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Puro's Rants



  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    BTW it's along the same crap that these retards do about weapons, oh when was the last time you heard about a person that was a law abiding citizen purchase a automatic machine gun and go do a drive by, or traffic drugs, or go killing people? doesn't happen very often. yeah some Ahole shoots up a office or something but it's very minor in the grand scheme of things. take the guns from law abiding people to be defenseless against criminals or even the govt.. yeah..
    Same with all this anti-smoking ***. Yeah I like not having to smell it while eating but bars, come on. Even cracking down on cigar bars for god sakes. Like kuzi said, knowing what's best for everyone.. yeah.

    I want you to remember what you said in this other thread and think about that for a minute, do you REALLY want the same people who do things like this to be in charge of your health care? I damn sure don't!
    It's really a quagmire isn't it...? I see the idea behind making firearms hard to obtain but just like everything, people can obtain things easier illegally than legally.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    BTW it's along the same crap that these retards do about weapons, oh when was the last time you heard about a person that was a law abiding citizen purchase a automatic machine gun and go do a drive by, or traffic drugs, or go killing people? doesn't happen very often. yeah some Ahole shoots up a office or something but it's very minor in the grand scheme of things. take the guns from law abiding people to be defenseless against criminals or even the govt.. yeah..
    Same with all this anti-smoking ***. Yeah I like not having to smell it while eating but bars, come on. Even cracking down on cigar bars for god sakes. Like kuzi said, knowing what's best for everyone.. yeah.

    I want you to remember what you said in this other thread and think about that for a minute, do you REALLY want the same people who do things like this to be in charge of your health care? I damn sure don't!
    It's really a quagmire isn't it...? I see the idea behind making firearms hard to obtain but just like everything, people can obtain things easier illegally than legally.

    I can see it now, outlaw guns and legalize marijuana,
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    BTW it's along the same crap that these retards do about weapons, oh when was the last time you heard about a person that was a law abiding citizen purchase a automatic machine gun and go do a drive by, or traffic drugs, or go killing people? doesn't happen very often. yeah some Ahole shoots up a office or something but it's very minor in the grand scheme of things. take the guns from law abiding people to be defenseless against criminals or even the govt.. yeah..
    Same with all this anti-smoking ***. Yeah I like not having to smell it while eating but bars, come on. Even cracking down on cigar bars for god sakes. Like kuzi said, knowing what's best for everyone.. yeah.

    I want you to remember what you said in this other thread and think about that for a minute, do you REALLY want the same people who do things like this to be in charge of your health care? I damn sure don't!
    It's really a quagmire isn't it...? I see the idea behind making firearms hard to obtain but just like everything, people can obtain things easier illegally than legally.

    I can see it now, outlaw guns and legalize marijuana,
    Sounds like a burned out hippies dream!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Sine those diseases nothing has really been cured (also they were cured before the big pharmaceuticals were formed and had billions in revenue). I guess there is no way of proving one way or another that cures for cancer and Aids or other diseases are purposely not being cured for "drugs" that prolong life or keep the disease at bay for a period of time but I do know if you cure it, well there is no more money to be made.
    but there are always new diseases emerging. and people still dont live forever. as long as people still get cuts, bumps, mumps, cancer, AIDS, broken bones, and new sicknesses are found, there will always be a medical profession. there is no chance in hell that within our life time ALL illnesses will be cured. there will be money to be made. and as far as i know the success rate of Doctors is still 0%. (by that i mean: 100% of the people that doctors treat, still die) Until we have an infinite life span, there will be a medical profession. Doctors are not just money grubbing, drug companies are not just money grubbing. they will make more money by curing things. it helps there credibility.
    cures will still need to be found...probably for diseases we havent even discovered yet.

    ...and the common cold.

    as far as your credit situation that you set up...

    i have a card that has a $30K limit (party at my house?) I have less than $2k on it. they know that if they lower my limit to that 2k (or even down to 10k) i will go somewhere else and i will not be their customer any more. it is a poor business practice to lower the limit on a person who pays their bills on time.
    rates vary. not too much you can do about that. the rate wont impact your score as much.(if at all)
    again it goes back to making the smart decisions and not getting in over your head. If you cant afford it, dont buy it. if there is any doubt in your mind, wait and save up and pay cash. that will never hurt your credit score.

  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Sine those diseases nothing has really been cured (also they were cured before the big pharmaceuticals were formed and had billions in revenue). I guess there is no way of proving one way or another that cures for cancer and Aids or other diseases are purposely not being cured for "drugs" that prolong life or keep the disease at bay for a period of time but I do know if you cure it, well there is no more money to be made.
    but there are always new diseases emerging. and people still dont live forever. as long as people still get cuts, bumps, mumps, cancer, AIDS, broken bones, and new sicknesses are found, there will always be a medical profession. there is no chance in hell that within our life time ALL illnesses will be cured. there will be money to be made. and as far as i know the success rate of Doctors is still 0%. (by that i mean: 100% of the people that doctors treat, still die) Until we have an infinite life span, there will be a medical profession. Doctors are not just money grubbing, drug companies are not just money grubbing. they will make more money by curing things. it helps there credibility.
    cures will still need to be found...probably for diseases we havent even discovered yet.

    ...and the common cold.

    as far as your credit situation that you set up...

    i have a card that has a $30K limit (party at my house?) I have less than $2k on it. they know that if they lower my limit to that 2k (or even down to 10k) i will go somewhere else and i will not be their customer any more. it is a poor business practice to lower the limit on a person who pays their bills on time.
    rates vary. not too much you can do about that. the rate wont impact your score as much.(if at all)
    again it goes back to making the smart decisions and not getting in over your head. If you cant afford it, dont buy it. if there is any doubt in your mind, wait and save up and pay cash. that will never hurt your credit score.

    Actually if you save up and pay cash for a long enough period of time it certainly will hurt your credit score as you do not have credit references. I have seen many older couples who have pd cash for everything for x number of years not even have a beacon score...and not qualify for what they are trying to do ...it is a fact...just thought I would point that out...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I knew we would see this at some point this year and told everyone I know to be watching for it and I'll be damned! Guess what I heard about on my way to work on the radio and have seen all over the news this morning...


    Obama is pushing HARD for lawmakers to come up with an bill to allow MILLIONS of illegal aliens to instantly be granted a free pass to stay here... How could ANYONE support something so insane?? Thats like walking into any prison in the country and just pardon everyone there regardless of what they have done. When this passes, and it will under this administration, it will be a sad day for our country.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Sine those diseases nothing has really been cured (also they were cured before the big pharmaceuticals were formed and had billions in revenue). I guess there is no way of proving one way or another that cures for cancer and Aids or other diseases are purposely not being cured for "drugs" that prolong life or keep the disease at bay for a period of time but I do know if you cure it, well there is no more money to be made.
    but there are always new diseases emerging. and people still dont live forever. as long as people still get cuts, bumps, mumps, cancer, AIDS, broken bones, and new sicknesses are found, there will always be a medical profession. there is no chance in hell that within our life time ALL illnesses will be cured. there will be money to be made. and as far as i know the success rate of Doctors is still 0%. (by that i mean: 100% of the people that doctors treat, still die) Until we have an infinite life span, there will be a medical profession. Doctors are not just money grubbing, drug companies are not just money grubbing. they will make more money by curing things. it helps there credibility.
    cures will still need to be found...probably for diseases we havent even discovered yet.

    ...and the common cold.

    as far as your credit situation that you set up...

    i have a card that has a $30K limit (party at my house?) I have less than $2k on it. they know that if they lower my limit to that 2k (or even down to 10k) i will go somewhere else and i will not be their customer any more. it is a poor business practice to lower the limit on a person who pays their bills on time.
    rates vary. not too much you can do about that. the rate wont impact your score as much.(if at all)
    again it goes back to making the smart decisions and not getting in over your head. If you cant afford it, dont buy it. if there is any doubt in your mind, wait and save up and pay cash. that will never hurt your credit score.

    Actually if you save up and pay cash for a long enough period of time it certainly will hurt your credit score as you do not have credit references. I have seen many older couples who have pd cash for everything for x number of years not even have a beacon score...and not qualify for what they are trying to do ...it is a fact...just thought I would point that out...
    but if you save up and use your credit card and then pay it off in less than a month (because you are buying only what you can afford) its just like paying cash... kind of. the point is, if you are smart with credit you wont shoot yourself in the foot.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I knew we would see this at some point this year and told everyone I know to be watching for it and I'll be damned! Guess what I heard about on my way to work on the radio and have seen all over the news this morning...


    Obama is pushing HARD for lawmakers to come up with an bill to allow MILLIONS of illegal aliens to instantly be granted a free pass to stay here... How could ANYONE support something so insane?? Thats like walking into any prison in the country and just pardon everyone there regardless of what they have done. When this passes, and it will under this administration, it will be a sad day for our country.
    didnt they get the message last time? what was it like 80% of the US is against such a plan?

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Let's say your chocolate business takes off like mad (and I hope it does), and it gets so big that you start to franchise stores all over the country. You don't own all those stores. The local franchisees do. You don't get their profits, you don't run their day-to-day operations. You just set up the system in which they operate. That's the difference you're not seeing. The gov't is not going to take ownership of the hospitals and the doctors' clinics and the pharmaceutical companies and the prosthetics manufacturers and the thousand other health-related industries. Those businesses are all going to continue to be privately owned and profit-driven. This is, therefore, by definition, not socialism.
    ive been thinkin about this quite a bit. and you are right. by definition its not socialism
    by definition it is Fascist.
    Fascists believed in government control of privately owned businesses, which is much more the style of this government.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Reg Henry:
    Since Mr. Obama was elected, a cottage industry of resentment has sprung up to cater to sore losers. From talk shows hosts who hope the president fails, to others who hint at insurrection, to Web sites that play on crazy fantasies (Barack Obama's a Muslim! He was born in Kenya! He's a Marxist!), the chorus is the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater.
    what about all those people that wanted Bush dead? what about those that still want to bring him to trial? what about all the democrats that wanted Bush, the war, and everything else that any republican ever brought up to fail? what about the claims that Bush would bring back the draft?

    little bit of a double standard here...

    and to be fair, Obama is not a Marxist...
    hes more of a Fascist...

    yes, it is our government. We voted for them. on that note, they arent looking out for us. I will not respect a Government that will not Respect the individual rights of its citizens. I also will not run out and kill a cop because they are pert of the government. just because i dont like the government as it is right this minute does not mean that i am violent. It does mean that i will debate, discuss, and vote my mind every time that i can. I wish to change the government through a free exchange of thoughts, not a free exchange of bullets.

    Hillary Clinton said it best:
    "I have the right to disagree with this administration or any administration... "
    amen to that.
    obama a Fascist? so if he's a fascist what is bush?
    Anyone who would claim Bush as a fascist obviously has NO FREAKIN CLUE what fascism really is so let me help ya out here:

    fas·cism –noun
    (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

    And no that is NOT a Wiki definition. My point being we have seen the largest growth in government control, particularly the executive branch, in our nations HISTORY under the Obama administration. Look at the things that are being sought by his administration:
    Fairness doctorine (under another name) This is without a doubt a way for the government to "forcibly suppress opposition and criticism."
    Bail Outs, Stimulus Funds, and TARP Funds: "regimenting all industry, commerce, etc..."
    I know some will make the point that they aren't trying to control ALL industry, but just wait, it's only been a little less than 3 months. Timmy Geithner is already turning his eyes towards the Life Insurance companies and more will follow.

    To say that Bush or Reagan were fascists is insane! We are seeing the government stripping away our rights little by little every day right now and it will continue until something changes.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    You two really are out of it aren't you? I mean let see both of those presidents you mentioned Puro both put this country in considerable debt and destroyed manufacturing in this country. Not to mention the F'ing decade war we are going into with Iraq (wait the war lasted like 1 day)... So the guy who comes in and is trying to fix stuff gets all the blame. Huge companies which have squandered and screwed up royally ask for money is given money with no strings attached by a administration that has screwed this country more ways than a used prostitute and then asks for more, doesn't open up credit markets, buy up bad mortgages, help people negotiate their mortgages to stay in their homes... No they buy other banks, then give each other parties and bonus's. Well it's the Govt's Job to protect people and the interest of the Country. AIG is HUGE and employ's millions of people. Letting them fail may be my first thought but in reality what Obama's admin is doing is very well the best thing to do. Oh yeah let's keep letting them do what they have been doing. I'm just going in circles... Let's just hope, for GOD's sake let's hope Sara Pain/*** Cheney 2012 gets elected, they'll fix everything....
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Obama can't do anything by himself. If you are dissatisfied take a long hard look at who represents your state. Learn as much as you can about the people in your district and who they are what they stand for. Become politically active if your able to (this can be as simple as handing out vote for ------- cards at voting booths to actually volunteering time for your candidates campaign ) . Yes, this takes time away from your family and job and leisure time but if your really as worked up as some of you seem to be it will be time well spent. If you can't contribute time contribute financially to the candidate that represents your views. Do something to really make a difference if your heart and head tell you the country is headed to he-ll in a handbasket. In 2 years Obama can be effectively blocked from taking over/ruining the USA as some suggest he is trying to do and he will have 2 years left as basically a lame duck president. If we the people deem it so we CAN make it happen.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Obama can't do anything by himself. If you are dissatisfied take a long hard look at who represents your state. Learn as much as you can about the people in your district and who they are what they stand for. Become politically active if your able to (this can be as simple as handing out vote for ------- cards at voting booths to actually volunteering time for your candidates campaign ) . Yes, this takes time away from your family and job and leisure time but if your really as worked up as some of you seem to be it will be time well spent. If you can't contribute time contribute financially to the candidate that represents your views. Do something to really make a difference if your heart and head tell you the country is headed to he-ll in a handbasket. In 2 years Obama can be effectively blocked from taking over/ruining the USA as some suggest he is trying to do and he will have 2 years left as basically a lame duck president. If we the people deem it so we CAN make it happen.
    You are correct up to a point... When did Congress vote to remove the head of GM?? If I remember correctly they didn't, and Obama and Geithner were the ones that got rid of him... or had him step down as as the headlines read.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Obama can't do anything by himself. If you are dissatisfied take a long hard look at who represents your state. Learn as much as you can about the people in your district and who they are what they stand for. Become politically active if your able to (this can be as simple as handing out vote for ------- cards at voting booths to actually volunteering time for your candidates campaign ) . Yes, this takes time away from your family and job and leisure time but if your really as worked up as some of you seem to be it will be time well spent. If you can't contribute time contribute financially to the candidate that represents your views. Do something to really make a difference if your heart and head tell you the country is headed to he-ll in a handbasket. In 2 years Obama can be effectively blocked from taking over/ruining the USA as some suggest he is trying to do and he will have 2 years left as basically a lame duck president. If we the people deem it so we CAN make it happen.
    You are correct up to a point... When did Congress vote to remove the head of GM?? If I remember correctly they didn't, and Obama and Geithner were the ones that got rid of him... or had him step down as as the headlines read.

    You are correct and I agree with you Puro....BUT ... I will bet you before Obama and Geithner pulled their little removal trick they checked with the Democratic players to make sure they supported him and their would be no backlash. I'm sure they don't do anything by a kneejerk re action ...these are all well planned, orchestrated deliberate actions. The point I'm making is that his support can be reduced/eliminated by the people. FWIW I don't agree with a lot both parties have done although I have always felt uneasy about Obama even before he was elected.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Obama can't do anything by himself. If you are dissatisfied take a long hard look at who represents your state. Learn as much as you can about the people in your district and who they are what they stand for. Become politically active if your able to (this can be as simple as handing out vote for ------- cards at voting booths to actually volunteering time for your candidates campaign ) . Yes, this takes time away from your family and job and leisure time but if your really as worked up as some of you seem to be it will be time well spent. If you can't contribute time contribute financially to the candidate that represents your views. Do something to really make a difference if your heart and head tell you the country is headed to he-ll in a handbasket. In 2 years Obama can be effectively blocked from taking over/ruining the USA as some suggest he is trying to do and he will have 2 years left as basically a lame duck president. If we the people deem it so we CAN make it happen.
    didn't work for bush, I mean would have been nice. But really people in congress or the senate are way out of touch. I think there was an interview with a congresswoman from Florida who when asked about the SCHIP tax and how it will effect business's in Florida (such as cigar rollers and shops) she seemed to care about it but not enough to tax it and make people pay loads more just to enjoy something for the sake of children. I remember calling both my senators' got their damn secretary's and 3 of my congressmen and go no-where when the shcip thing was circling. I talked with he owner of my local shop and he said that him and a few dozen other tobacco shops petitioned for a NO vote but didn't really worked, well I think one of my congressman did vote no. But still...
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Obama can't do anything by himself. If you are dissatisfied take a long hard look at who represents your state. Learn as much as you can about the people in your district and who they are what they stand for. Become politically active if your able to (this can be as simple as handing out vote for ------- cards at voting booths to actually volunteering time for your candidates campaign ) . Yes, this takes time away from your family and job and leisure time but if your really as worked up as some of you seem to be it will be time well spent. If you can't contribute time contribute financially to the candidate that represents your views. Do something to really make a difference if your heart and head tell you the country is headed to he-ll in a handbasket. In 2 years Obama can be effectively blocked from taking over/ruining the USA as some suggest he is trying to do and he will have 2 years left as basically a lame duck president. If we the people deem it so we CAN make it happen.
    didn't work for bush, I mean would have been nice. But really people in congress or the senate are way out of touch. I think there was an interview with a congresswoman from Florida who when asked about the SCHIP tax and how it will effect business's in Florida (such as cigar rollers and shops) she seemed to care about it but not enough to tax it and make people pay loads more just to enjoy something for the sake of children. I remember calling both my senators' got their damn secretary's and 3 of my congressmen and go no-where when the shcip thing was circling. I talked with he owner of my local shop and he said that him and a few dozen other tobacco shops petitioned for a NO vote but didn't really worked, well I think one of my congressman did vote no. But still...

    My point was enough people voted to make a lotta this bull$hit happen....so if enough people vote in the opposite direction logic would dictate that it can be reversed ( unless your saying we have voter fraud and the votes don't really matter ...in which case were screwed either way)
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    And while I'm in the Rant Thread another thing I would like to get off my chest. All the beetchin' and moanin about the greed of the banking system and the insurance companys and the automakers etc etc. And the poor people that lost money to the wallstreet types. You know what , when these companys stock prices were flyng high and people ( investors, people with 401k's and your everyday workin' Joe) were taking in the tens of thousands in profits and building their huge retirement nesteggs and buying boats,2nd homes and every other imaginable luxury I didn't hear a damn one of them ask is this investment safe ? Do I really know what I'm invested in? Did I do my homework? do I really give a rats a$$ if its borderline illegal if I get to keep all my $hit? Nobody was screamin for checks and balances and investigations when they were MAKING money because they could have cared less. My point is their own glottoness greed allowed a lot of these things to take place...including the bloated salaries and bonuses. Nobody cared the CEO's were getting theirs as long as the little guy got his slice of the pie. Hows that pie taste now .....At some point people have to take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for someone to always blame.
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    And while I'm in the Rant Thread another thing I would like to get off my chest. All the beetchin' and moanin about the greed of the banking system and the insurance companys and the automakers etc etc. And the poor people that lost money to the wallstreet types. You know what , when these companys stock prices were flyng high and people ( investors, people with 401k's and your everyday workin' Joe) were taking in the tens of thousands in profits and building their huge retirement nesteggs and buying boats,2nd homes and every other imaginable luxury I didn't hear a damn one of them ask is this investment safe ? Do I really know what I'm invested in? Did I do my homework? do I really give a rats a$$ if its borderline illegal if I get to keep all my $hit? Nobody was screamin for checks and balances and investigations when they were MAKING money because they could have cared less. My point is their own glottoness greed allowed a lot of these things to take place...including the bloated salaries and bonuses. Nobody cared the CEO's were getting theirs as long as the little guy got his slice of the pie. Hows that pie taste now .....At some point people have to take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for someone to always blame.
    And to get those second homes and luxuries, they took out loans and maxed out credit cards, and put themselves into massive debt. I really feel that the public should get more of the blame than anyone. I could be speaking out of ignorance on this, but that's the perception I get.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Matt Marvel:
    And while I'm in the Rant Thread another thing I would like to get off my chest. All the beetchin' and moanin about the greed of the banking system and the insurance companys and the automakers etc etc. And the poor people that lost money to the wallstreet types. You know what , when these companys stock prices were flyng high and people ( investors, people with 401k's and your everyday workin' Joe) were taking in the tens of thousands in profits and building their huge retirement nesteggs and buying boats,2nd homes and every other imaginable luxury I didn't hear a damn one of them ask is this investment safe ? Do I really know what I'm invested in? Did I do my homework? do I really give a rats a$$ if its borderline illegal if I get to keep all my $hit? Nobody was screamin for checks and balances and investigations when they were MAKING money because they could have cared less. My point is their own glottoness greed allowed a lot of these things to take place...including the bloated salaries and bonuses. Nobody cared the CEO's were getting theirs as long as the little guy got his slice of the pie. Hows that pie taste now .....At some point people have to take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for someone to always blame.
    And to get those second homes and luxuries, they took out loans and maxed out credit cards, and put themselves into massive debt. I really feel that the public should get more of the blame than anyone. I could be speaking out of ignorance on this, but that's the perception I get.
    I am with you both on this one!!! I'm all about presonal freedom and the rights of the individual, but the other side of that I believe in is personal responsability. Too many people dig their asses into a hole then expect Uncle Sam to come pull them out and save them from their own mess. It's getting old! The government doesn't owe anyone a goddamned thing. People need to start standing on their own two feet.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Matt Marvel:
    And while I'm in the Rant Thread another thing I would like to get off my chest. All the beetchin' and moanin about the greed of the banking system and the insurance companys and the automakers etc etc. And the poor people that lost money to the wallstreet types. You know what , when these companys stock prices were flyng high and people ( investors, people with 401k's and your everyday workin' Joe) were taking in the tens of thousands in profits and building their huge retirement nesteggs and buying boats,2nd homes and every other imaginable luxury I didn't hear a damn one of them ask is this investment safe ? Do I really know what I'm invested in? Did I do my homework? do I really give a rats a$$ if its borderline illegal if I get to keep all my $hit? Nobody was screamin for checks and balances and investigations when they were MAKING money because they could have cared less. My point is their own glottoness greed allowed a lot of these things to take place...including the bloated salaries and bonuses. Nobody cared the CEO's were getting theirs as long as the little guy got his slice of the pie. Hows that pie taste now .....At some point people have to take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for someone to always blame.
    And to get those second homes and luxuries, they took out loans and maxed out credit cards, and put themselves into massive debt. I really feel that the public should get more of the blame than anyone. I could be speaking out of ignorance on this, but that's the perception I get.

    My point exactly.....yeah there may have been some crooks sprinkled in but the publics own greed allowed the crooks plans to flurish ....sure some innocent people were hurt but I'm just talking majoritys here and I think that translates into public greed
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    I know too many people that just can't man up to their own mistakes, financial or otherwise. To be honest, everyone should've seen this coming. But, it's like gmill said, nobody cared because they were making money too.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Matt Marvel:
    And while I'm in the Rant Thread another thing I would like to get off my chest. All the beetchin' and moanin about the greed of the banking system and the insurance companys and the automakers etc etc. And the poor people that lost money to the wallstreet types. You know what , when these companys stock prices were flyng high and people ( investors, people with 401k's and your everyday workin' Joe) were taking in the tens of thousands in profits and building their huge retirement nesteggs and buying boats,2nd homes and every other imaginable luxury I didn't hear a damn one of them ask is this investment safe ? Do I really know what I'm invested in? Did I do my homework? do I really give a rats a$$ if its borderline illegal if I get to keep all my $hit? Nobody was screamin for checks and balances and investigations when they were MAKING money because they could have cared less. My point is their own glottoness greed allowed a lot of these things to take place...including the bloated salaries and bonuses. Nobody cared the CEO's were getting theirs as long as the little guy got his slice of the pie. Hows that pie taste now .....At some point people have to take responsibility for their own actions instead of looking for someone to always blame.
    And to get those second homes and luxuries, they took out loans and maxed out credit cards, and put themselves into massive debt. I really feel that the public should get more of the blame than anyone. I could be speaking out of ignorance on this, but that's the perception I get.
    this i agree with.

    there is one person who knew (and bitched about) the impending doom of the financial system two years before it happened. I blame the public. I blame banks. I blame Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, W, and all the congress men and women during those administrations.
    ...except for one person:
    John McCain. He actually was Calling out Mr. Frank on this over two years before Freddie and Fanny went kaput.

    bear in mind that this is not a McCain for President endorsement. (He had no passion. Even if he had the mental capacity to run the nation he could not have because he had no passion for the job. ) all i am saying is that it is NOT McCains fault that the Banking system collapsed like it did.

    ..or mine. i bought a house i could afford...
  • plaidbanana1plaidbanana1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 187
    I think you misspelled that kuzi. I believe he pronounces it Fwank.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Why I'm a Terrorist Threat (According the the new head of the DHS)

    After the past couple of days of hearing in the news how "Right Wing Extremists" are rising up and becoming a serious threat to our country it really got me to thinking about my own political views and why they are seen as such a threat. I understand that there are total nut jobs out there that would do harm to people that do not agree with them simply for that reason, but why is this just a "right wing" problem in the twisted mind of Janet "Reno Jr." Napolitano? Just this week there was a man sentenced in making death threats towards our previous administration but OH NO, this is just a "right wing" problem.
    The past 8 years there have been protests ,many of which turned violent, all over our country causing major traffic disruptions and even impeding military operations. I have no problems with protesting peacefully at all and I am proud it is our right as Americans, but why were we forced to endure the insanity many of these protests caused, for 8 years, but now that conservatives have taken to the streets they are labeled as "right wing extremists" who pose a serious threat to our country? When did speaking out against your government in The United States of America become a terrorist act? I'll tell you when! The day President Barack Hussein Obama took office. It's no wonder he opposed the war in Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein, not only do they share their name but they have the same views on opposition to their political beliefs. This IS facist in nature and there is no other way to view it. There were no specific threats or bits of intelligence that this was based on besides the fact that people are fed up with what is going with our federal government.

    After a lot of thought and trying to figure out why my fellow outspoken critics of our current Government and I are viewed as terrorists, this is what I have come up with:

    1. I own a gun, actually SEVERAL of them. I don't own a gun because I want to kill anyone, I own one to prevent someone else from killing me or a member of my family.
    2. I believe in God, but in no way believe that I should force my views on anyone else, nor should I not allow another person to practice their own beliefs as they see fit.
    3. I believe The United States of America has a right to protect itself from any threats to our citizens and our allies WITHOUT having to get permission from the U.N.
    4. I support the men and women who volunteer to fight for our great nation and go to war to protect our nation.
    5. I believe in the individual liberties of the citizens of our great nation to pursue wealth and a better life to provide for themselves and their families as best they can.
    6. I believe a secure boarder will make our country a safer and better place.
    7. I believe anyone in this country illegally has NO RIGHTS to sue or pursue any legal action in our country.
    8. I believe in the rights of our citizens to speak out peacefully to try to change what the government is doing if we do not agree. 9. Last but CERTAINLY not least, I believe that the government that governs best governs least.

    I just can't see why believing in our great country, means being a threat to it...
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    I dont think it's so much that you believing in america makes you a threat, its that you dont side with the current political regime that is office. Thats how i see things, and that scares me the most.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I dont think it's so much that you believing in america makes you a threat, its that you dont side with the current political regime that is office. Thats how i see things, and that scares me the most.
    well said.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I dont think it's so much that you believing in america makes you a threat, its that you dont side with the current political regime that is office. Thats how i see things, and that scares me the most.
    That was my point, I don't side with them because I believe in our country. Obviously they only believe in our government.
  • bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
    I don't think your political beliefs classify you as extremist at all, more like normal conservative. I think extremists under the heat are people like Rush Limbaugh who have no desire to help the country progress in any direction, they just want Obama to fail...end of story. That sucks.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I don't think your political beliefs classify you as extremist at all, more like normal conservative. I think extremists under the heat are people like Rush Limbaugh who have no desire to help the country progress in any direction, they just want Obama to fail...end of story. That sucks.
    I believe many of the same things as Rush Limbaugh, but that is not terrorism. According to the DHS it is though. Why are outspoken conservatives considered terrorists and a threat to homeland security? Do you honestly think Limaugh is going to plot some sort of OK City style attack???

    Not only that, but she actually classified returning Vets from Iraq and Afghanistan as threats to homeland security. This is becoming an all out attack on America by our own government.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I don't think your political beliefs classify you as extremist at all, more like normal conservative. I think extremists under the heat are people like Rush Limbaugh who have no desire to help the country progress in any direction, they just want Obama to fail...end of story. That sucks.
    it is quite clear that you have never once tuned into his program and really listened to what he had to say. I dont agree with rush. i dont even call myself a conservative. but i listen to his show because he has made a good point or two.

    He does not want Obama to fail. He wants Obama's attempts to make the government bigger and have higher taxes and more control to fail. this, he believes, will further the country because when left to their won devices people will better themselves and therefor, the country.

    pleas be informed when you try and call someone out. or at least take the time to understand it first.
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