Padilla Artemis
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
New cigar coming down the pipe from Padilla. Anyone heard anything?
Here's a link to the news on Padilla.
I second the amazement that the Obsidian will not be discontinued.
Make Room? wtf? He needs to teach that philosophy to Gurkha(ba dum...ching), but really i love the 68, box purchase time!!!! Still would love to know more about this cigar, it has the "Dominus" lion on the band so i wonder if it will be a spin of the Dominus, another one of my all time favorites when i can afford them. Ahhh anticipation. But i Agree with yall, cut the Cazadores, hybrid and the mother effin OBSIDIAN!!!!
Honestly, I would be surprised if Padilla really did discontinue these lines. Look at Rockys 1990 and 92 vintage....hes still going with those. Case in point as long as there is good money in it, they will likely keep making it. Even if the cigar is nowhere what it used to be. Although, Padilla did break it off with Pepin so maybe its not so far fetched. I think Padilla would be shooting himself in the foot a bit. Just my opinion.
-Regards and Long Ashes!
1495s are really worth a shot. I'm usually not that big a fan either.
Like most, I would not like to see the '68 go.