Chris, sorry for the inconvenience. Send the cutter directly to me, Bob Moreno. I will personally handle the return, repair and/or replacement. Have you tried cleaning the blades with rubbing alcohol, WD40 or some type of cleaning solution? It may the internal parts? Put my name on the outside of the package. You could also return it to your local retailer for 100% replacement. Let me know. Sorry for the delay. Bob Moreno, Dir Marketing, XIKAR"

    Gonna try the WD40 if that doesn't work I'm gonna send my cutter to him.
    Nice, sometimes you have to throw a little mud in public.
    well, i sent him the message privately on FB...didn't want to make a big show of it...i figured i'd post it on here because u guys were kinda following along...but yeah, I appreciate his response. I'll probably send him my cutter next week...gonna have to go get a cheapo guillotine for now cuz I'm kinda tired of my punch cutters.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Well it's now been almost a month and still don't have my cutter. What's sad is that this one was the replacement that was sent to me the first time...after about a month. I've sent messages via fb and called. I can't get anyone to answer the phone at this place. I am totally fed up with xikar and bought myself a $16 Cuban crafters last night. Stainless steel And lifetime warranty.
  • JonathanEJonathanE Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 401
    Well it's now been almost a month and still don't have my cutter. What's sad is that this one was the replacement that was sent to me the first time...after about a month. I've sent messages via fb and called. I can't get anyone to answer the phone at this place. I am totally fed up with xikar and bought myself a $16 Cuban crafters last night. Stainless steel And lifetime warranty.
    I hope you have better luck with the warranty service from Cuban Crafters! That is disappointing to hear about Xichar... what good is a lifetime warranty if you have to buy a new cutter/lighter to use during the six months that your original(s) are gone!


  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Well it's now been almost a month and still don't have my cutter. What's sad is that this one was the replacement that was sent to me the first time...after about a month. I've sent messages via fb and called. I can't get anyone to answer the phone at this place. I am totally fed up with xikar and bought myself a $16 Cuban crafters last night. Stainless steel And lifetime warranty.
    I hope you have better luck with the warranty service from Cuban Crafters! That is disappointing to hear about Xichar... what good is a lifetime warranty if you have to buy a new cutter/lighter to use during the six months that your original(s) are gone!


    Exactly right my friend.
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