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Forums Drastic Change



  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    The only change I've noticed is the number of "You have a PM!" threads. It seems like people find the need to start a thread letting someone know they have a PM - then they keep replying to the thread with 'returned' or 'back at you'. To me, that's unnecessary since there's already a general PM thread.

    I haven't really noticed other changes, but it could be that you yourself are changing. When a new person joins a forum, they read a lot of 'info' posts and think "hmm, that's great information!". A year later, people tend to think "jeez, not this question again...why can't people do a search?". The forum remains the same, but the older members just view it differently.
    yeah, it's annoying.

    I dunno things haven't changed too much, though that isn't a bad thing.

  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Ken Light:

    Three things:

    1) I hope this is not directed at me in any way. I know I'm opinionated and sarcastic and that gets me into trouble. That said I can't think of anything too terrible I've posted on here, but I'm relatively new so if I've contributed to this change for the worse I apologize.

    2) I really wish you'd be more explicit. It is very difficult to fix a vague problematic feeling. You don't have to name names but you could cite incidents or instances, even in general terms.

    3) This isn't meant as an excuse, but this forum is pretty dang amazing in my experience. Check out the 2 + 2 forum for poker players sometime. Yikes. That said, if it used to be better then by all means we shouldn't satisfy ourselves with the way things are currently, that previous better instance of this forum is something we should all strive to achieve...but...well, see point number 2. Without that, I don't know how to start working...

    Not directed at ANyone this is a General feel and the lines of protocol and the substance in the forum is much different than when i first joined .... I know I am not crazy other members of this forum have mentioned this as well. ...... I spend alot of time on this forum, I too think this is the best forum out there, I have only visited 2-3 others and they are WHACKED... Oh well ....
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    The only change I've noticed is the number of "You have a PM!" threads. It seems like people find the need to start a thread letting someone know they have a PM - then they keep replying to the thread with 'returned' or 'back at you'. To me, that's unnecessary since there's already a general PM thread.

    I haven't really noticed other changes, but it could be that you yourself are changing. When a new person joins a forum, they read a lot of 'info' posts and think "hmm, that's great information!". A year later, people tend to think "jeez, not this question again...why can't people do a search?". The forum remains the same, but the older members just view it differently.
    yeah, it's annoying.

    I dunno things haven't changed too much, though that isn't a bad thing.
    +1 to this. The thread for pm's was used for a long time, now it seems everyone starts a new thread just to tell someone they have a pm and it really clutters things up. This isn't just a noobie thing either. I've seen a lot of the older guys around here do that as well.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    nope...not me..never! lol
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    nope...not me..never! lol
    Nooooo not Joey! Lmao I only saw two of those from you on the first page... Haha Trouble maker!
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    u know me...i gotta stir *** up now and then! lol
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I have posted more on this forum in the past couple of years than I have on all other forums of any subject combined. Ever.
    same here... if you take all the posts on all other forums i have ever posted on on any subject and multiplied it by 5, i would still have more posts here.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I have posted more on this forum in the past couple of years than I have on all other forums of any subject combined. Ever.
    same here... if you take all the posts on all other forums i have ever posted on on any subject and multiplied it by 5, i would still have more posts here.
    Damn Kuz... I just noticed you are nearing the 10,000 mark. That is crazy... but in a good way.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I have posted more on this forum in the past couple of years than I have on all other forums of any subject combined. Ever.
    same here... if you take all the posts on all other forums i have ever posted on on any subject and multiplied it by 5, i would still have more posts here.
    Damn Kuz... I just noticed you are nearing the 10,000 mark. That is crazy... but in a good way.
    be ready for a contest.
    its gunna be big
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    I have posted more on this forum in the past couple of years than I have on all other forums of any subject combined. Ever.
    same here... if you take all the posts on all other forums i have ever posted on on any subject and multiplied it by 5, i would still have more posts here.
    Damn Kuz... I just noticed you are nearing the 10,000 mark. That is crazy... but in a good way.
    be ready for a contest.
    its gunna be big
    And I, sir, will be stuffing the voting box for that one! :-) I'm serious about my post though. I have WAY less posts than you guys and that is still by far and away a record for me. That's saying something about this place
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    Forums evolve like everything. We have a lot of new blood around here and there is a bit of an etiquette learning curve with that. Personally, I think it's atrociously bad manners to ask to be bombed. But on the other hand, the energy and enthusiasm they bring is invaluable and its worth cannot be over-stated. New energy is a vital necessity to any community.

    Political threads cannot be taken personally. We are all gathered here to share our love of the leaf. When politics are involved this common bond will shrink, sides will be taken and arguments will ensue. I have learned to not let off-topic discussions spill into the discussions which bring us all here - cigars. Now I all but stay away from off-topic because it is basically impossible to not shoulder hard feelings about previous off-topic debates and that is a shame.

    I would like to see more people look at their post and proof read it before actually posting it. I'm not saying you have to have perfect grammar but some of the posts I read I don't even understand what the hell they're babbling about. Christ, it's like listening to my wife!

    In general I still think this forum is insanely special and I have no desire to have it moderated. I think there are still tons of great cigar conversations going on out there and BOTL generosity is through the roof! I still love this place.
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    I'm not the most active guy, don't bomb or receive bombs, don't do the contests, etc., so I'm not sure if my vote counts. If the boards have changed, no big deal. everything changes. We've had lots of good members come, and go, and some even come back. What the board doesn't need is rules and moderators. Things have a way of working themselves out and there are too many rules and regulations everywhere else in life...we don't need em on a friggin cigar forum. If someone pisses you off, take a few days off from the forum, trust me, it'll blow over. Bottom line, I'm not sure things have changed too much. I've been coming here for a few years now, always for the same reason...to learn a lot about cigars from some extremely knowledgable people.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I for one have abandoned any political discussions because of the absolute lunatic fringe nature of some of it. I still enjoy reading about and learning new stuff about cigars.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    I haven't been here long but I feel at home here. Not sure if I should post on this subject but here goes:

    I am a newbie and I'm sure I have broken some etiquette rules myself. I didn't introduce myself for one. I wasn't sure of the forum "etiquette" so I just lurked around and started posting when I felt comfortable. That's me; I sidle in the back at parties unless it is a formal function.

    Maybe a newbie welcoming room should be added.

    Change is inevitable with new members and that is good. If the change is good it will move on, if it is bad it will change of its own volition as the forum moves on. Either way you learn from it. Also I think that "difference" is what makes the difference. This forum has a lot of different people sharing a common love for cigars. From this common love of cigars you learn more about them and from this comes understanding and brotherhood. I don't learn as much from a group of people that all just nod in agreement than I do from a group of people with different points of view. Like politics and religion there is no right and wrong, just what you believe from learning.

    I've only been on this forum for a few months, I have learned so much. Keep it loose brothers.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    there are Dozens of new threads posted every week , many not under the right headings or in the wrong categorys
    i was thinking about this line. i dont know why, but i cant stand that either.
    it bothers me on a daily basis that i have to open up the Cigars 101 section and an OFF TOPIC GAME made by a guy with 14 posts (the last one on december 3rd 2010) is almost ALWAYS on top.

    its clutter in that section.
    i dont mind the game, i just wish it was in the correct area of the forum.

    there are other threads like this but none stay on top as much or bother me as often. i just dont see what is so hard about posting in the right section.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    i dont know why, but i cant stand that either. just dont see what is so hard about posting in the right section.

    I think a lot of it has to do with someone WANTING to do something right as opposed to someone not really giving a ***. I see a lot of that these days. People whose grammar is atrocious, who know better but don't care enough to do it right, for example. I once had a teacher tell me that she didn't correct a student's spelling or grammar because "we know what the student is trying to say and we don't want to bruise their self-esteem by correcting them". What a load of crap. Unfortunately, she must have been right because if you look around you can find numerous instances of folks with poor spelling and grammar.


  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    Me hate bad gramer 2. Me think it unpossible them passs englush.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Yeah, okay. I got my chain yanked. But I'm sure you took my point, Cabby. My example may not have been the best but I think you'd have to agree that a lot of what we're seeing and what Kuzi is talking about is that, more and more, people don't seem to give a d*mn whether they're correct or not.


  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    more and more, people don't seem to give a d*mn whether they're correct or not.


    ESPECIALLY in the political threads ;)
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    more and more, people don't seem to give a d*mn whether they're correct or not.


    ESPECIALLY in the political threads ;)
    oh man...don't get my started Vulchor ;)
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    there are Dozens of new threads posted every week , many not under the right headings or in the wrong categorys
    i was thinking about this line. i dont know why, but i cant stand that either.
    it bothers me on a daily basis that i have to open up the Cigars 101 section and an OFF TOPIC GAME made by a guy with 14 posts (the last one on december 3rd 2010) is almost ALWAYS on top.

    its clutter in that section.
    i dont mind the game, i just wish it was in the correct area of the forum.

    there are other threads like this but none stay on top as much or bother me as often. i just dont see what is so hard about posting in the right section.
    dude, it's like that search button found on almost any forum, no one uses it. I don't get it either.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    there are Dozens of new threads posted every week , many not under the right headings or in the wrong categorys
    i was thinking about this line. i dont know why, but i cant stand that either.
    it bothers me on a daily basis that i have to open up the Cigars 101 section and an OFF TOPIC GAME made by a guy with 14 posts (the last one on december 3rd 2010) is almost ALWAYS on top.

    its clutter in that section.
    i dont mind the game, i just wish it was in the correct area of the forum.

    there are other threads like this but none stay on top as much or bother me as often. i just dont see what is so hard about posting in the right section.
    dude, it's like that search button found on almost any forum, no one uses it. I don't get it either.

    This is what having a Mod would be for this place: Moving stuff to the correct section; pinning threads that are vital, yet sometimes go dormant; creating a new section, if needed... . If we had one, you'd just email or PM them your issue and they'd fix it or discus with others to come to a general consensus. I do use the search button, but in a forum, if you weren't here and don't remember the conversation, it can be very difficult to find what you are looking for.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    i think a Mod would be a waste...i get babysat enough between my boss at work, my other boss, ceo, and my gf trying to control me...i dont need another person to control part of my life ya know.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    I'm gonna say it one more time, only because everyone seems to be reading only the word 'Mod' in my posts about it. I am not saying that we need a Moderator in the usual sense, more of a Facilitator. Someone we can contact to get things done the way we want them not someone to babysit anyone, by any means. Trust me, I am in the Army on a compound in a foreign country 1km x 2km square, I cannot get away from babysitting people and the last thing I want is someone else doing it in my free time (anymore than the Army does already).
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    I'm gonna say it one more time, only because everyone seems to be reading only the word 'Mod' in my posts about it. I am not saying that we need a Moderator in the usual sense, more of a Facilitator. Someone we can contact to get things done the way we want them not someone to babysit anyone, by any means. Trust me, I am in the Army on a compound in a foreign country 1km x 2km square, I cannot get away from babysitting people and the last thing I want is someone else doing it in my free time (anymore than the Army does already).
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I would like to add my thanks to whichever moderator or admin cleaned up the poo on aisle 2.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I'm gonna say it one more time, only because everyone seems to be reading only the word 'Mod' in my posts about it. I am not saying that we need a Moderator in the usual sense, more of a Facilitator. Someone we can contact to get things done the way we want them not someone to babysit anyone, by any means. Trust me, I am in the Army on a compound in a foreign country 1km x 2km square, I cannot get away from babysitting people and the last thing I want is someone else doing it in my free time (anymore than the Army does already).
    once a mod sticks their hands in the jar you'll never get them to leave... ;-)
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    I would like to add my thanks to whichever moderator or admin cleaned up the poo on aisle 2.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Totally agree that this forum needs administration or moderation... not because there are threads that need to be closed, or people that need disciplining (other than me), but rather, just to keep threads in the right places, and to maybe merge duplicate threads (do we really need threads about Osama in 3 different sections? Does his death have anything to do with cigars? No? Okay... so keep the politics and crap in the Other Discussion area.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    I cant belive that there are 59 post, well now 60 on this topic.... LOL I was in no way implying that we needed any kind of moderator where in the H_E_L_L did that come from.......
    and I am suprised some of the more intelectual members (ROTFLMAO) havent written a manifesto injecting thier words of wisdom on the topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!
    I can see the Beard and Alex sitting back Laughing saying The Ozzie he is In it to Win it! ROTFLMAO!
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