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Sharing a stick...?



  • jfacianejfaciane Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 242
    I share sticks with 3 people.
    1. My mother
    2. My GF
    3. My sister.

    Note the pattern. All women.

    Yeah, but you're related to two of them bro. Would you share a stick with your brother or dad?
    Thats not part of the pattern...

    Lol, so it's ok to swap spit with your mom and sis but not your pops. I see how it is, I think? Oh, and congrats on the promotion dude.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    I share sticks with 3 people.
    1. My mother
    2. My GF
    3. My sister.

    Note the pattern. All women.

    Yeah, but you're related to two of them bro. Would you share a stick with your brother or dad?
    Thats not part of the pattern...

    Lol, so it's ok to swap spit with your mom and sis but not your pops. I see how it is, I think? Oh, and congrats on the promotion dude.
    Way to make it weird dude!!!! And thanks...

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I share sticks with 3 people.
    1. My mother
    2. My GF
    3. My sister.

    Note the pattern. All women.

    Yeah, but you're related to two of them bro. Would you share a stick with your brother or dad?
    Thats not part of the pattern...

    Lol, so it's ok to swap spit with your mom and sis but not your pops. I see how it is, I think? Oh, and congrats on the promotion dude.
    Way to make it weird dude!!!! And thanks...

    is your sister hot?
  • gaberoxgaberox Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 824
    I share sticks with 3 people.
    1. My mother
    2. My GF
    3. My sister.

    Note the pattern. All women.

    Yeah, but you're related to two of them bro. Would you share a stick with your brother or dad?
    Thats not part of the pattern...

    Lol, so it's ok to swap spit with your mom and sis but not your pops. I see how it is, I think? Oh, and congrats on the promotion dude.
    Way to make it weird dude!!!! And thanks...

    is your sister hot?

    Comedic Gold!
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    I've only ever lended a puff to my sister before. She's the one who got me into smoking cigars and she knows to not to get spit all over it. That is the soul extent to my cigar sharing.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I've only ever lended a puff to my sister before. She's the one who got me into smoking cigars and she knows to not to get spit all over it. That is the soul extent to my cigar sharing.
    is YOUR sister hot?
  • bigbluesmokebigbluesmoke Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 25
    I've passed a few lit objects in my time, and lived to tell about it. I think.
    Ha. I think alot of us have been down that road. But sharing a full stick. Ask yourself, did you notice this before the don't ask don't tell repeal act?
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    Wow....certainly a lot of spit swapping commentary going on in the last few hours. Seems to be an issue many have not thought about until now. Made us think anyway. Great banter!
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    I've passed a few lit objects in my time, and lived to tell about it. I think.

    True, but there are rules that apply: Do Not Bogart & Do Not Duck Ass.

    And my sister is hot Kuzi, but she's all mine. lol

  • Stryker808Stryker808 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 269
    Brah! big time negative. Maybe in a time of war or something crazy circumstances, but in general, no way, not the whole cigar. In regards to "sampling a cigar" thats another big negative, smoking a cigar is like reading a book, you have to read the whole thing to enjoy fully. If it was a chick, and she wants to sample then CAN! but another dude?....roger NOT!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    My brother in law and buddy bob and I, have smoked each others cigars before. We've never shared a single cigar, that just seems silly, but if one of us is smoking something new the other hasn't tried we might say "Hey can I take a puff off of that, I want to see if it's something I might want to purchase". I would never do it with a complete stranger but these guys are pretty much family so it doesn't bother me.

    I'd have to say I agree with this to a point... If I'm stateside or somewhere else where it doesn't take a month or more to get the mail sometimes, then it would be with my father or 1 or two of my closest friends, and even then I'm not 'sharing' the cigar, but offering a taste to someone I consider family.

    Over here, where if we order something, it might take over a month to get to us; and even then not smokeable. If I'm gonna first time purchase something its gonna be something I know I somewhat like. There are only two guys that I trust enough to try their cigar, but if one of them offers me a puff or two and I've never had it, I'll usually try it. I have to trust these guys to watch my back and vice versa. It is a brotherhood and while I'm not gonna trade slober with a retarted cousin, a close brother is different, IMHO.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    There may be some merit to the views that contradict my original thought. I just feel that a cigar is kind of like a toothbrush, pretty personal.
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
    So as the day or so has been going, i've asked some other cigar smokers that i see around the base. "Would u share a cigar, pass the stick back and forth with a friend?" Most say hell no! But then i ask..."what if your buddy had a seasonal beer that is supposed to be a great beer and offers you to have a swig before you hit the fridge?" Do you take the swig? Now whats the difference between a swig and a puff? I'm not arguing either way, but it makes you think.
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    There's been the rare occasion that I will let a BOTL have a puff or two from one of my cigars, but it's exceedingly rare. Overall, no, you'd never see me sharing an entire cigar with someone... I'm just not that desperate.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    When I was in the royal marines we would share anything we had if we were deployed. cigs, cigars, soft drinks. The longer the time away and the smaller the stock the more it got passed. I couldn't sit there smoking a cigar when my brother had nothing.
    Now that I am not in anymore I don't share a stick with anyone. It's another world.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    We should just sit around a circle and share a peace pipe over the issue.
    Since the dawn of man 2 things continue to occur.
    The first is that there will be some guy, standing on some corner, proclaiming to the world that "The end is near".
    The other is that on any particular night you will find men sitting/standing in a circle sharing something.
    Pass the bottle Joe.
  • cooch36cooch36 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 711
    About a yr and a half ago my girl friends brother-inlaw (45yr old) and wife came over for a visit. It was before I started collecting. So he says to me "hey would you like to go in the garage and smoke a cigar?" I said yes very happy he thought ahead and picked up some stogs. I pour a couple of glasses of Oban, and dwe head out. shooting the *** and sipping our scotch. Then he lights his cigar and I eagerly await mine, but it doesn't come. I guess I should have taken "a cigar" literally. He hands me this freshly dripping soaked stoggie. I mean dam he just lit it and it was soaked. I in dismay took a puff not knowing what to say. Then declined any further sharing. And to top it off he was swilling down the Oban like it was 2 dollar hooch. So he go $30 in booze and I got nasty seconds. Still love the guy though!
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    It's sort of a context thing, like the hair you carress vs. a hair found in your food. Meet someone, take them home do some hair carressing and some swapping of...... whatever, but a strangers hair in the food is different.

    It is a communal thing too. As said, how many bottles or other things have we shared in a group, usually in a circle like the tribe around a fire. Ah, the good old days. Now I can afford my own stash and will give out bottles and cigars but don't pass them around.

    In this case, if it were my cigar, I think I would have cut it in half and given them the foot end, because that's me.

  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    War is hell guys.... Share 'em if ya got 'em!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    I wouldn't call what I'm doing war, but the shipping around here is spotty at best.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 846
    Wow...I AIN'T swapping spit with any Dude.... When you see how some sticks look after some guys work them over and then ask to pass it...HELL NO! (Now in war or under some completely different circumstances, maybe...then again HELL NO!
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