Deep Sea Fishing!!

I went Deep Sea fishing a couple of weeks for the first time in my life. I’m “that guy” that always gets sick on boats. This time I was determined to have fun. We did a 3/4 day trip so it was a long day but it was a great experience seeing the sunrise and sunset on the water.
I had my doctor prescribe the Scopalomine patch. I’ve used Dramamine before but don’t think I used it early enough. Anyway, I put the patch on the night before as I went to bed and man, this thing worked like a charm. It was the first time I ever had fun on a boat in the ocean.
I only caught two fish but I didn’t get skunked. I hate seals now, those bait stealing bastages.
I’m hooked, forgive the pun, so I’m wondering how many others do this and what kind of setups you have as I may do this more often. One guy had this digital Shimano (I think) that casted super far and he was pulling in fish right and left.