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Back on the Grid and Checking In!

RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
Hi Guys,
WOW what a July.... I still feel Like am Driving. LOL ! First things first, An Update on our mothers. Maria's Mother has been getting The Barrage of Chemo and Radiation for her Cancer thats in 5 places, lungs,lymph nodes and Both hips, and spine. Her last check up shows an overwhelming improvement,Yet shes far from out of the woods but she is making Positive Progress.
My mother has shown no improvement and the doctors continue to work with medications and are going to make a decision on surgery tommarrow.
We know that all the prayers and Sacrafices that have been made for our Familys are working. We Thank each and every one of you.
I am slowly making a transition back into the Real world from the Spirit world. My Vision Quest and Sundance Were to say the least the Most powerful I have ever had. Amazing Prayers. We take food and water for granted, let alone the comforts of home and being able to Shower and flush a toilet. The Purification and Sacrafices made by Those of Us that Sundance and pray for the Earth and the people in the traditional Lakota Sioux way are felt world wide and we are blessed beyond measure for those sacrafices.
I would like to thank you all for the Love.
Mitakuye Oyasin ( We Are All Related)
Glad to be back with My BOTL!


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