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just noticed...



  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    I think you have to hop over to Blade Runner to get the chick robots.
    Haven't seen that movie...

    Hot chick robots???
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Very. (The movie itself is one of those love it or hate it deals. Personally, I hate it.)
  • LasabarLasabar Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,457
    He's lurking, just waiting to spit some knowledge.
    Lurking from the grouse fields of Michigan.. We will not hear from Capt. for another month or so, he's in bird heaven.
    I remember when I went on vacation for months at a time... Those were the days...

    Nice thing was though that they allowed work release and good behavior got a reduced sentance....

    (Once again, just kidding)
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    The second party has a "scary" theme, so my wife and I are going as McCain and Palin :)
    and we wonder why everything is polarized.

    i think what too many people forget all to often is that though many Americans have many different points of view we all have more in common than we have that divides us.

    i think im gunna try harder not to make fun of anyone who has a different point of view than myself. I will make a point to think about what others say. I mean we are just trying to get along and live our lives here. I want to start being better to my fellow man, and try to understand their point of view, and how they got to where they are in life... not make fun of things that they hold dear to them, however wrong i may think they are. with any luck i will better understand my neighbors and alienate less of them. maybe we can start to get along and not be so mean spirited in life.

    this is my new personal goal.
    that or ill just show up to the scary party dressed as Obama.

    nah... i like my first post better. People are people...i just cant be that mean and take cheap personal shots at others.
    Nah, I like this idea better :)
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    sorry Kuzi i got to agree with duty on this one
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    sorry Kuzi i got to agree with duty on this one
    that McCain is scary?

    hes just as scary as Obama, i mean seriously, hes just a guy.
    and if anything, higher taxes on buisness, larger government, and not drilling for oil all seem fairly scary to me.

    taking cheap shots at one person is not nice.

    if you disagree with McCain thats one thing, but to call names and not focus on a real issue, thats another.

    iduno... in all reality both of the candidates kinda scare me... but i dont take cheap shots at their expense. I take issue with the substance of their policy.

    making fun of people devides. debate and intellectual honesty makes you stronger. Pissing off the other side more has never solved a problem.... but thats what making fun of people does. you are more than welcome to disagree with me. you can press me about the issues and bring up facts and history to support your side. but when it comes down flat out name calling, thats a problem. that is where i start to lose respect.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    I think he was just saying that going to a "scary" party dressed as Obama would be the better alternative.

    There's nothing wrong with laughing about things, as long as you recognize that it is an activity separate from the issues. Obama scares me because he can't be trusted. As a human being, the most trustworthy candidate (in my opinion) is McCain. The least trustworthy (and to a point that I would never vote for her ticket) is Palin.

    My primary objective is to entertain. Numerous studies have shown that political discussion does nothing to sway the opinion of the participants. Acknowledging this, and turning the focus toward entertainment and having a good time, makes for a better world. If somebody showed up at the Halloween party in an Obama mask, I would find that funny, not offensive. Politics are never anything to get angry about. As we've said before, everybody has the same objective, but different opinions on the plan to get us there.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    on second thought duty, .... PM sent.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    man.... i need to chill. life is getting to me too much.

    sorry guys.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    man.... i need to chill. life is getting to me too much.

    sorry guys.
    Smoke more, drink more, eat more.... and think less :)
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Most important: laugh more. Take it from the old guy.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    man.... i need to chill. life is getting to me too much.

    sorry guys.
    Smoke more, drink more, eat more.... and think less :)
    im gunna go work on that right now.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    For what it's worth, I agree with you kuzi on what you said about making fun of people as opposed to being critical of where they stand. I feel that being critical of a certain politician's policy and platform is an essential part of the electoral process and is our duty as American voters to hold hold these people to a high standard as they will be effectively running the country. That said, petty trash talk and name calling just seem to show immaturity to me and probably an inability to understand the greater issues to be addressed.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    For what it's worth, I agree with you kuzi on what you said about making fun of people as opposed to being critical of where they stand. I feel that being critical of a certain politician's policy and platform is an essential part of the electoral process and is our duty as American voters to hold hold these people to a high standard as they will be effectively running the country. That said, petty trash talk and name calling just seem to show immaturity to me and probably an inability to understand the greater issues to be addressed.
    i appreciate that you agree with that as well. Unfortunately, that comment was made in haste and therefore had some confusion behind it. to the average viewer its still a good comment, but to those involved it could have been taken out of context and caused problems. good thing things were cleared up/explained and otherwise worked out at another point.
    ...I could have ended up being a real jerk.
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211

    as much as i want to be like GO OBAMA 08 i cant i just chose my position on where i stand recently and i would say im a democrat so i figure if im going to choose from one of these two guys its going to be obama

    yes obama has had a lot of accusations and rumor and he did get tooled in the debate and he also is very sketchy with how he handles certain situations and some of the things he does and says seems scary

    however i find mccain repulsive i cant see him being any different than bush and frankly im not happy with what bush has done to america

    I DO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND THE WAR AGAINST IRAQ THOUGH , i just think that he has really hurt our economy however i was just reading something about how clinton says that the economy crisis started with him but on the other hand he IS a MCCAIN supporter so he could just be trying to clear McCains name because Clinton has nothing to loose

    i agree about name calling and non-political bashing it is very childish and rediculous however i think dressing up as a candidate is just a funny costume that well most likely bring out a lot more nervous and uneasy laughter than anything else but i understand where you are coming from
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    then vote Bob Barr.

    i might.
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    well Kuzi this is my first time voting so woohoo also i think im just going to stick with Obama because even though im not 100% sure about him im 100% sure that he will do better than McCain and by voting for Bob Barr or whomever then i would be just brushing that off and i dont want to do that..... just yet!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132

    as much as i want to be like GO OBAMA 08 i cant i just chose my position on where i stand recently and i would say im a democrat so i figure if im going to choose from one of these two guys its going to be obama

    yes obama has had a lot of accusations and rumor and he did get tooled in the debate and he also is very sketchy with how he handles certain situations and some of the things he does and says seems scary

    however i find mccain repulsive i cant see him being any different than bush and frankly im not happy with what bush has done to america

    I DO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS AND THE WAR AGAINST IRAQ THOUGH , i just think that he has really hurt our economy however i was just reading something about how clinton says that the economy crisis started with him but on the other hand he IS a MCCAIN supporter so he could just be trying to clear McCains name because Clinton has nothing to loose

    i agree about name calling and non-political bashing it is very childish and rediculous however i think dressing up as a candidate is just a funny costume that well most likely bring out a lot more nervous and uneasy laughter than anything else but i understand where you are coming from

    What "scares" me the most is if our country comes under another attack from Terrorists or Terrorist supporting countries, do I want someone who will take action and strike back harder, or do I want someone who will sympathize and try to understand why they resent us so much... Also as Kuzi mentioned, higher taxes, larger government... Those things scare me too. I can make my own choices, I don't need an elected bunch of elites, no matter which party they are with, making my choices for me.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Vote for the man most qualified. Don't feel like your options are limited to the two clowns at the top of the majority tickets. By voting 3rd party, you're making an important and powerful statement. I think that's where my vote will land as well. I don't think Obama can be trusted, and I don't think McCain has shown enough creativity to handle the issues that face the next term. My leanings were with McCain until he made his VP pick, thus demonstrating he will be merely a puppet for the Republican party. I liked him better when he was younger and he seemed more passionate about change. That pick shows he simply wants to do whatever it takes to win. Obama already demonstrated this same trait with his conduct in the primaries.
  • BigDan.BigDan. Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 211
    Vote for the man most qualified. Don't feel like your options are limited to the two clowns at the top of the majority tickets. By voting 3rd party, you're making an important and powerful statement. I think that's where my vote will land as well. I don't think Obama can be trusted, and I don't think McCain has shown enough creativity to handle the issues that face the next term. My leanings were with McCain until he made his VP pick, thus demonstrating he will be merely a puppet for the Republican party. I liked him better when he was younger and he seemed more passionate about change. That pick shows he simply wants to do whatever it takes to win. Obama already demonstrated this same trait with his conduct in the primaries.
    well sad duty, the only difference is i tend to go towards obama a little more than mccain. also your from charlotte i actually almost moved to greensburrow NC i love it out there its one of my favorite states and you have one hell of a airport
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