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Your Plans for New Years and Your Cigar

undulacundulac Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,129
The family and I are leaving for a 3 hour drive to Columbus Ohio to visit my brother and his family for New Years. I just posted in another thread that I don't like to smoke my premium/super premium sticks when it's cold outside because I feel I lose a little flavor and experience. I packed quite a few sticks and will have a Alec Bradley Harvest Selection Habano that was gifted to me by a fine BORK (sorry, I can't remember but thank you!) for my last cigar of 2010. I chose this because I love the 97 and believe this will be similar with a little extra punch from the Habano wrapper.


  • smokeater187smokeater187 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    I'm proally going to head out to a hibatchi resturant...then come back and make some drinks and possibly enjoy a flying pig t 52...then news day were deep frying a turkey watchin the winter classic and the fiesta bowl...go Uconn!!
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I'll be @ my bros. party. Hopefully I'll be able to get in a Hemingway Classic Maduro.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    I'll be in VA Beach visiting my brother and his fiancée. Should be a great time. Not too much down time for a smoke, but I should be able to squeeze one or two in. I'll be there from Friday to Monday. It's 4 hours away too, so I will get to enjoy a couple nice smokes in the car on the way there.
  • xIcedGuardianxxIcedGuardianx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 873
    going to the B&M on New Years Day and gonna hang out. I REALLY want to try a Decade so I think I'll get one while I'm there and bring something else with me..my first Anejo maybe. I hate having to pick what to smoke. it hurts so good.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I will be working
  • Bobbo2009Bobbo2009 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 843
    On News Year Eve day I am heading to a local bar that still lets you smoke inside. I plan to have an RP vintage 90. I fell in love with this cigar this summer on the golf course. I figured go out with something that I know I will enjoy. I also plan to go out sometime on New Years Day to the same bar and enjoy another smoke. Probably one of the ones bombed to me Bandy or Sniper. There were so many to choose from. Happy New Years!!!
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    On News Year Eve day I am heading to a local bar that still lets you smoke inside. I plan to have an RP vintage 90. I fell in love with this cigar this summer on the golf course. I figured go out with something that I know I will enjoy. I also plan to go out sometime on New Years Day to the same bar and enjoy another smoke. Probably one of the ones bombed to me Bandy or Sniper. There were so many to choose from. Happy New Years!!!
    Rob, not knowing what Glen sent you but out of the ones I sent you you may want to go with either the Gran Habano 3 Siglos or the Tatuaje Nobles, both have a good amount of time on them and are really good sticks. just my suggestion. I am sure whatever you choose will be good. Todd
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Probably gonna pick up a lobster tail and a bit of squid from Publix, steam the lobster and saute the squid in my own recipe, Awesome Sauce, then kick back with a Diesel d6 and some Astie Spumante (spelling?) - how will they pair? No idea, but it'll be fun to find out
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I'll be working and probably won't be able to have a smoke until the 2nd.
  • SquatchitoSquatchito Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 41
    Working until 2 tomorrow, then heading up to Pittsburgh for the Winter Classic. Thinking the Oliva Serie V I've been sitting on a while.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Just going to have a quiet night at home with the family. When I was at Cigar Fest, AJ Fernandez rolled a Runiation for me on the stomach of the "virgin". I think I might start the new year at Midnight with that.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    I have a bottle of Pendleton Whiskey and I'm not sure what I will smoke. I am going to a party where I will be supplying the cigars. I am taking some inexpensive sticks as these guys are not big cigar nuts. They enjoy cigars but they aren't in to it like me. I will probably be smoking a La Perla Habana Rojo as that's what I'm taking. Who knows though, there my be a Litto Gomez Diez in the mix there....
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    Working until 2 tomorrow, then heading up to Pittsburgh for the Winter Classic. Thinking the Oliva Serie V I've been sitting on a while.

    We are headding to a friends cabin in Clear Lake, WI, my mom is taking the boys so I'll be able to get a few sticks in. Thinking a nice Fuente or Ashton for the ride up and a stick or 2 for the night though it might be too cold..
  • jakevtjakevt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10
    Dinner, followed by a James Taylor Concert, followed by fireworks with probably an Anejo or Opus
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    I plan on smoking something special. If I can fit them in I hope to do a pretty intense match-up and see who I like more...
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I'll smoke something nice during the day, not sure what, and then spend the night inside with the family. New Years is my least favorite holiday.
  • The ColonelThe Colonel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 206
    Got the BlueRay Sherlock Holmes for a gift.. that paired with an organic red wine... thoughts of the House Blend Brazilian dancing through my head.. Happy New Year to all.
  • Husker44Husker44 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 172
    Supposed to be getting my Diesel order today...I may need to smoke one ROTT
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Ive been sick for three days, Tryed smoking a Cigar Last night got half way through it blah...... im trying to get feeling better which I do a bit, We have opted for a Nice Lobster ,Rib Eye and Shrimp Dinner with asparagus and roasted Romsemary Potatoes and some football.
    New Years Day
    I have just finished rubbing down a Nice Pork Butt to slow cook tommarow with My Famous Hot Wings and Salmon,some more Shrimp , Dungenous Crabs to pick, Homemade Chips and Salsa/guacamole.. beenie wienies, and a Barage of 20 different Fine cheeses and crackers Some Bruschetta ,freat breads with Balsamic and Olive oil and an assoretment of Olives, for New years Day. Yeah that will help me get that Diet going!
    I may Attempt a Cigar but I doubt i waste a Fine one.
    Happy New Years Guys
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Ive been sick for three days, Tryed smoking a Cigar Last night got half way through it blah...... im trying to get feeling better which I do a bit, We have opted for a Nice Lobster ,Rib Eye and Shrimp Dinner with asparagus and roasted Romsemary Potatoes and some football.
    New Years Day
    I have just finished rubbing down a Nice Pork Butt to slow cook tommarow with My Famous Hot Wings and Salmon,some more Shrimp , Dungenous Crabs to pick, Homemade Chips and Salsa/guacamole.. beenie wienies, and a Barage of 20 different Fine cheeses and crackers Some Bruschetta ,freat breads with Balsamic and Olive oil and an assoretment of Olives, for New years Day. Yeah that will help me get that Diet going!
    I may Attempt a Cigar but I doubt i waste a Fine one.
    Happy New Years Guys
    holly cow, talk about a feast. sounds fantastic!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Hey Red, I gained five pounds just reading what your having. Sounds like fine feast.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Ive been sick for three days, Tryed smoking a Cigar Last night got half way through it blah...... im trying to get feeling better which I do a bit, We have opted for a Nice Lobster ,Rib Eye and Shrimp Dinner with asparagus and roasted Romsemary Potatoes and some football.
    New Years Day
    I have just finished rubbing down a Nice Pork Butt to slow cook tommarow with My Famous Hot Wings and Salmon,some more Shrimp , Dungenous Crabs to pick, Homemade Chips and Salsa/guacamole.. beenie wienies, and a Barage of 20 different Fine cheeses and crackers Some Bruschetta ,freat breads with Balsamic and Olive oil and an assoretment of Olives, for New years Day. Yeah that will help me get that Diet going!
    I may Attempt a Cigar but I doubt i waste a Fine one.
    Happy New Years Guys
    holly cow, talk about a feast. sounds fantastic!

    My WIfe and I are Both outstanding Chefs...... its a curse.. Ill try and get a Couple pics and post them ! LOL ! It is my hope to someday Host a Herf here at My house sometime and have a feast like that with the Boys! WHoever wants to come!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    Ive been sick for three days, Tryed smoking a Cigar Last night got half way through it blah...... im trying to get feeling better which I do a bit, We have opted for a Nice Lobster ,Rib Eye and Shrimp Dinner with asparagus and roasted Romsemary Potatoes and some football.
    New Years Day
    I have just finished rubbing down a Nice Pork Butt to slow cook tommarow with My Famous Hot Wings and Salmon,some more Shrimp , Dungenous Crabs to pick, Homemade Chips and Salsa/guacamole.. beenie wienies, and a Barage of 20 different Fine cheeses and crackers Some Bruschetta ,freat breads with Balsamic and Olive oil and an assoretment of Olives, for New years Day. Yeah that will help me get that Diet going!
    I may Attempt a Cigar but I doubt i waste a Fine one.
    Happy New Years Guys
    holly cow, talk about a feast. sounds fantastic!

    My WIfe and I are Both outstanding Chefs...... its a curse.. Ill try and get a Couple pics and post them ! LOL ! It is my hope to someday Host a Herf here at My house sometime and have a feast like that with the Boys! WHoever wants to come!

    My plan is now to drive to the west cost and crash Reds party. If he is still to sick to smoke I will smoke one and he can watch.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Ive been sick for three days, Tryed smoking a Cigar Last night got half way through it blah...... im trying to get feeling better which I do a bit, We have opted for a Nice Lobster ,Rib Eye and Shrimp Dinner with asparagus and roasted Romsemary Potatoes and some football.
    New Years Day
    I have just finished rubbing down a Nice Pork Butt to slow cook tommarow with My Famous Hot Wings and Salmon,some more Shrimp , Dungenous Crabs to pick, Homemade Chips and Salsa/guacamole.. beenie wienies, and a Barage of 20 different Fine cheeses and crackers Some Bruschetta ,freat breads with Balsamic and Olive oil and an assoretment of Olives, for New years Day. Yeah that will help me get that Diet going!
    I may Attempt a Cigar but I doubt i waste a Fine one.
    Happy New Years Guys
    holly cow, talk about a feast. sounds fantastic!

    My WIfe and I are Both outstanding Chefs...... its a curse.. Ill try and get a Couple pics and post them ! LOL ! It is my hope to someday Host a Herf here at My house sometime and have a feast like that with the Boys! WHoever wants to come!

    My plan is now to drive to the west cost and crash Reds party. If he is still to sick to smoke I will smoke one and he can watch.
    YOur welcome to come... Its not a Party actually its just me and my wife! LOL Can you believe my little 115 lb wife can eat like that!
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    Man I would love that, just a shame its the other side of the country and I don't think my truck can make it.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Probably gonna pick up a lobster tail and a bit of squid from Publix, steam the lobster and saute the squid in my own recipe, Awesome Sauce, then kick back with a Diesel d6 and some Astie Spumante (spelling?) - how will they pair? No idea, but it'll be fun to find out
    Well, this was the original plan . . . until I remembered I had to move out today since my lease ends at midnight. How does the old saying go? The best laid plans of mice and men, gang aft agley?

    At any rate, I've got everything packed up and ready to go, but I'm dog tired, so I'm spending New Years Eve in an empyty condo, drinking Corona and eating fried chicken, praying that my Landlord doesn't find out I'm staying until the morning. But hey, at least I picked up an AVO maduro No. 3 from a local B&M that I plan on smoking tonight :)

  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349


    Hopefully I can get both in, gonna be a slow night so I should. I hope the pam 46 is more to my liking, it's cheaper.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    A bundle of Man O War Armada, Ruination and Diesel Unlimited came from AJ to the house for christmas, all 5 x 42 size which is right in my wheel house. At least one of each will be smoked tonight!! Look for a sampler of some of AJs best blends in this size next year!!
  • Bobbo2009Bobbo2009 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 843
    On News Year Eve day I am heading to a local bar that still lets you smoke inside. I plan to have an RP vintage 90. I fell in love with this cigar this summer on the golf course. I figured go out with something that I know I will enjoy. I also plan to go out sometime on New Years Day to the same bar and enjoy another smoke. Probably one of the ones bombed to me Bandy or Sniper. There were so many to choose from. Happy New Years!!!
    Rob, not knowing what Glen sent you but out of the ones I sent you you may want to go with either the Gran Habano 3 Siglos or the Tatuaje Nobles, both have a good amount of time on them and are really good sticks. just my suggestion. I am sure whatever you choose will be good. Todd

    Thanks for the info. My plan today didn't go according to plan but I still got one in. The weather here got really nice for a couple of hours and I was able to fire one up on the deck. I still plan to go out tomorrow and I will bring with me one of the ones you recommended. Thanks again. Hope you have a happy new year!!
  • sol1821sol1821 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 706
    Alex Svenson:
    A bundle of Man O War Armada, Ruination and Diesel Unlimited came from AJ to the house for christmas, all 5 x 42 size which is right in my wheel house. At least one of each will be smoked tonight!! Look for a sampler of some of AJs best blends in this size next year!!
    damm man you're killing us.
    you read my mind i was going to ask if you could have a word with AJ to see if he could do this.
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