Traveling with a cigar without proper storage
My in-laws are in Mexico and are going to purchase some cigars for me however the cigars will travel back in the suitcase only without any humidifaction and I will not get them until Christmas. Will this process damage the cigar beyond saving? How long can a cigar stay in the open?
As for storage, I disagree with what others have said because I tend to think that cigars are a lot more adaptable than others think. Plenty of vendors ship with no humidity pillows, and they travel for 1+ weeks across the country, but they make it in good shape. I've left individual cigars out of my humidor for a few weeks and had no problems. It's not something I'd try to do, but if it's done then the cigars should be fine. Just make sure you put them in your humidor to stabilize after they give them to you.
think mold