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Never EVER order from CigarExtras.com...

rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
Why? Simple... Read my entire story about this horrible company here...


I've just spent a month pulling teeth with this company trying to get my issue resolved... I think you'll be just as amazed as I am that a company this bad can even exist!


  • Rob1110Rob1110 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,454
    I had similar difficulties dealing with Travelocity last year after booking a vacation. Their guarantee is a load of crap, so don't buy into it. They don't guarantee anything and it took weeks to get a $150 travel voucher as compensation for a full day's vacation lost, lots of aggravation, and a night lost at a $350 per night hotel. They SUCK!

    Sorry to hear about the crappy service bro. I'll keep it in mind for the future.
  • xanderxander Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8
    Wow, that's seriously messed up. While I'm sorry to hear that you had this kind of difficulty with them, I am glad you posted about it here as I was considering ordering a new humidor from them next week. Looks like I'll have to rethink that plan now.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i woulda left a comment on your blog but im not a member of that site and i dont wanna sign up.

    it just goes to show that their cusomer service sucks. screw them!
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Wow, that's seriously messed up. While I'm sorry to hear that you had this kind of difficulty with them, I am glad you posted about it here as I was considering ordering a new humidor from them next week. Looks like I'll have to rethink that plan now.
    The funny part is... well... not funny but still... Before I ordered this thing I looked at a bunch of similar styled humidors but couldn't find anything I liked... EXCEPT for one company on ebay that was selling a similar, in fact, what I NOW believe the EXACT same product...

    Before I order from a company I always google a bit to see what I can find... Turns out I found a bunch of complaints about the ebay company... Then I found an article FROM CigarExtras specifically talking about the ebay company and how they were ripping people off... How? Because they were selling their humidors as "spanish cedar lined" when in fact they were lined with maple... Instead of course you should order from cigarextras.. where they just eliminate the lining entirely... err wait... i mean uhhh... "Use only the finest kiln dried spanish cedar" .... which uhh... they forget to actually install in the humi.. or uhh something... LOL
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Oooh! Nice humi!
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,294
    Sorry bro. I had a similar issue years ago with a tech company. I ordered a motherboard from them. Got the board and it was bad. I was told to send it back and they would get it repaired (no replacement, which is interesting). After 2 months went buy, I called them and spoke to someone who said he was a manager. I spoke to a tech and he asked me what the problem was. About another month later got a the board back except it was the wrong board. It was for a socket processor instead of a Slot A. I called again and this guy told me that I returned the wrong board and I must have 100s of boards in my warehouse. I told him I was a home user and that all the boards I have are for intel and this one was for an AMD chip. He then said again "See you have to many boards in your warehouse". I said to him, how can I return a socket board if I don;t have a socket processor? I had a slot A processor. I was like dude, let me talk to your supervisor. "I am the supervisor". Then let me talk to the manager. "I am the manager". Then let me talk to the freakin president of the company. "I am the president". I said, then send me a socket processor for free and I'll keep this board. "I can't do that sir". You are the freakin president of the company, you can do anything you want. "No, I can't do that sir". Well, then I am going to contact the BBB and my lawyer. "You do what you must sir". And he hung up. I was sooooooooooo mad. However, about a week later, I got the correct board back after I sent the wrong board back. Interesting!!!
  • sanesane Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 151
    First off I would contact your Attorney Generals Office or the Attorney Generals Office in the state that the web site is in. Next I would file a compliant with the BBB (http://welcome.bbb.org/) they are mostly useless but it can't hurt, and then I would go to every online site review forum you can find a post your experience.
  • bocardsbocards Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 32
    rusirius, If I were you I'd email that picture of you shaving.....it couldn't hurt to scare em a bit :) Thanks for the info, and that experience is why I am so loathe to order online....even here for something with price tag that I can not see and touch. Bo
  • drkbanksdrkbanks Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2
    I have been buying humis and accessories from cigarextras for nearly two years and have always had impecable service, quick delivery, never a problem.  I had called them for advice on one occassion and found them very helpful and knowledgable.  Your complaint is anything but typical as I have referred this company to numerous friends who were as equally satisfied as I have been.

  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I have been buying humis and accessories from cigarextras for nearly two years and have always had impecable service, quick delivery, never a problem.  I had called them for advice on one occassion and found them very helpful and knowledgable.  Your complaint is anything but typical as I have referred this company to numerous friends who were as equally satisfied as I have been.

    And how long have you owned/operated said website???

    Just kidding... hmmmm... weird
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Wow, that really is bad. I hate dealing with stuff like that, though I can't say I've had that much problem from an online merchant. Sounds like dealing with paypal...
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    You know that picture of the humi looks like the one cubancrafters make, I am thinking about getting it too.. Almost makes me think they took that pic and posted it.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    I have been buying humis and accessories from cigarextras for nearly two years and have always had impecable service, quick delivery, never a problem.  I had called them for advice on one occassion and found them very helpful and knowledgable.  Your complaint is anything but typical as I have referred this company to numerous friends who were as equally satisfied as I have been.

    With all due respect, I find that extremely hard to understand... In fact a quick google with problems and thier site name or similar such searches return lots of results of people having some of the same sorts of problems, especially regarding their return policies (25% restocking fee) and horrible phone support...

    In fact, if you read the email thread you'll see that even "Ruth" basically admitted that their phone support was bad and that issues were "resolved" through email...
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