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What Brought YOU To Cigar.Com?

HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
I thought this might be an interesting topic - something we can all contribute on - and maybe a good place for new members to introduce themselves. Note - you guys know I don't work for Ccom, so this isn't a marketing kitsch ;-).

**As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
**How did you find the website?
**Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
**Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
**Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?

These are all just suggestions of places to start - by all means, answer however you wish. Looking forward to seeing the input!


  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    Easy, one word: Google! ha. I found this place in a google search for ways to get cigars in Afghanistan. I stayed because of Jeff Jackson and the unbelievable customer service they provide.

    I found the forums on accident one day, early on in my newbie days. I was only a few months in to cigars when I stumbled in here. And since then, I feel I know more about cigars already than I might have learned in my whole life without this amazing resource!
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    Funnily enough, I just googled "cigar" and CCom came up. I got my first cigar while I was in the Army from a friend (and I'd rather not say what cigar, since it would be quite shameful to) and it sparked my interest. I bought a few things, then I joined the forums. CCom and CCom forums has definitely enhanced my cigar experience. Hell, I learned more about tobacco and cigar blending here than I ever thought I'd learn in my lifetime by myself.
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    Well oddly enough my step-dad got a catalog from here and he doesn't even really smoke! So hundreds of dollars later here I am! Also yes to all the questions Hays sorta bullet-pointed.... I was a customer long before I dared to post on the forums but have been post-whoring ever since!
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    I wanted to keep the opening post clean, so my OWN input is...

    A buddy suggested that I try out cigars, so I went into a local shop and spent some time there with the sales guys. After tooling around shops for a couple weeks, I recalled an ad I had seen in Playboy numerous times for a 20ct humidor and 10 sticks for low low price of $19.95. Figured this would be a great start, so I ordered that up straight away. Joined the forums immediately, and started blasting away with questions. Since then, my knowledge of cigars and the industry has skyrocketed, and it is VAST part due to the amazing people at Cigar.Com and of this forum. The friendships that I've made here are priceless to me, and lordy knows that I sing the praises of Cigar.Com at every opportunity.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    I thought this might be an interesting topic - something we can all contribute on - and maybe a good place for new members to introduce themselves. Note - you guys know I don't work for Ccom, so this isn't a marketing kitsch ;-).

    **As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
    **How did you find the website?
    **Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
    **Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
    **Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?

    These are all just suggestions of places to start - by all means, answer however you wish. Looking forward to seeing the input!
    Well, i am probably one of the few that actually joined the forums before I became a customer! I found Ccom while trying to find out more about each cigar I had, ie, where it came from, how it tastes, etc. And didn't do a search or anything, i just typed in cigar.com into my browser...and this is where I landed... I noticed it had some forums so I created my account and joined the forums, and basically never left. I was a rookie and only been smoking cigars for a couple of months, I decided to order some smokes off the site and received an email from Tim...and the rest is history.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    I just randomly guessed that cigar.com might bring me to a cigar website, back before I was a cigar smoker, but was interested in the hobby, and was reading up.
  • undulacundulac Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,129
    I was an occasional cigar smoker before ccom but now, it's taken to a whole other level. I had a 50 count humidor and would keep around 20 sticks in it. That would last me about a year. Between the birth of my first and second child, it was March and we a had a decent night out so I grabbed my first cigar in months and lit it up. I had cabin fever from the winter and was bored when my daughter and wife would go to bed. I brought my computer out with me and started surfing the web. I had heard of the "T" and "J" companies but had never ordered online. I just always purchased bundles for around $30 from my local B&M. My dad is HUGE into cigars and was telling me that he orders most of his cigars online, so that night I googled cigars and the rest is history.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    I'm a googler too..... I found Ccom by accident, really. I started getting into cigars last October and found Ccom in December. The rest is, as they say, history...... It has been my main source of info on cigars and it gets a big portion of my business. But I still go to the B&M and I also use some other forums.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    My story is similar to the rest. I googled cigars to find a place to purchase them before I knew you could buy them online. CCOM was the first on the list and I placed a small order. I had bought from T&J in the past and was amazed at the nice website ccom had to offer. It was a month or two before I found the forum.
  • SchroozSchrooz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 165
    I googled. Never smoked a cigar my whole life. Well, except for one time when I was a kid and my cousin saw this guy going inside a store and chucked half of a stogie into the bushes and he picked it up and we smoked it in the woods while passing around a warm can of beer. Fun times.... Anyway, I can't remember where I got the idea to pick up cigar smoking which just happened a couple of months ago. I think it may have been some of t.v. shows and movies over the years in which actors were enjoying them and I may have stumbled on a forum thread for whiskey in which members were pairing cigars and brands. One day I just googled and got Ccom and the forum. I was intrigued by what members were saying about cigars. The site is an incredibly well built website that it was easy to navigate and find cigars that were being discussed in the forums and next thing I knew I was ordering myself 5 vegas sticks and a humidor.

    I am glad I got the new hobby. I don't know if it's just myself telling me lies, but I seem to be calmer these days. The 1 to 2 hours a day, 3 or 4 times a week, spent smoking does me wonders. My bank account is taking a massive damage, though....just need more tweeking to spread the spending over the year so I don't give myself a heart attack when the bank statement posts.
  • The CankThe Cank Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 799
    I did the same I typed in Cigar.com and here is where I ended up and here is where I'll stay
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I thought this might be an interesting topic - something we can all contribute on - and maybe a good place for new members to introduce themselves. Note - you guys know I don't work for Ccom, so this isn't a marketing kitsch ;-).

    **As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
    **How did you find the website?
    **Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
    **Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
    **Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?

    These are all just suggestions of places to start - by all means, answer however you wish. Looking forward to seeing the input!
    I first became aware of Ccom when visiting another site and folks there reffered to a sister site. I was curious since I had began to buy online to save some bucks. I found great deals and soon realized that Ccom customer service was second to none.
    I was a customer before I discovered the forum but was so glad I did as it gave me the opportunity to increase my knowledge of cigars. I was still pretty early in my development of my palate and knowledge at that point.
    I have increased my knowledge exponentially since coming here.
    I am held here by the unexplainable and overwhelming gravitational pull of "The Beard". It is the greatest force known in the universe and it cannot be broken.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    I thought this might be an interesting topic - something we can all contribute on - and maybe a good place for new members to introduce themselves. Note - you guys know I don't work for Ccom, so this isn't a marketing kitsch ;-).

    **As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
    **How did you find the website?
    **Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
    **Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
    **Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?

    These are all just suggestions of places to start - by all means, answer however you wish. Looking forward to seeing the input!
    OK, here we go...

    I was pretty much a newb when I came to Ccom, which I discovered when my best friend bought me a year's subscription to the Cigar of the Month club! (Now THATS a friend, huh???) That was about two years ago.

    Of course that led me to the web site. Which led me to OTHER web sites, some of which sometimes had lower prices. Didnt take me long to figure out WHY they had lower prices. Burn issues, construction issues, shipping issues - all issues I found I never had when dealing with Ccom. Which is why they get so much of my business now.

    Never really explored the web site too much until I blew my knee out this January, and then a whole new world opened up. Learned A TON about the hobby, and met by far the best group of people it has ever been my privilege to consider myself a part of.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I'm kinda like a couple other guys around here, I just typed in cigar.com to see what came up and boom! Found this place. I had been smoking for a little while a couple times a week and buying all of my smokes from B&M's, so I was pretty much just looking for more info on cigars and a couple brands I hadn't been able to find, like Tatuaje, at the 1 shop we had out in East TX. I stumbled on the forums and lurked around for a week or so then signed up. Been here ever since and have almost 3,000 posts, met a ton of great people, and learned a lot about this awesome hobby!
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Was working on a story and one of my characters was going to smoke cigars.
    I needed to do research as to that point all I had was a box of swisher sweets...
    A google search later I landed here.

  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    Google as well. Tho I was readn on the forums before I ordered, but only by maybe a day. Its been down hill ever since. So much knowledge in one place. Why go anywhere else?
  • gripnripgripnrip Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
    I started with the forum....was looking for info on Vegas cigar bars and Googled "cigar forums" and been here ever since. Was buying from J and local B&M (didn't even know enought to call it a "B&M" lol) but now am buying all my online sticks from ccom. I have learned so much over the past year or so and tried so many great new brands. Also, as we all know, ccom service cannot be beat! Love reading the forum posts, learning about cigars et al. and getting to know the personalities on the forum. I'll have to branch out soon and do some trades-thanks to all for helping me expand my cigar hobby and enjoyment of the leaf.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    **As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
    **How did you find the website?
    my computer got me here.
    no, seriously...
    i was quasi-interested in cigars and thought i would learn more before i went on. my father told me they require some work to maintain so i knew i didnt know enough.
    as i always do in this situation, sought out more info. i did a yahoo! search for "cigar forum"
    this was in early 2006. cigar.com didnt have its own forum. they were piggybacking on the AmBack forum that later became the EOTAC forum, and even later, the Make ready Forum.
    when cigar.com split off i signed up here. i was one of the first on this forum. i may be the only person from the old forum besides VinceO.
    how have i progressed?
    you tell me.
    i have more posts than anyone here (so far. and joe is catching up)
    i have become friends with many of you
    cigars have become a passion.

    **Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
    forums... then customer... then friends.
    **Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
    i was so new it wasnt even funny.
    i knew almost nothing.
    im still a perpetual newbie. new things always coming out. different blends, products, makers, brands...
    **Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?
    yes. i would not have found about 75% of the brands i know enjoy if not for this forum.

  • ScottTDawgScottTDawg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 200
    I had contacted the person who gave me my first cigar about 3 months afterward to get more info on cigars. I tend to want to research anything thoroughly before I start. He referred me to Cigar.com and the forums. This was the only place I needed to go for information.

    After I did enough research, I became a customer.

    Of course I was brand new (and am still learning).

    This website and forum has definitely enhanced my cigar experience! I don't go anywhere else.

  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    When my son went to college, he got me started on man made cigars rather than the machine made stuff I had smoked in the past. Like many others here, in doing some research I found ccom and I've been here ever since.

    I too shopped here and other sites. I spend most of my money here due to the knowledge of the staff and the great customer service. The forums have been fun and I've enjoyed the give and take.

    I have even forgiven the non-Yankee fans!
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    I just saw that I passed my 700th post and didn't even notice. I must be getting old!
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    I thought this might be an interesting topic - something we can all contribute on - and maybe a good place for new members to introduce themselves. Note - you guys know I don't work for Ccom, so this isn't a marketing kitsch ;-).

    **As the title states, what brought you to Cigar.Com, and how has your experience progressed?
    **How did you find the website?
    **Were you a customer, and then joined the forums?
    **Where were you in your cigar experience development when you found the site - brand new, veteran, middle ground?
    **Has the website, or forum, changed or enhanced your cigar experiences?

    These are all just suggestions of places to start - by all means, answer however you wish. Looking forward to seeing the input!

    COOL POST Brother Hays!
    How I found Cigar.com was through a Vetern Poster here on the website,that happened to be a friend of mine that i guess i never relized smoked cigars till i saw him smoking a Fine Hand Rolled Smoke on his Facebook Page....
    That would be Brandon.. bbc020
    I sent him an email and told Him I was an occasional Cigar smoker and asked him about his Hobby and he sent me to CCOM to surf the Forums and the Catalogs and the rest is History!
    Brandon sent me my first Bomb to introduce me to the Bombings, followed by Me meeting Hays for my first Game as a newbie Hays was like the first Mystery Stick try guy and he passed it on to me to break me into the Games!
    I brag on CCOM every chance I get! This community of men and the occasional Women (Thanks Kelly) is among the best group of people I have ever had the pleasure to be involved with.
    I am here to Stay!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    How I found Cigar.com was through a Vetern Poster here on the website,that happened to be a friend of mine that i guess i never relized smoked cigars till i saw him smoking a Fine Hand Rolled Smoke on his Facebook Page....
    That would be Brandon.. bbc020
    man... how is brandon doing? im sure his life is busy as hell right now with the wedding and work...

    he hasnt posted in a while
    and i havent seen him since the herf in Akron last winter.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    I googled "Indian Tabac" and CCom came up. ITC was the first real cigar that I ever had and I had smoked quite a few as my friends father in law had given him a couple boxes of them.
    Once I found the website I just looked at cigars for probably a few weeks. I read the blogs, looked at what was for sale, and went to other sites to see how they stacked up. I also ordered some ITC 10yr seconds. After that, I kinda browsed the forums and decided to join.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    How I found Cigar.com was through a Vetern Poster here on the website,that happened to be a friend of mine that i guess i never relized smoked cigars till i saw him smoking a Fine Hand Rolled Smoke on his Facebook Page....
    That would be Brandon.. bbc020
    man... how is brandon doing? im sure his life is busy as hell right now with the wedding and work...

    he hasnt posted in a while
    and i havent seen him since the herf in Akron last winter.

    he has been traveling i guess with his new job, I havent heard much out of him sine i saw him in July. Not sure when the wedding is. I organized that bomb for him and Hays, he did send me an email and told me he had recieved some Bombs. other than that Im clueless.
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    only been about 2 months now but enjoyed every minute. I originally started getting into cigars because of my buddys wedding. i jumped online googled RP and came across this amazing site. i bought first and then joined the Forums since i didnt know anything about my new humi that was coming. 2 months and several pass's and trades here i am. Dont see my self anywhere else.
  • ironhorseironhorse Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 469
    My buddy had a mild interest in cigars, and like most adventures we have, he suggests something to me due to one of his passing thoughts, and then I mull it over for a week and then spend too much money in some sort of debilitating obsession. He is from philly, so he could just walk into a Holts and buy a stick and move on, but since I live in NY and far away from any reasonable B&M, I had to turn online. A simple google search brought me to this site, but I did check out other sites. The way CCOM is set up is much more beginner friendly, at least thats what I noticed, and more organized than most of the other sites I looked at. They had cool looking samplers and great pictures of their products, and I dunno, I just felt comfortable getting started here. And that was all before I discovered their FANTASTIC customer service and all the perverted brain damaged people on the boards, which sealed my CCOM loyalty deal.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    My buddy had a mild interest in cigars, and like most adventures we have, he suggests something to me due to one of his passing thoughts, and then I mull it over for a week and then spend too much money in some sort of debilitating obsession. He is from philly, so he could just walk into a Holts and buy a stick and move on, but since I live in NY and far away from any reasonable B&M, I had to turn online. A simple google search brought me to this site, but I did check out other sites. The way CCOM is set up is much more beginner friendly, at least thats what I noticed, and more organized than most of the other sites I looked at. They had cool looking samplers and great pictures of their products, and I dunno, I just felt comfortable getting started here. And that was all before I discovered their FANTASTIC customer service and all the perverted brain damaged people on the boards, which sealed my CCOM loyalty deal.
    Hey... I resent that! I am NOT a pervert!

    I was doing a search for sites and the Cigar.COM just seemed like a good place to start. After I found it, and looked over the forums and talked to some of the staff, I was hooked for life. I'm really hoping that is a long time !
  • coachjamiecoachjamie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 337
    I found ccom by just putting cigars in my browser. I had only had a few cigars to that point. I joined the forums and learned as much as I could. Shortly there after I placed my first order with Kelly. Been a customer ever since.
  • viseoviseo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4
    Hi, I'am Rodolphe I discovered Cigar.com by an advertisement in U.S. magazine Playboy. I live in France and my first contact was with Jeff. I can tell he is very professional. The site allowed me to discover cigars Drew Estate. The forum has given me good advice. I will stay faithful to the site and forum. Rod
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