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NYHCx516xNYHCx516x Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 728
My psychotic sinuses have kept me from smoking for some time again. Im on the mend, but on a bunch of prednisone, and actually kind of faltering again. Ive got a cherished trip up north to the girlfriend's parents cabin for labor day. Here's to hoping that I can pack the Her-a-Dor and have some tasty treats up there!


  • t_evan50t_evan50 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,725
    I understand, my allergies were acting up there for a couple days during prime smoking weather. Really p****s me off when that happens. Hope you can get er under control.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    My psychotic sinuses have kept me from smoking for some time again. Im on the mend, but on a bunch of prednisone, and actually kind of faltering again. Ive got a cherished trip up north to the girlfriend's parents cabin for labor day. Here's to hoping that I can pack the Her-a-Dor and have some tasty treats up there!
    Hey bro', I hear ya. I have been pissing around with my sinuses for years. Last year I found a natural product that for me has worked wonders. check out this page of links here and read some of them.

    I do not take any allergie meds or anything other the Bromelain (it is the white stalky stuff inside a Pineapple)) anymore and my sinuses have never been clearer. It is natural so there are no major concerns with taking it. I don't know if it counteract with any certain meds. so you may want to check that out. This stuff is CHEAP and EFFECTIVE. Can't beat that.

  • TheDrifterTheDrifter Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 83
    Go to your local farmers market and buy local honey, 9 times out of 10 this will clear up seasonal allergy problems, and you get to enjoy honey!
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    Go to your local farmers market and buy local honey, 9 times out of 10 this will clear up seasonal allergy problems, and you get to enjoy honey!
    Good advice! But most times I have to suffer, my girlfriend doesn't like the sticky feeling afterwards... And she doesn't like taking 4 showers a day...
  • TheDrifterTheDrifter Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 83
    Go to your local farmers market and buy local honey, 9 times out of 10 this will clear up seasonal allergy problems, and you get to enjoy honey!
    Good advice! But most times I have to suffer, my girlfriend doesn't like the sticky feeling afterwards... And she doesn't like taking 4 showers a day...
    Heh, what a stick in the mud!
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Sorry to hear about that. Sounds like it must be a pretty serious Sinus Infection if you're taking Pred. Gotta be careful with the 'roids. Hope you're better soon or at least by your trip.
  • NYHCx516xNYHCx516x Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 728
    Well, to clear things up a bit... Its not really allergies. I have has sinus infections since i was a kid, but no real health insurance. Finally got a great job and ins a few years ago. Well, they scanned my head (ok.. go with jokes if you want... .... HA) and found that I have sinus polyps. (google it, its messy). They basically grow, and fill my entire sinus cavities up. Causing constant congestion, and eventually outward pressure and crippling headaches (sinus headaches, forehead, under the eyes...). Iave had 2 surgeries to remove them, but its like cutting the grass... they grow back. They have no real idea what causes them, have tested for the few things they do know, with no luck. So, its bursts of prednisone now and then (im on a super heavy dose now... eating like a pig, gained about 8 pounds this week), and not much else at this point. They have tried various treatments, some have just not worked, some have almost landed me in the hospital itself. Added in, i have pretty bad asthma - which makes the polyps worse when it flares... and im sure you are all wondering why i even have a humidor. ... well, you know why. And ive done mini research on myself. Ive gone for long lengths of time w/o having any cigars, and ill get worse at the same rate then if i do enjoy one here and there. no real effect that i can tell on having some, and getting worse faster... so, i take the relaxation and peace of mind in a cigar now and then.

    Just sucks when i flare up, cant taste, smell, and the headaches to to where vicoden dosnet even touch the pain.

    FYI - meds are... usual asthma stuff (advair, singulair, inhaller). Prednisone sometimes. A prednisone eye drop I use in my nose. And budnisone (another steroid) that I use in a netti pot.

    You could probably smoke my body and get a steriod bust from the ashes.....
  • babsdpubabsdpu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 143
    Wow. Hang in there, man! When you're healthy enough, I'll join you for a smoke before I move.
  • brotheradambrotheradam Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 896
    Well, to clear things up a bit... Its not really allergies. I have has sinus infections since i was a kid, but no real health insurance. Finally got a great job and ins a few years ago. Well, they scanned my head (ok.. go with jokes if you want... .... HA) and found that I have sinus polyps. (google it, its messy). They basically grow, and fill my entire sinus cavities up. Causing constant congestion, and eventually outward pressure and crippling headaches (sinus headaches, forehead, under the eyes...). Iave had 2 surgeries to remove them, but its like cutting the grass... they grow back. They have no real idea what causes them, have tested for the few things they do know, with no luck. So, its bursts of prednisone now and then (im on a super heavy dose now... eating like a pig, gained about 8 pounds this week), and not much else at this point. They have tried various treatments, some have just not worked, some have almost landed me in the hospital itself. Added in, i have pretty bad asthma - which makes the polyps worse when it flares... and im sure you are all wondering why i even have a humidor. ... well, you know why. And ive done mini research on myself. Ive gone for long lengths of time w/o having any cigars, and ill get worse at the same rate then if i do enjoy one here and there. no real effect that i can tell on having some, and getting worse faster... so, i take the relaxation and peace of mind in a cigar now and then.

    Just sucks when i flare up, cant taste, smell, and the headaches to to where vicoden dosnet even touch the pain.

    FYI - meds are... usual asthma stuff (advair, singulair, inhaller). Prednisone sometimes. A prednisone eye drop I use in my nose. And budnisone (another steroid) that I use in a netti pot.

    You could probably smoke my body and get a steriod bust from the ashes.....
    I totally feel your pain bro, I live is some of the worst air in America here in central California what with all the big rigs running up the 99 freeway and agriculture everywhere and have had your same surgery twice as well. I also have mild asthma too I take Advair for that. I totally get not being able to smell much or taste. But I try to enjoy a cigar whenever I can.
  • StarbuckStarbuck Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 32
    My psychotic sinuses have kept me from smoking for some time again. Im on the mend, but on a bunch of prednisone, and actually kind of faltering again. Ive got a cherished trip up north to the girlfriend's parents cabin for labor day. Here's to hoping that I can pack the Her-a-Dor and have some tasty treats up there!

    Sorry to hear the bad news. I hope you can enjoy some greats sticks here in a couple of weeks. Best of luck Labor Day weekend.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    Sorry to hear this brother! Atleast your sticks are getting some good age on them :) Fingers crossed for ya that they clear up enough for you to be able to smoke on the camping trip!
  • NYHCx516xNYHCx516x Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 728
    Wow. Hang in there, man! When you're healthy enough, I'll join you for a smoke before I move.
    when ya moving? and where?
  • babsdpubabsdpu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 143
    Wow. Hang in there, man! When you're healthy enough, I'll join you for a smoke before I move.
    when ya moving? and where?

    PM so as not to totally hijack this thread. :)
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