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16 degrees in Chi-town.....

lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
And I'm considering braving the cold for a smoke in the garage next to the space heater...... Haven't had one in almost a week and I'm jonesin!!! Probably gonna be a short robusto of some sort.....

Anybody else braving the cold for a short one?


  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    I was able to get in an Olivia quicky yesterday cause I had some chores to do in the pole barn.
  • AQUADGIO1200AQUADGIO1200 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
    Godspeed.....im only in 44 degree weather!
  • xIcedGuardianxxIcedGuardianx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 873
    I've been sick with a head/chest cold for about 5 days and I'm REALLY itching for a cigar. There are so many I haven't tried in the humi but haven't had the chance. I might just have to brave the cold tomorrow and light one up.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    I feel ya. Cold here in Evanston for sure.
  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I sat in my screened-in porch with a space heater pointed @ me fri. Night when it was 20 degrees. Cold but enjoyable.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Plans foiled!!! Just nestled in with a Ruination, a glass of wine and a good book in front of the space heater. Then the wife came and got me cuz the niece sleeping over has acid reflux, my son has a fever and my daughter hurt her knee! Emergency run to Walgreens....... maybe later when everyone's asleep, I'll sneak out again.
  • millennium115millennium115 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 839
    turned my garage into a man cave....been enjoying the cigars.....i tell you, without that id be dying for my cigars.......lol.......njy the winter to all my fellow brothas
  • Ironworker63Ironworker63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 185
    Plans foiled!!! Just nestled in with a Ruination, a glass of wine and a good book in front of the space heater. Then the wife came and got me cuz the niece sleeping over has acid reflux, my son has a fever and my daughter hurt her knee! Emergency run to Walgreens....... maybe later when everyone's asleep, I'll sneak out again.
    Sorry to here about your situation, paging "Doctor Marty" LOL...hopefully you'll be able to kick back and relax after your work is done. BTW...I had a Ruination this evening on my way back from taking my son to college for his finals. I have to say...It was pretty awesome, I set the cruise to 65 and let everybody pass me by, there was no need to rush this one;)
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Here's my cold weather horror story for the day. I loaded up my XiKar leather tube with an AVO Domaine (purito, it's cold, but I wanted to smoke SOMETHING), walked out the side door, laptop, lighter, beer, and cutter in hand, too three steps, and SLIIIIP, stepped on some ice, and lost my footing. Well half of it. One foot flew out from under me. My other foot was stuck in some powdery snow, causing my planted leg to twist in an ungodly sideways motion. Kne bent sideways, instead of forward/backward. Ended up spending the afternoon in the ER rather than enjoying a brewski and a stogie. Sonuvabitch! Now I'm laying here with my leg in a big @ss brace, kind of whacked on pain meds, and hoping I didn't tear anything (got X-Rayed, didn't break anything, have to see the Orthopedist this week to get everything else checked out). I hate snow. And Ice and go Fk itself.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    Here's my cold weather horror story for the day. I loaded up my XiKar leather tube with an AVO Domaine (purito, it's cold, but I wanted to smoke SOMETHING), walked out the side door, laptop, lighter, beer, and cutter in hand, too three steps, and SLIIIIP, stepped on some ice, and lost my footing. Well half of it. One foot flew out from under me. My other foot was stuck in some powdery snow, causing my planted leg to twist in an ungodly sideways motion. Kne bent sideways, instead of forward/backward. Ended up spending the afternoon in the ER rather than enjoying a brewski and a stogie. Sonuvabitch! Now I'm laying here with my leg in a big @ss brace, kind of whacked on pain meds, and hoping I didn't tear anything (got X-Rayed, didn't break anything, have to see the Orthopedist this week to get everything else checked out). I hate snow. And Ice and go Fk itself.
    Goddamn that sucks! Get better and get back to smoking soon!
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    I think I'll brave the 75F degree weather tonight for a stick. :)
  • ThewelderThewelder Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 679
    I think I'll brave the 75F degree weather tonight for a stick. :)
    I dislike you. That is our high up here, and it's get down to forties at night. Having to push my cigar enjoyment to in the afternoon instead of the evening. Oh yeah that really sucks for you guys with cold weather. I know Omaha, Nebraska has been getting kicked by the cold weather
  • JCizzleJCizzle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,910
    Oh you poor baby, having to smoke in the afternoon. ;-)
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    its been below freezing the hole month of Dec. here in western PA the couldest Dec. in quite some time.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    seriously need to turn the attic into a smoking room.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Holy sh*t, Burt! That blows! ER docs suck when it comes to ortho..... I broke my elbow in two places once (from slipping on the ice too!) They took one x-ray and said, "You're fine. Just bruised." Even though I never actually hit my elbow on anything! Ortho doc took multiple x-rays and found two separate fractures.

    You're gonna need a CT or an MRI. Probably a tear.....
  • SchroozSchrooz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 165
  • SchroozSchrooz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 165
    I can't get pictures posted....what the hell?? image
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Holy sh*t, Burt! That blows! ER docs suck when it comes to ortho..... I broke my elbow in two places once (from slipping on the ice too!) They took one x-ray and said, "You're fine. Just bruised." Even though I never actually hit my elbow on anything! Ortho doc took multiple x-rays and found two separate fractures.

    You're gonna need a CT or an MRI. Probably a tear.....
    Yeah, that's why I just scheduled an appointment with an orthopedic specialist. Sucks, but at least the swelling is down today.

    I might have to go smoke that AVO now...
  • asolomonasolomon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 127
    I've been stuck in New York as both my flights back have been cancelled the last two days due to all the snow at Heathrow. So it's too cold to smoke here and judging by the situation in England it'll probably be too cold there too! lol... I think some of the local pubs might have heated smoking areas though, that could do when I get back ;)
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    I've been stuck in New York as both my flights back have been cancelled the last two days due to all the snow at Heathrow. So it's too cold to smoke here and judging by the situation in England it'll probably be too cold there too! lol... I think some of the local pubs might have heated smoking areas though, that could do when I get back ;)
    There is a nice Italian restaurant in Clifton, NJ that allows smoking right at the table. It's probably a 25 minute ride from the city depending on what airport you are at. Jeff D and I had dinner there when he came out from CA.

    On a different note, can I come back to England with you? ;-) I have always wanted to go to England.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    It was a bone chilling 82 here today... Sorry to hear about the knee, hope it's just a twist rather than a tear.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    It was a balmy 23 degrees here and the wife and I didn't ever put our coats on when we went out. The neighbor was shoveling snow in a winter coat and shorts today, no joke.
  • asolomonasolomon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 127
    I've been stuck in New York as both my flights back have been cancelled the last two days due to all the snow at Heathrow. So it's too cold to smoke here and judging by the situation in England it'll probably be too cold there too! lol... I think some of the local pubs might have heated smoking areas though, that could do when I get back ;)
    There is a nice Italian restaurant in Clifton, NJ that allows smoking right at the table. It's probably a 25 minute ride from the city depending on what airport you are at. Jeff D and I had dinner there when he came out from CA.

    On a different note, can I come back to England with you? ;-) I have always wanted to go to England.
    That sounds nice! How do they make it through the smoking laws? I know that would never go down in NY. Have you ever been up to New Haven? There's an amazing smoking bar there called the Owl Shop that serves liquor and some food (unheard of in NY!) thanks to a grandfather clause, I think, but it's hard to find smoking-friendly restaurants. I'm currently on Long Island at my parents' place so not too close to Jersey, unfortunately.

    Hey you're welcome to come back to England! They're estimating that Heathrow will be ready by mid-2015 :D
  • millennium115millennium115 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 839
    came home from work,it is soo damncold in naperville il, went to my mancave garage and smokes a nica libre....very tasty... now off to bed,,,for work awaits tomorrow
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