My and Lassy were too busy feeling up the water pillows...
Is that why she was so sweaty? She told me she had to go out running after work... she's training for a marathon in January, so I didn't think anything of it. I guess it's back to chaining her to the bed.
No, she was sweaty cause Lassy kept chasing her around with his plastic nunchucks again talking all about his "Ninja Skillz"
the difference between doody and me arguing and two other losers arguing on the internet is that we respect each other. (i hope) between us its all in good fun and there are no hard feelings.
the difference between doody and me arguing and two other losers arguing on the internet is that we respect each other. (i hope) between us its all in good fun and there are no hard feelings.
I wish you guys would quit posting pictures of me.
i dont even know what to say to that.
I can't stop laughing on this one.. I'm sure you'll get a lot of candy this year urby, just remember to say thank you after you beat the homeowner with the nun-chucks.. But if they only have fruit and no candy I say don't say thank you.
EDIT: Now that's more like it, Shirley!