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Cigar.com and the NRA

roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
I just finished reading the American Rifelman mag from the NRA and noticed the cigar int. offer in the last pages and was wondering if ccom was or would be willing to put an offer in one of the NRA magazines.
I think that would be cool.


  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    I think they have had ads in NRA magazines before. They might not do it all the time, but periodically ( ;-) .... get it? I made a funny).

    Either way, they've advertised in other magazines.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I think they have had ads in NRA magazines before. They might not do it all the time, but periodically ( ;-) .... get it? I made a funny).

    Either way, they've advertised in other magazines.
    You guys have issues. (see, we can do it too)
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I think they have had ads in NRA magazines before. They might not do it all the time, but periodically ( ;-) .... get it? I made a funny).

    Either way, they've advertised in other magazines.
    You guys have issues. (see, we can do it too)
    worst. joke(s). today.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    I think they have had ads in NRA magazines before. They might not do it all the time, but periodically ( ;-) .... get it? I made a funny).

    Either way, they've advertised in other magazines.
    You guys have issues. (see, we can do it too)
    worst. joke(s). today.

    I agree with kuzi, there are volumes of bad jokes in here, those top the cake... D@MN!
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Soooooo, I should rethink my stand-up career????
  • Alex WilliamsAlex Williams Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,515
    I think they have had ads in NRA magazines before. They might not do it all the time, but periodically ( ;-) .... get it? I made a funny).

    Either way, they've advertised in other magazines.
    You guys have issues. (see, we can do it too)
    worst. joke(s). today.

    I agree with kuzi, there are volumes of bad jokes in here, those top the cake... D@MN!
    ha ha you made one too. volumes.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    We have advertised in NRA publications, guns and ammo, hunting mags, and a lot of other places that may surprise you. With direct response advertising (Buy 3 cigars for $5) where offers are present, you dont want to run back to back issues if you can help it and try to rotate publications. The goal is to gain new customers with those types of campaigns so by spacing it out, you increase your odds of getting new eye balls on your ads.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    And for the record, I am a card carrying member of the NRA... great organization. I actually just got my Utah Concealed Carry permit in the mail last week which makes me legal for carry in 30 states (unfortunately IL isnt one of them :( )The concealed carry bill is back up for a vote in IL and with all the concessions we have given our governor this year, he better pass the damn thing. The sheriffs association signed off and are supporting it this year for the first time but we now have colleges and universities standing in our way. Drives me nuts. I understand the fear of school shootings but perhaps the answer should be more responsible, law abiding folks being able to carry. Not only would it deter said shootings but if something happened, it wouldn't be long to take someone down before they do major damage. I live in a good part of town but there is a bad part of town near by. I have many friends in law enforcement and all tell me the same thing. The police cant be everywhere all the time and while they do their best to deter and prevent crime, their main job is to capture people and investigate crimes after taking place. Doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy about my safety if you ask me. Anyway, enough of my rant but I could talk about this for days. I leave for PA on Monday and will be able to legally carry for the first time. I bought a new Ruger LCP just to keep up at the office!
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    The NRA is a great orginizationI bought my first membership when I turned 18 and haven't let it lapse. I would love to have a concealed carry permit, just have't had the time. and personaly (I may get jumped for this) I think that if we went back to an armed society there would be less crime because they would get shot faster.

    And one of the reasons that our small town is great is that the other day I was walking down the parking lot into walmart and there were three trucks with gunracks with guns in them.
    gotta love small town Arkansas
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    The NRA is a great orginizationI bought my first membership when I turned 18 and haven't let it lapse. I would love to have a concealed carry permit, just have't had the time. and personaly (I may get jumped for this) I think that if we went back to an armed society there would be less crime because they would get shot faster.

    And one of the reasons that our small town is great is that the other day I was walking down the parking lot into walmart and there were three trucks with gunracks with guns in them.
    gotta love small town Arkansas
    Amen brother. Sometimes I feel like a country boy living in the big city here. I love to hunt, shoot, fish and to do any of it I have to drive at lease an hour.... usually two. Try driving around with a gun rack here and you wont make it five feet before they throw you in jail. A friend of mine and I were out shooting pheasant a month ago and he left his shotgun in his trunk. It was unloaded and he carries the necessary license to own a firearm and transport one in IL. He pulled into the garage of his building downtown chicago and they performed the usual car inspection (it is a high rise and considered a terrorist target) and he forgot he had it in there. The parking people freaked out and he explained and offered to park at another lot. He drove out and parked a block away and before he could get out of his car he was surrounded by law enforcement. He got the riot act for a half hour and they treated him like an absolute criminal until after 30 minutes one of the officers admitted that he had done and was not doing anything illegal. They were cool after that but it is remarkable how crazy people are about guns in Chicago. It appears Chicago is only interested in allowing the gang bangers to have guns.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Silly people.

    and thanks for the video blogs. looks like yall had a good time.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I've been an NRA Lifer for years and am currently at the Benefactor level. I was planning to hit the National Convention in Pittsburgh this month but a special project came up and work and squashed those plans.

    As several of the BOTL's here have seen, I generally open carry, which requires no permission slip here in Virginia, although I do have my cards from VA, Utah, and PA. I gave up my NH when they raised the renewal fee 500% to $100. Several of my friends are Utah instructors, so if anyone here in VA needs a referral for training, let me know (or for your Virginia). You won't see me unarmed unless I have to cross enemy lines into DC or MD for some reason. You never know when the need may arise; I have people tell me "but this is a GOOD neighborhood!". Yeah... it's also where all the good stuff is, right? People who only carry when they think they might need it confuse me... if I think I'll need it, I'll probably avoid going there. Or bring more armed friends. Or a rifle.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    I have people tell me "but this is a GOOD neighborhood!". Yeah... it's also where all the good stuff is, right?
    That is a fantastic point. I am going to write that down for future use.
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