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  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Alex Svenson:
    For the record, our customers have nothing to worry about. We do not nor ever will we share our customer information with any state other than the state of PA. We are a PA company and do not operate in any state outside of PA therefore have no duty to report to any other state in the country. As a PA company we are governed only by Federal laws and the laws of the state of PA. On a much larger point, it is illegal and unconstitutional for any state to regulate interstate commerce of cigars. The Jenkins act which is a federal act does allow for the regulation of certain tobacco products but cigars are expressly excluded. States have no legal authority to regulate interstate commerce of cigars unless granted the right by the federal government. Some of these states are getting out of control.

    Thank you ALex..... I do not think this guy has been buying from CCOM i think it was another Company that MAY or MAY not be affiliated with CCOM! LOL Your the Man! When you coming to California!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    Alex Svenson:
    For the record, our customers have nothing to worry about. We do not nor ever will we share our customer information with any state other than the state of PA. We are a PA company and do not operate in any state outside of PA therefore have no duty to report to any other state in the country. As a PA company we are governed only by Federal laws and the laws of the state of PA. On a much larger point, it is illegal and unconstitutional for any state to regulate interstate commerce of cigars. The Jenkins act which is a federal act does allow for the regulation of certain tobacco products but cigars are expressly excluded. States have no legal authority to regulate interstate commerce of cigars unless granted the right by the federal government. Some of these states are getting out of control.

    Thats good to know! That would include any APO right? I mean an APO is considered shipping inside the US.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    thats why i never say anything when i ship cigars! (legal or not)
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    RCY Cigars:
    Okay, this is one I know. I just had this happen to me the other day. Customs open a box I was bombing someone to the states with and held it. DSWarmack can tell you it's like that on a military post for shipping out. This week I had to go to a meeting with customs and my 1SG. They explain that because it is tobacco in the products. There would have to be a tax on it. And you can't tax a gift. He went on to say people like DSWarmack and JSizzle(these are examples), people down range. Meaning , Afgan., Iraq places like this. A soldier or contractor won't be able to get the things you can get in the states. So you can send them taxable items but in small amounts. As far as the states go, you are not suppose to mail tobacco because of the same thing. He went on to tell me thats why, if you get a package from a business saleing you tobacco. In the fine line it's going to say something like you are responsible for paying taxes on these items unless you live in that state. So where ever you get your products from, if you leave in that state you are good on taxes. If not it's on you to pay it and that's why your not suppose to. This blew my mind, here it is. I'm being counseled about paying taxes on cigars. Go figure....
    Tell me they didn't go through the trouble of actually filling out a 4856 for that!!!!

    No, 1SG is a standup BOTL. I didn't know. He shrugged it off and gave me a Henry Clay. I never even smoke one of those. Told me he should of known, I'm to quite, lol. I gave him a couple of MOW Puro cause he never tried them.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    ^worked out ok then I guess...
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    APO and FPO are the same way. The only state we report to is PA and any shipments within that state we charge the required sales tax and collect for the state per the law. There is no OTP tax on large cigars in PA. PA is one of only two states left which don't charge OTP.

    This reminds me of an interesting story. Maybe you military guys can answer better than I can but the purpose of an APO address is to provide a means of mailing our serving men and women in such a way that you never know where they are stationed, important I am sure during war time. About 10 years ago, the post office started sending me back APO packages specifically those that were bound for Germany. My understanding was that military bases were technically considered US territory, much like an embassy is considered US soil. Well since Germany does not allow mail order cigars, they somehow thought that shoudl apply to our serving men and women stationed there. I was absolutely irate. What got me the most though was that the post office was returning the germany bound packages which basically in a roundabout way disclosed the information about where the person was serving. Kind of boggled the mind. Then the post office told me to stop giving them APO packages headed for germany. Obviously I have no way of knowing and if I did it would defeat the whole purpose. Still nothing enraged me more than to think about our friends fighting the good fight in the name of liberty not getting their cigars. The problem went away, but I still think back to it. What a bunch of bullshit.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Alex, your are our General in this war.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Hi Alex, I am a APO user. yes APO and FPo are the same. I am not with Military but with Embassy and you are also correct it is a piece of our land. APO straight work a any other US post office but there is a limit of size and weight. We also use diplomatic pouch which take average 2 weeks. If we order heavy stuff then diplomatic pouch is the only choice. I am happy with APO and no problem to order cigars because it is light. The difference is: APO use regular American career under the same diplomatic privilege that means the local government can not open our package. These packages are protected under the Geneva treaty. Diplomatic pouch usually not always carried by military plane.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Alex Svenson:
    APO and FPO are the same way. The only state we report to is PA and any shipments within that state we charge the required sales tax and collect for the state per the law. There is no OTP tax on large cigars in PA. PA is one of only two states left which don't charge OTP.

    This reminds me of an interesting story. Maybe you military guys can answer better than I can but the purpose of an APO address is to provide a means of mailing our serving men and women in such a way that you never know where they are stationed, important I am sure during war time. About 10 years ago, the post office started sending me back APO packages specifically those that were bound for Germany. My understanding was that military bases were technically considered US territory, much like an embassy is considered US soil. Well since Germany does not allow mail order cigars, they somehow thought that shoudl apply to our serving men and women stationed there. I was absolutely irate. What got me the most though was that the post office was returning the germany bound packages which basically in a roundabout way disclosed the information about where the person was serving. Kind of boggled the mind. Then the post office told me to stop giving them APO packages headed for germany. Obviously I have no way of knowing and if I did it would defeat the whole purpose. Still nothing enraged me more than to think about our friends fighting the good fight in the name of liberty not getting their cigars. The problem went away, but I still think back to it. What a bunch of bullshit.

    Thanks for answering back Alex. You are correct, APO's to military post are US territory. I'm not sure as to why that happen ten years ago. The only answer I can give you is that when a soldier is getting their APO address upon arrival. You are told to let organizations that you deal with, family and friends that when they send you anything through APO. Tell them never to put Germany as the city, state or country on the box. They also said that if possible, have them not reference Germany at all. Reason, our distribution from the states directly ships to each APO individually. So for some odd ball reason, if you reference Germany on a package even with your APO address correct. Half the time it will go to the Germany mailing system in Frankfurt, Germany. I have had this happen once. Germany will not mail it to your APO where it belongs. You will have to go pick it up. Maybe what your saying was the start of way it's like that now. I'm not sure. But this is how it is now. Thank you for getting back to us and letting us know our shipping is fine....
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    OK, from what I understand (very little) of international law:

    An Embassy is considered sovereign soil of the country it represents.
    A military instillation falls under the same regulations, only if the land has been purchased by the US and Nationalized (or what ever the process is called).
    Meaning that if it a leased base, you have much less of a chance of it being considered sovereign soil (we lease where I am).

    The APO system is more for unit tracking from what I understand, If they ship something to the 1177th and they have already moved they will hold it where it is until they have the new address. You can look on the web and find out where any APO is located, or what locations are in any APO. Just what I see on this side of the fence.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Use click and ship from your computer, and free priority mail boxes, and you will never have to deal with the counter person at the PO again. If you guys think cigars are tough, try mailing a rifle sometime. Perfectly legal, but no one there wants to believe it, or they apply their own special policies.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    When asked today if there was anything liquid, explosive, flammable, or potentially hazardous I maintained eye contact and said No . I think it worked
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    Use click and ship from your computer, and free priority mail boxes, and you will never have to deal with the counter person at the PO again. If you guys think cigars are tough, try mailing a rifle sometime. Perfectly legal, but no one there wants to believe it, or they apply their own special policies.
    Amen brother, I've been there. Was shipping to a licensed FFL too. Seems like they make up the rules as they go.
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