Ashton VSG?

So, a few weeks ago I had my first VSG. It was the illusion size, and it had about 2 years on it. I absolutely loved it. Does anyone who is familiar with this stick think there's a better size, or are they all the same? I picked up a corona gorda thinking I might like that one too, but haven't tried it yet.
I am getting smarter, I now buy at least 5 of whatever it is to cover that urge.
I have 5 LFD Air benders (Matatan) and 5 Illusione coming; set up through Tim...
Too bad you live so far away; slow roasted pork, yummy!!
I just finished up that Corona Gorda I bought, and it was fantastic. It's a nice compromise between the physical size of the robusto, and the increased wrapper to filler ratio of a regular corona. Anyway, wonderful smoke. Box worthy. I burned my finger nubbing the darn thing.