When they did Gurkhas back in May, they said they usually only do them a couple times a year, so maybe this will be the other time. I'm keepin my fingers crossed.
I personally like the 3000 Maduro. Of course the 1926 or the 1964 Aniv. are both BIG favorites for many people. I have a couple in the Humi, but haven't tried either of them yet. A little spendy and need a good special occasion for one of those! haha
Padrons are generally so inexpensive it almost seems as though it would be pointless to run a special on them. Unless of course you're talking 1926 and 1964 editions, that's a horse of a different color.
Well, given their current "two day" 10% off promotion, I'd be willing to bet it'll be pretty good... My guess is the current promotion was geared to get people to place an order early, then offer an "unpassable" deal for the friday special that will generate more orders (hopefully many of whom already placed an order with the 10% off special) and get twice as many orders...
Have you checked your email? It's combinable with the COTMC discount too, so the 10th Anniversary sampler is only $80.96 instead of $99.95. Damn you CCOM!
Yeah, it just means they haven't arrived in the warehouse yet, and they will fill orders when they come in. I'm gonna pass, Ghurkas have disappointed me too many times.
I've had this particular Gurkha and wasn't impressed. I got 4 or 5 of them so it may be that they need to age some. I'll try another one in a few months.
even though thats a hefty discount i'm not impressed with this offer - and now even less so since some of you don't like/reccomend these sticks. i was expecting something more exciting. (makes bitter beer face)
So the one day deal is up, but it says on order, however you can still put it in your cart, anyone ever order something that said "on order"?
Hey squirrel, I have ordered one day specials that are " on order"..You will get them at the sale price, but it may take an extra day or two..They just oversold their current inventory.
Me too. This is a somewhat disappointing sale for a black friday type of deal. I thought they'd do something crazy. anyone know of any good Black Friday deals?
Agreed. Plus I couldn't fathom spending 100 dollars for 10 cigars that seem to have quite the mixed review. I have seen a few decent deals at CI. But thats about it. Well if anyone spots anything super good please inform us all!!!
Yea, I am very disapointed about this deal too... I like a good deal on the Gurkhas but this time of year with all the other expenses $100 for 10 smokes is a bit much. Oh well, maybe some other time and some other deal...
Sounds good anyway... LOL
The only Gurkha I have enjoyed really and would buy more of is the Legend Perfecto, the other ones I would not recommend. But tastes are subjective.