howtobass:#1 ...... i'm at a loss for words...
Diamondog:Today we pay homage to the HOTDOG buns...
jlmarta:Mighta been pretty good if it wasn't for all the $#@&^ "forbidden's".......
Rhamlin: jlmarta:Mighta been pretty good if it wasn't for all the $#@&^ "forbidden's"....... Yeah who the heck is 403 and why is she always messing with the best part of my day.
howtobass:she's a keeper! hmmm... *Goes to check out that website*
kaspera79: howtobass:she's a keeper! hmmm... *Goes to check out that website*.. I did, it's okay I guess.
j0z3r: kaspera79: howtobass:she's a keeper! hmmm... *Goes to check out that website*.. I did, it's okay I guess.There's a website? All I saw were t!ts and ass.
Diamondog:Todays beauty
The Kid: Diamondog:Todays beauty beginning to think DD might be related to Mr. Pacino
Im beginning to think DD might be related to Mr. Pacino