The Cank:Wish I was going to be in town. I need to do some heavy bombing !
bandyt09: The Cank:Wish I was going to be in town. I need to do some heavy bombing !Brett, either you bomb or you get bombed!!!!!!Send the PM..............................
jsnake:Send me a PM and give me some details. I also need to know who here has a master address list.
TatuajeVI:PM me, I'm interested. Been a while since I've bombed someone
lilwing88:PMs sent to everyone. This is gonna be ridiculous!
Krieg: lilwing88:PMs sent to everyone. This is gonna be ridiculous! hmmm...I didn't get one
Wing, PM me some details please sir!
Holy Sh*t, this is gonna be epic.......
I'm also in on the bombing. Please PM me the details.
This is gonna be ridiculous!