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Puro's Rants



  • 4bob44bob4 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 212
    Saw this on another board and thought you all may enjoy.

    Much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit it…my Democrat friends were right. They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's hope would deteriorate, and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the Bush administration.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and now, tens of thousands of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan.

    My Democrat Party friends told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 10.5%.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of scandal bribery and tax fraud.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "Pork at the trough" in Federal government and sure enough, 17,500 "Pork Bills" showed up in Congress since January 2009.....

    I was also told by my Democrat friends that if I voted for McCain, we would see more deficit spending in Washington D.C., and sure enough, Obama has spent more in just 30 days than all other Presidents together - in the entire history of the good ole USA ....

    Well I voted for McCain in November and my Democrat friends were right...all of their predictions have come true!
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Saw this on another board and thought you all may enjoy.

    Much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit it…my Democrat friends were right. They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's hope would deteriorate, and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the Bush administration.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and now, tens of thousands of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan.

    My Democrat Party friends told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 10.5%.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of scandal bribery and tax fraud.

    They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "Pork at the trough" in Federal government and sure enough, 17,500 "Pork Bills" showed up in Congress since January 2009.....

    I was also told by my Democrat friends that if I voted for McCain, we would see more deficit spending in Washington D.C., and sure enough, Obama has spent more in just 30 days than all other Presidents together - in the entire history of the good ole USA ....

    Well I voted for McCain in November and my Democrat friends were right...all of their predictions have come true!
    How true!!!
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Ok, I'm am sick and fucking tired of being accused of hate speech everytime I say I disagee with something the current adiministration has done, or wants to do. I don't hate the people in power in our country. I don't dislike the President at all. I think he would probably be a hell of a guy to hang out with and have a beer with. I'd love to play golf with the guy given the chance. I disagree with most of his political views, but I by no means hate the man.

    When President Bush was in office and everyone was protesting and calling for him to be taken out of office and put on trial for War Crimes, it was called free speech and anyone who spoke out against the protesters were damn near lynched... Now why is it any different? I'll tell you why. HYPOCRISY! Plain and simple.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Ok, I'm am sick and fucking tired of being accused of hate speech everytime I say I disagee with something the current adiministration has done, or wants to do. I don't hate the people in power in our country. I don't dislike the President at all. I think he would probably be a hell of a guy to hang out with and have a beer with. I'd love to play golf with the guy given the chance. I disagree with most of his political views, but I by no means hate the man.

    When President Bush was in office and everyone was protesting and calling for him to be taken out of office and put on trial for War Crimes, it was called free speech and anyone who spoke out against the protesters were damn near lynched... Now why is it any different? I'll tell you why. HYPOCRISY! Plain and simple.
    another good time to bring up my favorite HR Clinton quote:


    Amen to that.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471

    seriously, puro, you need to read a handmaid's tale

    Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    You are correct, anyone has the right to disagree with and protest ANY administration. Trust me I wanted to protest Bush's amnesty bill he was pushing. I don't understand why it is called hate speech when we speak out against the current administration and we are labeled as racists... This is childish and becomes a game of name calling instead of a true debate.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Ok, I'm am sick and fucking tired of being accused of hate speech everytime I say I disagee with something the current adiministration has done, or wants to do. I don't hate the people in power in our country. I don't dislike the President at all. I think he would probably be a hell of a guy to hang out with and have a beer with. I'd love to play golf with the guy given the chance. I disagree with most of his political views, but I by no means hate the man.

    When President Bush was in office and everyone was protesting and calling for him to be taken out of office and put on trial for War Crimes, it was called free speech and anyone who spoke out against the protesters were damn near lynched... Now why is it any different? I'll tell you why. HYPOCRISY! Plain and simple.
    I couldn't have written it any better. People were going above and beyond just saying they hated Bush. How about George Lopez on national TV saying "F@ck you" to President Bush? Anyways, I do not agree with anything Obama does but it has nothing to do with his race. Race is the card for all the weak minded individuals to play though.

    I also think you should need to take an IQ test to be allowed to vote. All these people who said I voted for him solely because he is black or they wanted to be involved in making history. How ignorant is that? Just as ignorant as calling people racist who disagree with you.

    I saw this crap all the time when I was a cop. "You are just stopping me because I am black". My reply, "You are just saying that because I am white". Seriously take responsibility for your actions. If a black man is doing 60 MPH in a 20 MPH school zone grab your nuts, be a man, and admit you screwed up instead of using your race as a crutch.

    Now Obama may not be out there playing the race card but when he doesn't step forward to stop it from being played he is just as guilty of perpetuating imagined racism.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Ok, I'm am sick and fucking tired of being accused of hate speech everytime I say I disagee with something the current adiministration has done, or wants to do. I don't hate the people in power in our country. I don't dislike the President at all. I think he would probably be a hell of a guy to hang out with and have a beer with. I'd love to play golf with the guy given the chance. I disagree with most of his political views, but I by no means hate the man.

    When President Bush was in office and everyone was protesting and calling for him to be taken out of office and put on trial for War Crimes, it was called free speech and anyone who spoke out against the protesters were damn near lynched... Now why is it any different? I'll tell you why. HYPOCRISY! Plain and simple.
    I couldn't have written it any better. People were going above and beyond just saying they hated Bush. How about George Lopez on national TV saying "F@ck you" to President Bush? Anyways, I do not agree with anything Obama does but it has nothing to do with his race. Race is the card for all the weak minded individuals to play though.

    I also think you should need to take an IQ test to be allowed to vote. All these people who said I voted for him solely because he is black or they wanted to be involved in making history. How ignorant is that? Just as ignorant as calling people racist who disagree with you.

    I saw this crap all the time when I was a cop. "You are just stopping me because I am black". My reply, "You are just saying that because I am white". Seriously take responsibility for your actions. If a black man is doing 60 MPH in a 20 MPH school zone grab your nuts, be a man, and admit you screwed up instead of using your race as a crutch.

    Now Obama may not be out there playing the race card but when he doesn't step forward to stop it from being played he is just as guilty of perpetuating imagined racism.
    I agree. People need to take responsibility. I was probably the most liberal cop you would ever find, but the race card gets old. What's nice, I've had people of color defend me for actions I took as Chief when others played the race card. As someone said earlier, playing the race card is easy to do, especially when you have no other valid arguement.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
  • nightmaremike31nightmaremike31 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720

    ... I'm speachless... shocked... appauled...

    She works for Obama... I ... I ... I'm a little terrified.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    sorry i havent been on much as of late. life is a bit hectic (in a good way) right now

    one more link...
    White House Escalates War on Fox News

    I understand that the white house and FOX news have a very different way of looking at things. but this is just poor taste.

    FOX news is a privately owned company and has every right to say what they want.

    for argument's sake, lets say that 100% of everything on FOX news is false. that still does not mean that the white house should attack them.

    whats the phrase im looking for....

    oh yeah...

    Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.
    --Thomas Jefferson

    News is something someone wants suppressed. Everything else is just advertising. --Lord Northcliff

    White House boasts: We 'control' news media Communications chief offers shocking confession to foreign government
    yes, none other than ANITA DUNN, the ( killer of about 70 MILLION) Mao Tse Tung-loving White House Communications Director admits:
    "Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control,"

    anyone have anything positive to say about this?
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    This is just showing immaturity by the administration. The media always attacks any President for one thing or another. Look at all the crap Clinton caught, and he didn't stoop to this type of thing.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471


    ... how is anyone supposed to read that damn thing?
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403


    ... how is anyone supposed to read that damn thing?
    Exactly the point. From what I've heard, it is so convoluted with self-reference that no layperson, and probably not a lot of people beyond them, could conceivably understand the entire document.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132


    ... how is anyone supposed to read that damn thing?
    Exactly the point. From what I've heard, it is so convoluted with self-reference that no layperson, and probably not a lot of people beyond them, could conceivably understand the entire document.
    I seriously doubt that most of our congressmen can even read and understand it.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    Proposed: (see if your Senator will introduce this!)
    1. No bill may be more than 20 pages long. It must be written in such language that the average voter can read and understand it over their lunch break.
    2. Only amendments directly and obviously related to the main body of the bill may be attached.
    3. For every new law passed, or new social program implimented, two existing laws or programs must be repealed or terminated.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Ya know, I'm glad only Republicans are in bed with banks and big business. It's so good that the Democrats don't stoop to their level!

  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930


    ... how is anyone supposed to read that damn thing?
    Exactly the point. From what I've heard, it is so convoluted with self-reference that no layperson, and probably not a lot of people beyond them, could conceivably understand the entire document.
    I seriously doubt that most of our congressmen can even read and understand it.
    Actually, I heard from somewhere(unfortunately, I don't remember where) that most of them don't understand it. How true this is, I don't know, nor do I have anything to back it up.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Ya know, I'm glad only Republicans are in bed with banks and big business. It's so good that the Democrats don't stoop to their level!

    So no shitty comments on this one about how only Republicans are only looking out for their business deals?? I'm shocked...
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Of course not....they're all a-sholes which should be destroyed. Some just get a better spot in line.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    But if this was a Republican doing the same thing you guys would jump all over it saying it's just another example of the right being in bed with big business.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    But if this was a Republican doing the same thing you guys would jump all over it saying it's just another example of the right being in bed with big business.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    HAHAHAHHA, even when I say something you want to hear (and truly believe might I add)---you find a way to say I didnt say it in the correct way...because "if it would have been....when you would have....or might have thought....or intimated saying....or lost the point that.....or didnt realize you.....or were uninformed as to the".
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    It can't be true, PMSNBC never ran that story, and we all know that Fox is a propaganda arm of the Republican party...
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    Proposed: (see if your Senator will introduce this!)
    1. No bill may be more than 20 pages long. It must be written in such language that the average voter can read and understand it over their lunch break.
    2. Only amendments directly and obviously related to the main body of the bill may be attached.
    3. For every new law passed, or new social program implimented, two existing laws or programs must be repealed or terminated.
    A simpler answer would be term limits on Senators and Congressmen. 1 term for Senators, and 3 for Congressmen, one of which cannot be consecutive.
  • jlzimmermanjlzimmerman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 282
    Yeah, let .gov control more of its citizen's lives. Wonderful. Regulate and provide. Two things not written in the Constitution.

    Who wants to bet that if this public option goes through, and if any State wants to opt out of it, the State be put on a very short leash by the federal government, especially with Federal grants, stimulus aid, etc...?

    There's no such thing as "opting out" without consequence.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Yeah, let .gov control more of its citizen's lives. Wonderful. Regulate and provide. Two things not written in the Constitution.

    Who wants to bet that if this public option goes through, and if any State wants to opt out of it, the State be put on a very short leash by the federal government, especially with Federal grants, stimulus aid, etc...?

    There's no such thing as "opting out" without consequence.
    It was the same thing that happened with changing the drinking age to 21. The states who wouldn't change it were denied a lot of federal money...
  • LukoLuko Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,004
    Puro...you're police in Dallas, right? I heard the story about the tickets for no habla English and just curious what the inside scoop is?
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