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El Rey Del Mundo

MusicTheoryManMusicTheoryMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
I just smoked an El Rey Del Mundo that I got when I was overseas in Ireland a few weeks ago. As my first Cuban, I wasn't very pleased. It was so tight it felt like I was forcing the flavor out of it, and when I loosened up on it, I didn't get anything out of it. It burned ridiculously slow and it wasn't enjoyable to me. Is there anyone who's had experience with this cigar?


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    ISOMs do better with some age on em
  • jihiggsjihiggs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 468
    I have a box of these, none have been too tight. you have to be carefull buying cuban cigars, its real easy to get tricked into buying counterfeits. how much did you pay for the erdm?
  • MusicTheoryManMusicTheoryMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    I got it over Spring Break when I was in Ireland. I payed 20 Euro for it so about $30. It was from a really fancy cigar shop in Dublin next to a Peterson Pipe store.
  • WolfdaddyWolfdaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8
    I hate the term "ISOM"

    Unless this really fancy store you speak of was a LCDH, then there's a very good chance it was a fake. Or it may not have been stored right, or it may have been too young, or all of the above.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I hate the term "ISOM"
    hmmm. I only used the term because i wasnt sure how cigar.com felt about the namming of the actual country. I remember that AmBack wanted you to not use the word because of random searches on the internet and people trying to get illegals there. there was some rule about it a bit back. I was just playing it on the safe side
  • WolfdaddyWolfdaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8
    I don't remember any such rule, but I have been away for a while. Always good to err on the side of caution I guess.
    I didn't mean to be a pr*ck to you, I just don't like the term is all.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i could be wrong about the rule. lemme put it this way: i THOUGHT there was a rule and thats why everyone used "ISOM". ... i have been known to be wrong. (a lot)
  • z3roz3ro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 20
    sorry to sound dumb and jack this thread, but what does ISOM mean?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Island South Of Miami ...aka cuba
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