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Beetles got one of my humidors :(

Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
Well, my wife began moving my cigars to my aristocrat humidor and on the last humidor beetles had gotten to about 25 Felipe Pelo De Oro cigars on the bottom...told her to just throw them all out since she said it was pretty bad. What's funny is that she hated those particular cigars ever since I got them and had them sent to her then this happens lol....the cigars on top seemed to be unaffected, however, what worries me is that I had two Partagas 150s, 5 T110s, and 5 Anejos which I got personally from Cabi and a couple of other people here (which I had planned on smoking when I got back home from my deployment). They were on the very top of the affected cigars but don't show signs of infestation of damage, however, I told my wife to go ahead and double bag them and now she's in the process of freezing them. I guess the question I have is my Aristocrat is sitting at 66%/ fluctuating from 72 - 74 degrees..should there be cause for concern and how often should I have my wife check my humi? Also, have some expensive boxes of cigars in there sealed...and a bunch of other cigars sealed in cello and packaged in bundles (from ccom and the sister site). Should I be concerned about these and how likely are beetles to dig themselves out of celo, bundle packaging, or even from the sealed boxes themselves? I don't think it will be a problem as my wife said there was no signs of beetles in the tupperware containers or other humidors...plus she said the affected cigars had a "funky" smell from the very day I got them...and even smelled worse today when she opened them. They were sitting at 70%/72 temp. the last time she checked them about 3-4 weeks ago...now sure how reputable Pelo De Oro is (smokes seemed decent) compared to other reputable cigar manufacturers. Overall,think my wife feels bad about the entire situation especially since I'm deployed but told her not to worry about it. Any feedback would be great...also included photos of one of the affected cigars and my aristocrat filled (top shelf is suppose to be slanted but told my wife not to worry about it for now--drawers are also filled with a lot of Tat La Verites and other good smokes) :)imageimage


  • undulacundulac Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,129
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    We have been talking a lot about beetles lately, seems to be a plague.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    Holy crap you have an awesome wife!
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Nice humidor... Too bad about the bugs... That SUCKS
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    Do a serch there is alot of threads floating out there. As far as the infestation spreading it can be pretty good those little bastards can spred quick. The one thing you have going for you is that the boxs being sealed and the cello being on helps ALOT. I would at least ever other day check your other sticks to look for signs. If those cigars were in your new humi you may wont to wipe it down. If you see signs any wear else freez every thing.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    My personal action, had this happened to me, would be to immediately load all your sticks in a large plastic cooler along with an amount of dry ice sufficient to fill the cooler with CO2, put the lid of the cooler back on loosely so that the air inside can be forced out as the dry ice thaws and let nature do its thing.


  • cooch36cooch36 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 711
    Feal your pain bro good luck getting rid of those little bastards!
  • Stryker808Stryker808 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 269
    I wouldn't worry about the packaged and sealed box cigars getting hit from infested cigars in the same cabinet. Those should be fine. Double check and/or treat the uncello'd loose cigars around the infested one. BTW - nice setup and thanks for doing your job out there.
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
    Thanks all for the inputs, talk about crazy...had posted about this in the 101 cigars area about a week ago then it turns out an infestation happens lol I think I have it isolated to just my one smaller humidor as my wife didn't see any signs in the other tupperware containers and humidors...my wife did tell me the cigars smelled bad. I wonder if they were over-humidified? Then again, I've read that temperatures play a big factor in beetles...the temperature never went above 73 in that particular unit...wonder if the humidity being too high might've contributed to this problem? Other than that, I don't see a need to freeze all of the cigars as they were in the other containers that weren't affected, but will have my wife check on it every week.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Freeze them all to be safe. It is possible that some beetles might be in a cigara or a few of them and you don't see them and they could affect the rest of your stash in the hew humi. Freeze them all I say including boxes. The only ones that are probably safe are the ones that arein glass tubes if you have any.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 846
    Man, I hate seeing that word in any thread...gives me the willies and I need to immediately go check all my humis....
  • ironhorseironhorse Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 469
    This really does suck and I feel sorry for those of you with large humidors/cabinets that get plagued with mold or beetles. I really want a large humi and I have dreams of a walk in. I even scoped out a closet I don't use in my place that would be perfect!! I don't have the money or time right now. But from what I see and hear they seem so hard to control!! I guess thats one of the Pro's of having small humidors. I have 2 50ct's and a 20ct that I keep at my office. I think if I had the money I would rather have 5 100ct humis rather than a 500ct. Stash them all over the place like buried treasure!!
  • SchroozSchrooz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 165
    Why not have your wifey send the beetle-infected sticks over to you so you can smoke them? What's wrong with a cigar with a couple of beetles running around in them?
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Why not have your wifey send the beetle-infected sticks over to you so you can smoke them? What's wrong with a cigar with a couple of beetles running around in them?
    Depends, if they are young they haven't learned to poop outside the cigar... If they are in their teens (in bug years) then you don't have to worry about poo, but "Bug Batter" from looking at "Cicada Monthly"
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    The very easy answer GOF or Opus X....you deserve it after all.
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    The very easy answer GOF or Opus X....you deserve it after all.
    Thx, I have two boxes of GOF...OpusX does sound good though!
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    The very easy answer GOF or Opus X....you deserve it after all.
    Thx, I have two boxes of GOF...OpusX does sound good though!
    Opus X does sound good then since you do have 2 boxes of GOF! I'd sug. XXX or peteit lancero....but you prob. already have a favorite.
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    The very easy answer GOF or Opus X....you deserve it after all.
    Thx, I have two boxes of GOF...OpusX does sound good though!
    Opus X does sound good then since you do have 2 boxes of GOF! I'd sug. XXX or peteit lancero....but you prob. already have a favorite.
    I tried an OpusX but didn't like it...think it was the Robusto and I probably should've left it alone in the humidor before smoking ROTT...plus I was relatively still new at the time. The GOF were great, got two boxes because I loved them so much...will definitely take your advice and try the petite lancero or XXX :)
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    The very easy answer GOF or Opus X....you deserve it after all.
    Thx, I have two boxes of GOF...OpusX does sound good though!
    Opus X does sound good then since you do have 2 boxes of GOF! I'd sug. XXX or peteit lancero....but you prob. already have a favorite.
    I tried an OpusX but didn't like it...think it was the Robusto and I probably should've left it alone in the humidor before smoking ROTT...plus I was relatively still new at the time. The GOF were great, got two boxes because I loved them so much...will definitely take your advice and try the petite lancero or XXX :)
    Try them both but they def. need some rest time. Some say a year or so is best. I'm lucky and found a shop that ages them a year before they are offered at the store. This guy took over his fathers business and has a walkin in his basement.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    Does she have a single sister???
  • Nick2021Nick2021 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 938
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    Does she have a single sister???
    She does Cabi, somewhere in NM lol...
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Excellent ideas!, Unfortunately, my wife disposed of them all :( However, a positive came from this situation...she told me she would get me a box of anything I wanted since she feels like she "jinxed" those cigars since she never liked them in the first place!! She told me to give her an answer by Saturday...
    Does she have a single sister???
    She does Cabi, somewhere in NM lol...
    Pics or it didn't happen (nude)
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