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Factory's and cigar quality



  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Alex Svenson:
    awesome thread, thanks for the contribution Alex. I'm glad to see the passion that you have translates in to what you do. so let me ask, if CCom and CI and some others share the same warehouse, does that mean they get the same quality stuff that you hand pick? is your stuff set aside in a different area, or do you do their buying as well?
    pretty wild when you think about how much work goes in to this.
    Yes everything in the warehouse. That said, there are some things that are specially for cigar.com, one of which you will see on a weekend blitz very soon hint hint. Also there are certain pet projects and exclusives that I quarantine off in the warehouse. And of course the aging room. I am also going to be doing a new project this year on some new cigars. Far too often I am down at the factory and pass up on small lots of a few thousand cigars of something. Too small to do anything with but many of these cigars based on materials, age, quality would easily retail $8 to $12 and can be had on the cheap if people need to move cigars. I am trying to figure out a program where I can scoop these up, and put them in bundles and sell them for $3 to $5 a piece. Maybe just unbanded with a sticker with the lot # on it or something. Wont be anything fancy for the folks that like a nice bands etc but would be a great bargain. Last year I told myself I would stop passing them up. I at least want to try it with the really, really good lots I find here and there.
    Thanks for the response. I think it would be really cool to do a monthly special of "Merchant's Special" or "Alex's Pick" of some of those premium, low volume sticks. Hell, maybe label them with the month they are the special for. base them on the flavor profiles more dominant for the season. fuller in winter, milder in summer. sorry, i'm ranting
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Thanks for all the info Alex, I had no idea Ccom was this dedicated...I knew you guys were good...just didn't know you guys were this good! Look forward to your new "projects" this year :)
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