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Shutdown likely.

wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863

Medicare will still make payments for claims, but doctors and hospital staff may have payments delayed if shutdown lingers.

Military will only be paid 1/2 for the last two weeks of work. Next paycheck could be delayed

Federal court cases will be delayed as no one will be able to work.

Taxes filed electronically will be fine, but everyone that filed on paper may face delays on their tax returns if they filed at the last minute.

National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, will not admit new patients and will stop all research. Current patients will be cared for.



  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    All this would have been avoided if the dems would have had the balls to pass a budget last year... But instead, knowing it would have led to a bad defeat (even though they got their @sses handed to them anyways) they punted...
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Yeah NIH shutting down is not good.
    Thats my bread and butter.
    I wish these f**king political d**ksuckers would pass a budget.
    But it seems no one wants to put the battle axe to the grindstone.

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    If we are attacked during government shutdown please use your own missiles!LOL
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Well said Cabinetmaker! Oh and one (a budget) that doesn't add $1 Trillion to our nation's debt in one year.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    Apparently I live under a rock, WTF is going on??
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Apparently I live under a rock, WTF is going on??
    The fed may end tomorrow. They never passed a budget for 2011 and forward.

  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Fortunately my contract is already funded through the next 3 months, but I'm willing to miss some time from work if it led us closer to a balanced budget ammendment. I don't understand what the dems are fighting for. We don't have the money to spend!!!! What more do you need to know?
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    I heard that last time around (Clinton administration), employees got back pay for the time. I don't know if that's true, but I hope for your sake and all those around you and involved in this madness that it is. I can't speak for Puro, but I'm 99.9% sure he had no idea troops were involved in the pay freeze. When most people think government shutdown they just think about lazy Washington fatcats getting a lil' thinner, and I'm sure that's where his comment was coming from. I'm also positive I don't only speak for myself when I say we 100% support you and the rest of the troops' overseas and at home, and only wish I was in a financial situation to offer you my assistance.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    If that's the case, I appologize for my harshness. That is the reason I thought about what I said, and didn't just expletive expletive expletive, all over the place. But I still feel the way I do about it. I appreciate your offer of assistance, but being older and wiser than I was when this happened to me the first time (2003 (Bush )), I know better than to depend on the government for my financial welfare during a deployment. Its the younger guys I'm worried about. They didn't even see it coming,
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    I saw the all branched thing and completely dismissed the branches of government.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    If that's the case, I appologize for my harshness. That is the reason I thought about what I said, and didn't just expletive expletive expletive, all over the place. But I still feel the way I do about it. I appreciate your offer of assistance, but being older and wiser than I was when this happened to me the first time (2003 (Bush )), I know better than to depend on the government for my financial welfare during a deployment. Its the younger guys I'm worried about. They didn't even see it coming,

    I'm in the same boat DS. Had two of my soldiers asking me what are we to do? They took this deployment here so they could better take care of their families that they left back in Maryland. I'm okay because I don't depend on the government soley, but these E-2's and E-4's do. Now I'm stuck with disgruntled young soldiers that have a right to be, that I have to keep motivated. Our CO on our day off holds a formation to explain it all and to ensure we all will show up for work. And their looking at him like are you serious. Work for free and you don't know when we will get paid again. Now these are individuals who work on aircrafts. Plus we are away from our families. This is some mess...
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    Had and E6 tell me we had better get some information on how its gonna be fixed because all the info he has says he was paid through today, and where he comes from no pay equals no work. Can't really argue with his logic. However, I was also told I'd have every federal holliday off, and I can't count the number of Christmases and Thanksgivings I've enjoyed in the company of dirt and a rifle, or better yet mud and a rifle. Yet as senior noncoms it is our job to keep the masses motivated, inculcate them with knowledge and pride, and lead them on to victory. How do we do that if we can't promise to provide for their families welfare? After ten years of this I am begining to see why all my mentors said the last ten years is the worst, because you know all of the crap you have to go through for the next ten.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    All this would have been avoided if the dems would have had the balls to pass a budget last year... But instead, knowing it would have led to a bad defeat (even though they got their @sses handed to them anyways) they punted...
    Ha, that's funny. This wouldn't have happened if the Tea buggers and GOP weren't dumb as rocks. Oh and they got their asses kicked? Well yes and a lot of crappy one's got booted (more to go btw) but what you got were people who don't know crap about govt and how it is suppose to work. Instead you got more of what the GOP wants, that's to make the govt fail even more to push for a total fascist state. Dude really? I think the dems did a smart thing, let the gop look like fools. Cutting critical services is not the way while giving huge breaks to the top. Oh and I didn't hear you blasting the GOP from stopping countless votes on ending oil subsidies to bp/exxon and the others. I didn't hear you blasting the gop for adding more money to our deficit by pushing the tax extension for the 2 percent. The list can go and on. FACT is they are the one's who are causing this.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    If that's the case, I appologize for my harshness. That is the reason I thought about what I said, and didn't just expletive expletive expletive, all over the place. But I still feel the way I do about it. I appreciate your offer of assistance, but being older and wiser than I was when this happened to me the first time (2003 (Bush )), I know better than to depend on the government for my financial welfare during a deployment. Its the younger guys I'm worried about. They didn't even see it coming,
    no you u should be mad, I would this whole thing is crap. btw many dem senators tried passing a bill that if the shutdown happens they and the congress wouldn't be paid but boenher shelved that. So it's okay for you and many other people to not get paid and lose their jobs but not for him and his ilk.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
    Yes they technically did, however there was never a majority in the senate and the gop would have blocked it anyway. Besides your newly elected gop should do the budget, it's sort of customary for the new congress to do it anyway. I guess the dems should just cut even deeper into social programs and other services that people rely on. Maybe ending these crappy wars would be a nice start.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
    Yes they technically did, however there was never a majority in the senate and the gop would have blocked it anyway. Besides your newly elected gop should do the budget, it's sort of customary for the new congress to do it anyway. I guess the dems should just cut even deeper into social programs and other services that people rely on. Maybe ending these crappy wars would be a nice start.
    Wars? What wars? According to your elected Messiah the war in Iraq is over and we aren't in a "war" with Libya... (All sarcastic and a load of crap) Also, all 8 years of the war in Iraq cost us LESS than Obama's stimulus package... Stop using the war as an excuse to not address the real issues of our of control entitlement spending. And the Republicans have proposed a budget but the democrats won't even allow it to come to a vote in the Senate and the President has promised to veto it. They had a chance to pass a bill that would keep government running for the next week and MAKE SURE the military is paid for the rest of the year and the Republicans passed it in the House. Harry Reid won't even bring it to a vote in the Senate because he can't lose his precious Cowboy Poetry Festival in Nevada... what a fucking joke.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Yes yes, all of our representatives behave like petty silly children, all parties included, they always have and we've always known this was the case. The failure here is that we normally elect a STRONG LEADER as president who can make them behave. Now what we have is a president who is a limp d!ck worthless piece of slow-acting, overly-analytical nonsense wrapped in a fast-melting candy-coating made of hope and transparency, and he can't do a DAMN thing. He's simultaneously unable to stand up to other world leaders (his peers) and his subordinate congressmen and senators. Get him the hell out of there.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
    Yes they technically did, however there was never a majority in the senate and the gop would have blocked it anyway. Besides your newly elected gop should do the budget, it's sort of customary for the new congress to do it anyway. I guess the dems should just cut even deeper into social programs and other services that people rely on. Maybe ending these crappy wars would be a nice start.
    Wars? What wars? According to your elected Messiah the war in Iraq is over and we aren't in a "war" with Libya... (All sarcastic and a load of crap) Also, all 8 years of the war in Iraq cost us LESS than Obama's stimulus package... Stop using the war as an excuse to not address the real issues of our of control entitlement spending. And the Republicans have proposed a budget but the democrats won't even allow it to come to a vote in the Senate and the President has promised to veto it. They had a chance to pass a bill that would keep government running for the next week and MAKE SURE the military is paid for the rest of the year and the Republicans passed it in the House. Harry Reid won't even bring it to a vote in the Senate because he can't lose his precious Cowboy Poetry Festival in Nevada... what a fucking joke.
    lol, come on puro, your smarter than this. All 8 years in Iraq was way more than the stimulus bill. Dont be upset at the dems for not passing a bill, the newly elected gop majority should be more than capable of doing it, oh wait they can't. Why should the dems vote on it, I mean it's utter nonsense. I mean lets just do deeper cuts in social services. Maybe they should cut police funding and when you lose your job you may realize what auto workers and other factory workers are/have experienced over the many years. Yeah, blame the dems and yes they have f'd up a lot too but when the GOP flat out doesn't even hid their distane for you and me and embraces everything that gives them money...

    Here are some numbers for ya.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7304300.stm
    "BBC states and mind you this is from 2008: The Iraq war has proved far more costly than the US government thought when it went to war five years ago. But controversy still rages over the ultimate size of the bill for the war, with some suggesting the cost could reach $3 trillion ($3,000bn, or £1,500bn). According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the direct costs of the war on terror, which include operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan, have so far have reached $752bn, if the current year's appropriation of $188bn is included. "

    Now fox "news" states: "Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/08/30/cbo-years-iraq-war-cost-stimulus-act/ Now we haven't even mentioned the costs of payouts to dead soldiers and the medical costs even the costs down the road. Not to mention the costs of buidling *** over there. We are still there, and obama said that combat is over and yes I think a lot of it's bs, but really that's how it is played. We will never leave.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
    Yes they technically did, however there was never a majority in the senate and the gop would have blocked it anyway. Besides your newly elected gop should do the budget, it's sort of customary for the new congress to do it anyway. I guess the dems should just cut even deeper into social programs and other services that people rely on. Maybe ending these crappy wars would be a nice start.
    Wars? What wars? According to your elected Messiah the war in Iraq is over and we aren't in a "war" with Libya... (All sarcastic and a load of crap) Also, all 8 years of the war in Iraq cost us LESS than Obama's stimulus package... Stop using the war as an excuse to not address the real issues of our of control entitlement spending. And the Republicans have proposed a budget but the democrats won't even allow it to come to a vote in the Senate and the President has promised to veto it. They had a chance to pass a bill that would keep government running for the next week and MAKE SURE the military is paid for the rest of the year and the Republicans passed it in the House. Harry Reid won't even bring it to a vote in the Senate because he can't lose his precious Cowboy Poetry Festival in Nevada... what a fucking joke.
    lol, come on puro, your smarter than this. All 8 years in Iraq was way more than the stimulus bill. Dont be upset at the dems for not passing a bill, the newly elected gop majority should be more than capable of doing it, oh wait they can't. Why should the dems vote on it, I mean it's utter nonsense. I mean lets just do deeper cuts in social services. Maybe they should cut police funding and when you lose your job you may realize what auto workers and other factory workers are/have experienced over the many years. Yeah, blame the dems and yes they have f'd up a lot too but when the GOP flat out doesn't even hid their distane for you and me and embraces everything that gives them money...

    Here are some numbers for ya.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7304300.stm
    "BBC states and mind you this is from 2008: The Iraq war has proved far more costly than the US government thought when it went to war five years ago. But controversy still rages over the ultimate size of the bill for the war, with some suggesting the cost could reach $3 trillion ($3,000bn, or £1,500bn). According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the direct costs of the war on terror, which include operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan, have so far have reached $752bn, if the current year's appropriation of $188bn is included. "

    Now fox "news" states: "Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/08/30/cbo-years-iraq-war-cost-stimulus-act/ Now we haven't even mentioned the costs of payouts to dead soldiers and the medical costs even the costs down the road. Not to mention the costs of buidling *** over there. We are still there, and obama said that combat is over and yes I think a lot of it's bs, but really that's how it is played. We will never leave.
    You can ignore that facts all you want, but the Iraq war was a drop in the bucket financially to the overall spending. Here are some great numbers with a graph that really shows deficit spending with and without the Iraq war.


    You might not like the idea of the government not being able to take care of every American, but it just isn't possible.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The one big plus to a government shutdown... The less they do, the less they can f*cj up! this goes for both parties, all branches, and each and every agency!

    Just to let you know, that's a little offensive. More so because this morning one of my joes comes running up to me and starts crying, wanting to know how he is supposed to pay his mortgage. The reason for this? Our LES (Leave and Earning Statement's; aka pay stub) populated this am. We are deployed, away from our families, and friends for a year at minimum. The LES says that we are only getting paid until today. For the next few days, weeks, maybe months, I will be over here fucking things up less, while worrying about my families livelyhood, so you can sit there and accuse me of fucking things up. If I was home it'd be no big deal, I'd go find some side work, but I'm not home, I don't get to sleep with my wife or see my kids; all because I believe in what this country that I think is awesome (the country, not government) is all about! Kiss your wife and kids, shake your friends hand and be nice to your parents. Do it for me, because I would give anything to have a chance to even SEE mine right now.
    Ok, you don't know me very well, but I am one of the biggest supporters of our military around. I have many family members and friends who have served and I appreciate this more than anyone can possibly know. If you noticed I said this was one plus, that would be one plus and a lot of negatives. If the govt. shuts down it will be a complete failure by both parties to take care of the essential functions of government. I understand your frustration and I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I stand by my statement. I never said a govt. shutdown would be a good thing. The Dems have had since Oct. of last gear to pass a budget, but they were concerned with their political agenda. Pheebs can blame the Tea Party and the republicans all he wants, but the Democrats had a majority is both houses of Congress AND the White House, but failed to act. The Republicans offered a one week stoppgap spending bill that would fund the military for 6 months, but the Democrats wouldn't even consider it... its pathetic political games like this that pisses me off. The Dems are playing games and putting NPR's funding ahead of our military.
    Yes they technically did, however there was never a majority in the senate and the gop would have blocked it anyway. Besides your newly elected gop should do the budget, it's sort of customary for the new congress to do it anyway. I guess the dems should just cut even deeper into social programs and other services that people rely on. Maybe ending these crappy wars would be a nice start.
    Wars? What wars? According to your elected Messiah the war in Iraq is over and we aren't in a "war" with Libya... (All sarcastic and a load of crap) Also, all 8 years of the war in Iraq cost us LESS than Obama's stimulus package... Stop using the war as an excuse to not address the real issues of our of control entitlement spending. And the Republicans have proposed a budget but the democrats won't even allow it to come to a vote in the Senate and the President has promised to veto it. They had a chance to pass a bill that would keep government running for the next week and MAKE SURE the military is paid for the rest of the year and the Republicans passed it in the House. Harry Reid won't even bring it to a vote in the Senate because he can't lose his precious Cowboy Poetry Festival in Nevada... what a fucking joke.
    lol, come on puro, your smarter than this. All 8 years in Iraq was way more than the stimulus bill. Dont be upset at the dems for not passing a bill, the newly elected gop majority should be more than capable of doing it, oh wait they can't. Why should the dems vote on it, I mean it's utter nonsense. I mean lets just do deeper cuts in social services. Maybe they should cut police funding and when you lose your job you may realize what auto workers and other factory workers are/have experienced over the many years. Yeah, blame the dems and yes they have f'd up a lot too but when the GOP flat out doesn't even hid their distane for you and me and embraces everything that gives them money...

    Here are some numbers for ya.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7304300.stm
    "BBC states and mind you this is from 2008: The Iraq war has proved far more costly than the US government thought when it went to war five years ago. But controversy still rages over the ultimate size of the bill for the war, with some suggesting the cost could reach $3 trillion ($3,000bn, or £1,500bn). According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the direct costs of the war on terror, which include operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan, have so far have reached $752bn, if the current year's appropriation of $188bn is included. "

    Now fox "news" states: "Eight Years of Iraq War Cost Less Than Stimulus Act" http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/08/30/cbo-years-iraq-war-cost-stimulus-act/ Now we haven't even mentioned the costs of payouts to dead soldiers and the medical costs even the costs down the road. Not to mention the costs of buidling *** over there. We are still there, and obama said that combat is over and yes I think a lot of it's bs, but really that's how it is played. We will never leave.
    You can ignore that facts all you want, but the Iraq war was a drop in the bucket financially to the overall spending. Here are some great numbers with a graph that really shows deficit spending with and without the Iraq war.


    You might not like the idea of the government not being able to take care of every American, but it just isn't possible.
    Once again you post a link that not only is a conservitive think tank but they took one graph out of a report to back their article. Here is something from the CBO directly going over the costs and mind you this is through 2007.


    Maybe you should read the facts not some bs that is adopting a tidbit of info from a report. Just like other posts from others around here trying to push lies about medicare costs and cuts.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Surely this kind of communication could never occur without the calm headed minds of quality cigar smokers.
    I'd pipe in here but you guys are covering most of the bases.
    WOOOps to ya Ryan
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Surely this kind of communication could never occur without the calm headed minds of quality cigar smokers.
    I'd pipe in here but you guys are covering most of the bases.
    WOOOps to ya Ryan
    lol, yeah puro is a great guy, and we have a lot of the same tastes in cigars, though politics, that's another story...
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Just an update for those following the debate for the bill:

    Repubs/Dems generally agreed on a number, around $33 billion, but differences still include:
    - Dems want the $33 bill in cuts to come out of a general slush fund for agencies; this slush fund consists of money that may or may not ever be spent; Repubs want the $33 bill to come from agency budgets
    - Dems have given in on EPA; Cap-and-trade was a loser policy idea, and they aren't about to defend EPA from Repub efforts to bar them from regulating CO2
    - Big sticking point is Planned Parenthood's $360 mill funding; Repubs want to cut it, Dems are going to the mat for PP
    - Reid says there's broad agreement on the cuts; Boehner says there's no agreement. Steney Hoyer, Democratic whip, comments that both men are right; there is an agreement on the number, but until there's agreement on everything, no bill is getting through.

    Currently there's a bill pending in the Senate that would cut $12 bill from the budget, fund the Gov't for another week, cut funding to PP, and fund the Pentagon for the rest of the year; Reid's said the 1-week measure is a no-go, and Obama's threatened to veto it.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Surely this kind of communication could never occur without the calm headed minds of quality cigar smokers.
    I'd pipe in here but you guys are covering most of the bases.
    WOOOps to ya Ryan
    lol, yeah puro is a great guy, and we have a lot of the same tastes in cigars, though politics, that's another story...
    Pheebs is a left wing pinko commie and I'm a right wing extreme nut job... But he is right, we do smoke some AWESOME cigars! lol And he's a good guy too. He has the best intentions just as I do, we just see a different way of getting there.
  • clearlysuspectclearlysuspect Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,750
    Surely this kind of communication could never occur without the calm headed minds of quality cigar smokers.
    I'd pipe in here but you guys are covering most of the bases.
    WOOOps to ya Ryan
    lol, yeah puro is a great guy, and we have a lot of the same tastes in cigars, though politics, that's another story...
    Pheebs is a left wing pinko commie and I'm a right wing extreme nut job... But he is right, we do smoke some AWESOME cigars! lol And he's a good guy too. He has the best intentions just as I do, we just see a different way of getting there.
    I wish we had more of this attitude in this country. Just because people have different values and directions doesn't mean they don't care about the country. I see a lot of people get demonized for their beliefs and that simply isn't right. As to whose ideas are better, time will certainly tell. Hopefully we can all look at the history books to see which ideas are better and which ones aren't instead of becoming part of the history books themselves.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
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