I just ordered this one and realized that maybe I shouldn't put these in my humi w/my other smokes (infused). Any suggestions? I have plans for them in Mid Feb.
I've kept a couple of Tabak Esp. in my main humi with other sticks for almost 4 months. I haven't noticed any sweet or coco flavors with any of the other sticks that I have smoked out of that humi. I do know that some here will tell you to keep them seperate if you are going to store for the long haul. I did take my most recent Tabak and Java (bought two days ago) and put them in their own humi. I plan to keep them at least for another six months and hopefully add to my supply so i thought it would be a good idea to do this. I guess if you intend to smoke them come Feb. you should be just fine. But hell, I could be wrong. Still new to storage of infused sticks. Rob