Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

Top Ten Pass IN MOTION and full. Sorry



  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    I think the pass is worth a shot. I have a idea what the "going" price of a stick is, wether I got it on a trade or not. If we all stick to the post up your in's and out's, i think it will police itself. May I add that if a noob, like myself, makes a mistake........ dont everyone jump his sh!t, Im sure there will be ways to work everything out. Im looking forword to this one!
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I say all sticks taken out of the bag should be listed, as well as all sticks put in the bag. Initial 10 sticks need not be listed, just what is removed and replaced by each BOTL. Keeps people honest and fair, but even moreso it allows all of us to see what is going around and what treats are being passed.
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    I think we are making this a bit complicated list everthing use good judgement. If every one has a problem with the stick trade we could A find a person to make all calls like you would have to pm your choices to a moderater who makes all the decisions. B just take things the way they are or pull your name off the list
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I think we are making this a bit complicated list everthing use good judgement. If every one has a problem with the stick trade we could A find a person to make all calls like you would have to pm your choices to a moderater who makes all the decisions. B just take things the way they are or pull your name off the list
    Listing outs and takes has been done several times (at least) in the past. It works, is NOT complicated and it tends to keep everything on the up and up. Having to ask a third party if the sticks I am sending are worthy... now that's complicated. This is a non issue boy's.
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    I think Ozzie was going for the not posting the takes and puts on the forum but keeping the list. The purpose of posting is so people who already had the pass still have an idea of what everyone likes. That being said once it finishes the final list can be PM'd to all who participated to avoid being open to all but is still available to all who take part.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I think Ozzie was going for the not posting the takes and puts on the forum but keeping the list. The purpose of posting is so people who already had the pass still have an idea of what everyone likes. That being said once it finishes the final list can be PM'd to all who participated to avoid being open to all but is still available to all who take part.
    I have no problem with how you run this pass Sirfoster. It is YOUR pass, you decide. I don't understand why we would want to keep it private to participating members only but, whatever you decide as the PassMaster will be the way it goes.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    I think we are making this a bit complicated list everthing use good judgement. If every one has a problem with the stick trade we could A find a person to make all calls like you would have to pm your choices to a moderater who makes all the decisions. B just take things the way they are or pull your name off the list
    Listing outs and takes has been done several times (at least) in the past. It works, is NOT complicated and it tends to keep everything on the up and up. Having to ask a third party if the sticks I am sending are worthy... now that's complicated. This is a non issue boy's.

    ??????????? I think Someone is reading more into this than it was... My thing is WHo the F*$^ Cares....... If you wanted in on the Pass Get in on it , that's who it should be between Not every all the Forum Stalkers that Do not care to Participate Unless they decide to Jump in the Family and Become a Troll....... I am all for the List, just not Publicly that's All I said basically. I Can see already that some one is going to have an Issue with What someone takes and Leaves...... Like I also Said this is a Top Ten Not a TOP MONEY,,, Right ? Im sure My top ten isn't close to what SOme guys is. Its Like Cars , Motorcycles,Booze,Music whatever.. We don't all have the Same taste. If this was to be a TOP TEN MOST EXPENSIVE .. I sure the Hell wouldn't be in it..... Money,Property or Prestige has NEVER IMPRESSED ME.
    That being Said I Love you Guys!
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    I think we are making this a bit complicated list everthing use good judgement. If every one has a problem with the stick trade we could A find a person to make all calls like you would have to pm your choices to a moderater who makes all the decisions. B just take things the way they are or pull your name off the list
    Listing outs and takes has been done several times (at least) in the past. It works, is NOT complicated and it tends to keep everything on the up and up. Having to ask a third party if the sticks I am sending are worthy... now that's complicated. This is a non issue boy's.
    No man I with you on this my post must of been misunderstood I was saying how do we find out what is a good trade for whAT is getting complicated I say use good judgemet that was my point if you dont know ask.
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    I think we are making this a bit complicated list everthing use good judgement. If every one has a problem with the stick trade we could A find a person to make all calls like you would have to pm your choices to a moderater who makes all the decisions. B just take things the way they are or pull your name off the list
    Listing outs and takes has been done several times (at least) in the past. It works, is NOT complicated and it tends to keep everything on the up and up. Having to ask a third party if the sticks I am sending are worthy... now that's complicated. This is a non issue boy's.

    ??????????? I think Someone is reading more into this than it was... My thing is WHo the F*$^ Cares....... If you wanted in on the Pass Get in on it , that's who it should be between Not every all the Forum Stalkers that Do not care to Participate Unless they decide to Jump in the Family and Become a Troll....... I am all for the List, just not Publicly that's All I said basically. I Can see already that some one is going to have an Issue with What someone takes and Leaves...... Like I also Said this is a Top Ten Not a TOP MONEY,,, Right ? Im sure My top ten isn't close to what SOme guys is. Its Like Cars , Motorcycles,Booze,Music whatever.. We don't all have the Same taste. If this was to be a TOP TEN MOST EXPENSIVE .. I sure the Hell wouldn't be in it..... Money,Property or Prestige has NEVER IMPRESSED ME.
    That being Said I Love you Guys!
    My comment was general I did not even read your post it was not directed to you man
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    Lol this is interesting. Me personally i think that this Community is based on trust, Thats why were able to make blind trade with one another no? Keep in mind that this is a TOP 10 not TOP 10 most expensive. I have a Gurkhas on my Top 10 but will not be putting it in for this game. I think everyone should know what not to trade out. If someone is willing to get a list of what everyone is taking and sending go for it.
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    The idea of the pass is to get an idea of what everyone enjoys and the opportunity to try a fellow BOTLs preferance. There are sticks of all different value so everyone can partake. The list is so everyone has an idea of what has been in the pass and who likes what/ wanted to try what. Its general purpose is not to police the pass just a referance sheet. That being said I love you guys too. Hopefully we will be started this week.

    Baby has a temp of 102.5 and car shat out on me when I got home so It might have to wait till tomorrow but I'm aiming for tonight and the updated and final order is on the OP sorry for the change but this Hopefully will help keep it moving
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    The idea of the pass is to get an idea of what everyone enjoys and the opportunity to try a fellow BOTLs preferance. There are sticks of all different value so everyone can partake. The list is so everyone has an idea of what has been in the pass and who likes what/ wanted to try what. Its general purpose is not to police the pass just a referance sheet. That being said I love you guys too. Hopefully we will be started this week.

    Baby has a temp of 102.5 and car shat out on me when I got home so It might have to wait till tomorrow but I'm aiming for tonight and the updated and final order is on the OP sorry for the change but this Hopefully will help keep it moving
    You take care of that baby, bro'. The pass will wait. Hope all is well with baby. Teething?
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    The idea of the pass is to get an idea of what everyone enjoys and the opportunity to try a fellow BOTLs preferance. There are sticks of all different value so everyone can partake. The list is so everyone has an idea of what has been in the pass and who likes what/ wanted to try what. Its general purpose is not to police the pass just a referance sheet. That being said I love you guys too. Hopefully we will be started this week.

    Baby has a temp of 102.5 and car shat out on me when I got home so It might have to wait till tomorrow but I'm aiming for tonight and the updated and final order is on the OP sorry for the change but this Hopefully will help keep it moving

    Take care of the Baby Bro... you should be getting Hit with Your winnings from me this week! LOL The Pass is there when its the right time...
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    poor kid is 16 months and getting all 4 2yr molars along with 2 other teeth and they are treating him for an eye infection now. Have to go back next month looking like he might need tubes put in.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    poor kid is 16 months and getting all 4 2yr molars along with 2 other teeth and they are treating him for an eye infection now. Have to go back next month looking like he might need tubes put in.
    The hardest things in my life were always the feelings of helplessness when one of the kids were sick or got hurt. I look back now that my kids are now adults and wonder how someone as high strung as myself made it through without having a breakdown. I feel for you bro'.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
    For what it's worth, I don't have a problem posting what I took and put in...I would be kinda curious also to see what's in the pass as it travels. I for one think it's a good idea.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    The idea of the pass is to get an idea of what everyone enjoys and the opportunity to try a fellow BOTLs preferance. There are sticks of all different value so everyone can partake. The list is so everyone has an idea of what has been in the pass and who likes what/ wanted to try what. Its general purpose is not to police the pass just a referance sheet. That being said I love you guys too. Hopefully we will be started this week.

    Baby has a temp of 102.5 and car shat out on me when I got home so It might have to wait till tomorrow but I'm aiming for tonight and the updated and final order is on the OP sorry for the change but this Hopefully will help keep it moving
    no worries foster, take care of the baby man. I know how it feels...I just a couple months ago I had my newborn in the hospital getting spinal taps...and yes...multiple times. I about lost it. Hope he gets well soon buddy.
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    I almost punched the Doc that had to do the blood from the foot test after he was born. I tip my hat to you for being strong enough to be there and not loose it for your baby. That kind of stuff gets to me. He is doing a bbit better and we are optimistic.

    In other news the pass was dropped off at the post office tonight and is on the way to lilwing88.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
    For what it's worth, I don't have a problem posting what I took and put in...I would be kinda curious also to see what's in the pass as it travels. I for one think it's a good idea.
    +1 Krieg....I am 2nd and I think I will post whats in it when I get it and when it leaves for everyone. People can do it if they want I guess, but for the sake of interest I want to know as well.
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
    For what it's worth, I don't have a problem posting what I took and put in...I would be kinda curious also to see what's in the pass as it travels. I for one think it's a good idea.
    +1 Krieg....I am 2nd and I think I will post whats in it when I get it and when it leaves for everyone. People can do it if they want I guess, but for the sake of interest I want to know as well.
    +2 Ill be doing the same. But just to find out what people think about my top 10. They are not the most expensive sticks out there but they are some hard to find ones. For example. I will most likely be throwing in a few of my well aged (3 years +) wich in my mind is better than some of my FFOX. But how do we set a msrp for it?
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
    For what it's worth, I don't have a problem posting what I took and put in...I would be kinda curious also to see what's in the pass as it travels. I for one think it's a good idea.
    +1 Krieg....I am 2nd and I think I will post whats in it when I get it and when it leaves for everyone. People can do it if they want I guess, but for the sake of interest I want to know as well.
    +2 Ill be doing the same. But just to find out what people think about my top 10. They are not the most expensive sticks out there but they are some hard to find ones. For example. I will most likely be throwing in a few of my well aged (3 years +) wich in my mind is better than some of my FFOX. But how do we set a msrp for it?
    I think sirfoster mentioned putting some less expensive, quality sticks in the pass as well. There will be something for everybody, if it is like previous passes.

    Aged, rare sticks are premiums in my book. Others may disagree, but then they will have all the other selections in the pass to chose from.

    This pass was intended for "your top ten" not most expensive. They may or may not be the same thing.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    I wouldn't mind getting in on this one if it is still open...
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    WOW this thing seem to have gotten all Crazy! Some guys have Sticks laying in their Humis they Paid Nothing for or got In Some deal Really CHEAP... Other may have to Pick up a Couple of EXPENSIVE Sticks to Feel worthy of what they want to take, I know Cigar Prices are all over the Map,What Some think is their top ten is Far from Others. Maybe this thread should Be TOP TEN PRICIEST CIGARS no Matter if they are any good! ALL GUHRKAS are Over Priced to me and I Personally I think Most of them are Horrible, All that Being Said It will be interesting to see What Transpires and the Posting of the List of who gets what and leaves what Is a Really Bad Idea. Keep it Between the BOTL in the Pass Only.
    Why is posting takes and what you leave a bad idea? You said yourself prices are all over the board and some BOTL think Gurkha's are the best out there. This will allow people to see what was in the pass, what got left and what got taken out. It can serve to see some peoples choices which could help with future passes to an individual. The list will also help if there are any problems. I can think of these and maybe other reasons why this is a good idea. I can't think of any reason why it is a bad one?
    For what it's worth, I don't have a problem posting what I took and put in...I would be kinda curious also to see what's in the pass as it travels. I for one think it's a good idea.
    +1 Krieg....I am 2nd and I think I will post whats in it when I get it and when it leaves for everyone. People can do it if they want I guess, but for the sake of interest I want to know as well.
    +2 Ill be doing the same. But just to find out what people think about my top 10. They are not the most expensive sticks out there but they are some hard to find ones. For example. I will most likely be throwing in a few of my well aged (3 years +) wich in my mind is better than some of my FFOX. But how do we set a msrp for it?
    I think sirfoster mentioned putting some less expensive, quality sticks in the pass as well. There will be something for everybody, if it is like previous passes.

    Aged, rare sticks are premiums in my book. Others may disagree, but then they will have all the other selections in the pass to chose from.

    This pass was intended for "your top ten" not most expensive. They may or may not be the same thing.
    Im a Noob so my top 10 is limited because i havent smoked a wide assortment but will do my best and prob use you guys as a sounding board make sure im not putting something in thats not equivalent to what i take. Atleast im later in the rotation so ill have an idea of whats in there. I did have a Ashton aged maduro tonight and that was good. deff one of the top 10 that i have smoked.
  • Duder2Duder2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 926
    This sounds awesome! If it's still open, I'm in!
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    Alright I added DD and Duder2 to the original post order.

    I also updated it to state the pass was full. Not too comfortable with not allowing more to jump on just trying to keep some order to this. Let me know your opinions. Im on the fence and kinda feel like a dbag for closing it
  • RaschNutsRaschNuts Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 882
    Alright I added DD and Duder2 to the original post order.

    I also updated it to state the pass was full. Not too comfortable with not allowing more to jump on just trying to keep some order to this. Let me know your opinions. Im on the fence and kinda feel like a dbag for closing it
    I feel you should do what you want. Its your Pass. this will be out for several weeks before it even gets back to you. If its going smotthly and quickly half way maybe add some people if you want. Either way doesnt bother me.
  • sirfoster83sirfoster83 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 783
    Seems that passes that are open get chaotic
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    Alright I added DD and Duder2 to the original post order.

    I also updated it to state the pass was full. Not too comfortable with not allowing more to jump on just trying to keep some order to this. Let me know your opinions. Im on the fence and kinda feel like a dbag for closing it
    I think is good for two reason one keeps the trools out two how long will these sticks stay good on the back of a truck
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