Home Cigar 101


DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
I'm new to this whole cigar forum thing and have found I really enjoy it. I started yesterday or the day before and am really having a blast with it. I walked into the church i am a member of and immediately felt as though I'd walked into a friend's home, that is how it feels here. I appreciate all the well-wishing and whatnot from everyone. I am currently deployed to Doha, Qatar, and while not being an active combat (I'm not getting shot at) zone. I hate being away from my family. I have purchased a cigar mechanics 30 stick travel humi for use over here. I have also started a cigar club mentioned in the post 'logo for a five pack' partially sponsored by the USO, they have purchased a small humi for our use. If anyone knows of any local cigar shops that want to donate anything cigar related, and I mean anything, PM me and I will get you the address here. I am alos the contact for Cigars For the Troops through About.com, but they haven't followed through with their offer yet. We are in desperate need of cutters and punches, 5 of mine went missing in the first class (which ironically enough was cigar etiquette). I saw where you guys had a cigars for troops mishap, if you want to try again I can push things out from this side and provide pictures and probably a few members to the site. I will be happy to send you some cigars from here if you like, and am currently working on trade with someone in this forum. Anyways thanks for the warm welcome and any help you can send our way.


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