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Rocky Patel Thread!



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Come on kuzi taste is subjective we can't have a fair fight over that. :)

    Also the fact that you can find a cigar with a $30 retail price for $4-5 fairly easily says a lot about the cigar.

    We can go back and forth on subjective things like which is the best value but the fact is how can they claim to be the Rolls-Royce of cigars and proclaim these high qualities when they don't actually do anything with the cigar.
    officially their motto is "worlds finest cigars" not "Rolls Royce of cigars"
    "the rolls royce of cigars" are what OTHER people have called them.
    Im not saying it has not gone to their head, but that isnt THEIR slogan. A quick search of the term "rolls royce of cigars" shows this to be true. If you dont like that others call them that then dont call them that yourself. (i dont) but if you are mad that they call themselves that, you've misplaced your anger.

    about the price.... its all about sales from very big companies. one day deals and what not. If you are thinking that i cant do the same with a RP, then you are mistaken. Ive seen many times RP's that usually go for $9 selling in a 5 or 10 pack for $3 per. what does that say about THOSE cigars? ive never seen a $30 gurkha at $3 a stick... those ive seen for a bout $10 per.... wait... i dont know if i have seen a $30 gurkha.
    beast: 18
    beauty: 25 (close)
    Black Dragon: 15
    Centurian: $20
    Grand age: $12
    Legend: $16
    Royal Brigade: $15
    Titan: $24
    Titan II: $24

    the only gurkha on c.com that is over 25 is HMR.

    and for the record... I do almost all my cigar buying online. its fairly safe to say that i can find almost any high end premium (at one time or another) at an average of $3-$4.50 a stick. its a matter of waiting for the right time.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Come on kuzi taste is subjective we can't have a fair fight over that. :)

    yeah.... i know....

    gurkha would win.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Come on kuzi taste is subjective we can't have a fair fight over that. :)

    Also the fact that you can find a cigar with a $30 retail price for $4-5 fairly easily says a lot about the cigar.

    We can go back and forth on subjective things like which is the best value but the fact is how can they claim to be the Rolls-Royce of cigars and proclaim these high qualities when they don't actually do anything with the cigar.
    officially their motto is "worlds finest cigars" not "Rolls Royce of cigars"
    "the rolls royce of cigars" are what OTHER people have called them.
    Im not saying it has not gone to their head, but that isnt THEIR slogan. A quick search of the term "rolls royce of cigars" shows this to be true. If you dont like that others call them that then dont call them that yourself. (i dont) but if you are mad that they call themselves that, you've misplaced your anger.

    about the price.... its all about sales from very big companies. one day deals and what not. If you are thinking that i cant do the same with a RP, then you are mistaken. Ive seen many times RP's that usually go for $9 selling in a 5 or 10 pack for $3 per. what does that say about THOSE cigars? ive never seen a $30 gurkha at $3 a stick... those ive seen for a bout $10 per.... wait... i dont know if i have seen a $30 gurkha.
    beast: 18
    beauty: 25 (close)
    Black Dragon: 15
    Centurian: $20
    Grand age: $12
    Legend: $16
    Royal Brigade: $15
    Titan: $24
    Titan II: $24

    the only gurkha on c.com that is over 25 is HMR.

    and for the record... I do almost all my cigar buying online. its fairly safe to say that i can find almost any high end premium (at one time or another) at an average of $3-$4.50 a stick. its a matter of waiting for the right time.
    Not that this matters, but the Beauty was $30 last week. The price just recently came down.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Sure you can find good deals on RP's and many people take advantage of those deals. But I'd be willing to say that most people ONLY buy Gurkha's when they are at 1/3 or less of their normal retail price.

    The Rolls-Royce of cigars is not their official slogan but given the oppurtunity they will say that about themselves. Just look a little further up at what started this convo. Its Hansotia saying "We ARE the Rolls-Royce of cigars". Uh no you're not, you're closer to the Jaguar of cigars.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    With the deals that this site (and others, i guess) have weekly, monthly hell sometimes daily you can get most cigars for fairly cheap. Eventually you can THE smoke you really want without worrying about price. But if a cigar is that good you are probably willing to pay whatever just to get them.

    As far as a car reference...I am happy with my Ford...a Jag and Rolls cost too much for up-keep. Guess that's why I like my cheap Olivas. lol
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I'm pretty sure I've smoked a couple Geo Metros that weren't awful
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    The Rolls-Royce of cigars is not their official slogan but given the oppurtunity they will say that about themselves. Just look a little further up at what started this convo. Its Hansotia saying "We ARE the Rolls-Royce of cigars". Uh no you're not, you're closer to the Jaguar of cigars.
    ive never seen that video on their site. Ive never seen anyone from gurkha saying that ever. ...im not saying they didnt but i cant find it. It is going to their heads.

    i dont buy RP's even at 1/3 retail....

    but thats because I buy by taste alone. I buy gurkhas at MSRP. not two weeks ago i got an ancient warrior at the local shop. worth every penny.

    just because you dont think they are worth the price doesnt mean they arent. if they werent then they couldnt sell them for what they do.

    I think that saying gurkha inst the "rolls royce" of cigars because of how they are produced is not 100% fair to either gurkha or rolls royce. (of course calling them the rolls royce isnt fair to either as well) they each have a very different idea on what produces quality. Gurkha's mindset is of "lets go out and find the best of the best and put it together in one place" and Rolls Royce has a mind set of "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself"
    also, Part of what makes a rolls so good is its rarity. many of the wrappers on gurkhas are fairly rare. rolls royce produce quality cars. gurkha produces quality cigars. ...and having a problem with an entire line of cigars because THEY WERE GIVEN A TAG LINE you dont like and them taking pride when they were given it... i mean, seriously? thats a fairly poor reason. I like gurkha because they taste good. I dont like RP as much because i dont think they taste as good.
    thats all.
    no lines
    no price evaluation
    no BS.
    im not gunna compare cars to cigars. i have a hard enough time comparing cars to cars or cigars to cigars.

    Rockey Patel is the Rockey Patel of the cigar world. Gurkha is the Gurkha of the cigar world.

  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    you're in the wrong profession my friend...seriously. you sound like a retired lawyer/politician with a smoke shop to keep yourself busy.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152

    Take a look back this whole thing is about the tag line. Its not about the cigars its about the tag line others have given them and/or that they themselves have adopted. The cigars are what they are, you like them, I like some of them but IMO they're overpriced, etc. To try and flip the debate into what you want it to be instead of what it is doesn't validate your point. I hate the tag line and the way it is loosely thrown around about them, THAT IS WHAT THIS DEBATE IS ABOUT. The people who have given them that title don't understand what a Rolls-Royce is, and the fact that Gurkha has played this up irritates me even more. Nothing more, nothing less. We've discussed why we believe we differ in our opinions on which tastes better and thats fine, thats an argument in another thread. This about the tag line and my hatred for it, lets keep it that way :).

    And get out of the RP thread you Gurkha loving, RP hating bastige! LMAO
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    maybe the others dont know what a rolls royce is. it doesnt matter if gurkha does.

    if someone you told you that you personally were the rolls royce of your industry wouldnt you take that as a compliment? wouldnt you put that in your ads? "so and so says I am the rolls royce..." ? its ment as a compliment. maybe an overstated one but let gurkha have their moment. let them be proud that someone thinks they are the best of the best (regardless of how they got there or their production line)

    all i am saying is you can hate the tag they were given all you want, but dont hate them for taking pride in in the fact that others like them so much as to call them the rolls royce or the best of the best.

    and i dont see anyone saying Rocky Patel is the Rolls Royce, Porsche, Maybach, Astin Martian, Pagani, Ferrari, Jag, BMW, or Lotus of the cigar world.

    ...Volvo maybe.

    ...Volvo's arent bad... im just not running out to get one if im gunna drop $50k.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    maybe the others dont know what a rolls royce is. it doesnt matter if gurkha does.

    if someone you told you that you personally were the rolls royce of your industry wouldnt you take that as a compliment? wouldnt you put that in your ads? "so and so says I am the rolls royce..." ? its ment as a compliment. maybe an overstated one but let gurkha have their moment. let them be proud that someone thinks they are the best of the best (regardless of how they got there or their production line)

    all i am saying is you can hate the tag they were given all you want, but dont hate them for taking pride in in the fact that others like them so much as to call them the rolls royce or the best of the best.
    Point taken, but I'm still allowed to hate that some poor, confused soul called Gurkha the Rolls-Royce of cigars.
    and i dont see anyone saying Rocky Patel is the Rolls Royce, Porsche, Maybach, Astin Martian, Pagani, Ferrari, Jag, BMW, or Lotus of the cigar world.

    ...Volvo maybe.

    So you're saying that Rocky is one the safest cigars on the market? Interesting.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    safe? yes. you will not die while driving a Rocky Patel.
    interesting? no... just like a volvo, it isnt.

    please do hate the guy that called them the Rolls of the cigar world. I dont htink they are but i dont hate them at all for that line.

    I think Davidoff is closer to the rolls as well. snobby and in the end you just paid too much for something that is only slightly better than that you can get at half the price. again... this comes down to taste. I wanna go on a mission to get into davidoffs just to see what they see. ...i just hope it isnt just a waste of money as i fear it will be.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I think Davidoff is closer to the rolls as well. snobby and in the end you just paid too much for something that is only slightly better than that you can get at half the price. again... this comes down to taste. I wanna go on a mission to get into davidoffs just to see what they see. ...i just hope it isnt just a waste of money as i fear it will be.
    Something we can agree on!
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    safe? yes. you will not die while driving a Rocky Patel.
    interesting? no... just like a volvo, it isnt.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Bad Andy:
    safe? yes. you will not die while driving a Rocky Patel.
    interesting? no... just like a volvo, it isnt.
    That was pretty good.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Bad Andy:
    safe? yes. you will not die while driving a Rocky Patel.
    interesting? no... just like a volvo, it isnt.
    That was pretty good.
    We almost need a 'best line' thread. hmmmm
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    so... the Nording is a good smoke...
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    i agree....not incredible. This Fusion MM is quite nice too!
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Have you gotten to the Nicarao kuz? Its a Nicarguan puro so it should really test your nic/honduran theory. However, there is a nice twist. Its blended to taste like the cubans of the pre-embargo era and many reviews I've read said its closer to that than any cigar RP has ever blended, and the Olde World Reserve was supposed to accomplish the same thing.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i keep eyeing it but since its so cold out smoking out of my own humidor is a bit more of a challenge.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    i keep eyeing it but since its so cold out smoking out of my own humidor is a bit more of a challenge.
    Wait!?! So who's humi have you been smoking out of?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Has anyone tried Rocky Patel Renaissance? I had one few weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    the B&M's
    That can be an expensive humi to smoke out of.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Has anyone tried Rocky Patel Renaissance? I had one few weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely.
    Yes and yes and you know that its a sumatra right? Reminds me very much of the old Edge Sumatra. The new Edge Sumatra is good but the old one was even better. Like everything made by RP it seems to have changed, maybe I've changed.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Has anyone tried Rocky Patel Renaissance? I had one few weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely.
    Yes and yes and you know that its a sumatra right? Reminds me very much of the old Edge Sumatra. The new Edge Sumatra is good but the old one was even better. Like everything made by RP it seems to have changed, maybe I've changed.
    no, they changed. A guy at the above mentioned B&M had a conversation about that. If you can find them there are still some old edges out there. good luck though.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Has anyone tried Rocky Patel Renaissance? I had one few weeks ago and enjoyed it immensely.
    Yes and yes and you know that its a sumatra right? Reminds me very much of the old Edge Sumatra. The new Edge Sumatra is good but the old one was even better. Like everything made by RP it seems to have changed, maybe I've changed.
    no, they changed. A guy at the above mentioned B&M had a conversation about that. If you can find them there are still some old edges out there. good luck though.
    I still have a couple. That saddens me. The original Edge has changed drastically also, it lost its punch its just an ok cigar now. Is this an RP thing or has anyone else noticed this with other labels?

    All our half kidding arguments about Gurkha aside, there is somethign to be said about the way Gurkha does it. My understanding is they make a cigar call it X and when they can't make any more of that exact cigar the name X retires.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    I can't see how they can be that consistant year after year. Growing seasons differ b/c of climate and weather changes. They can try to recreate it by blending but I'm sure it is difficult. The only consistancies I can gather are quality and good flavor. I agree, like Gurkha, once you run out of a blend...start a new name or #2, 3, etc, that way people understand there may be a difference. JMO.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Bad Andy:
    I can't see how they can be that consistant year after year. Growing seasons differ b/c of climate and weather changes. They can try to recreate it by blending but I'm sure it is difficult. The only consistancies I can gather are quality and good flavor. I agree, like Gurkha, once you run out of a blend...start a new name or #2, 3, etc, that way people understand there may be a difference. JMO.
    yeah, you are probably right...who knows, maybe in a few years the Renaissance will start tasting a little different.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Bad Andy:
    I can't see how they can be that consistant year after year. Growing seasons differ b/c of climate and weather changes. They can try to recreate it by blending but I'm sure it is difficult. The only consistancies I can gather are quality and good flavor. I agree, like Gurkha, once you run out of a blend...start a new name or #2, 3, etc, that way people understand there may be a difference. JMO.
    Thats my take to. They should do like wine. This is the RP Edge Sumatra 1999. or 2006.
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