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So many cigars, so little time...

ScottTDawgScottTDawg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 200
Now that I've been on the forums and smoking cigars for almost a year, it still boggles my mind on how many brands/types of cigars there are. Once you decide on a few cigars you like, do you focus on those certain ones, buying boxes? Or do you keep getting a few here, a few there constantly trying new ones?

I guess it goes without saying that a large humidor is a necessity.


  • SgtRickSgtRick Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 75
    I have been smoking for a couple years now and I rarely buy a box. I do like the 5 packs a lot as it gives me a chance to buy different sticks with out to much cost. I really like variety and I have over 20 different brands and styles. I select what I want to smoke depending on the amount of time I have as well as the "heaviness" of the smoke. Sometimes you want the full body smoke, sometimes something on the light side. Hope this makes sense to you.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    i buy what i know i like and trade for cigars that i have yet to try.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    If I smoke 2 of something and like them both, a box purchase is in the near future.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    If I smoke 2 of something and like them both, a box purchase is in the near future.
    If I were The Beard I would just send you random 2 or 3 packs in the mail......
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    The best part about smoking more seriously the last year or two is that I've narrowed down what I like, dislike, and what I really love. Lately, I've been attempting to only buy and trade for cigars I really love! No more "everyday" cigars - I have plenty of those already. I have bought a few boxes here and there, but in general if I really love something I try to get at least a 5 pack or more. My problem lately is that the cigars that I really, really love are more expensive, and buying boxes really hurts.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    If I smoke 2 of something and like them both, a box purchase is in the near future.
    If I were The Beard I would just send you random 2 or 3 packs in the mail......
    Did you hear that, Tim?

    Just sayin...
  • sightunseensightunseen Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,130
    I started off with a lot of samplers to narrow down my preferences. I'm at the stage right now where I will invest in a couple of 5-packs on stuff I've liked before. I'm not quite at the stage where I want to buy entire boxes. Like you said, there is so much stuff to try out there.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I have boxes and 5 packs of the things I like, and a bunch of single sticks that I've never had. I trade for or sometimes buy those. I have to be in the mood to try something new, and at this point I can usually read a bit about the stick, see what it's made of, who blended it, and know what the chances are of me liking it. I'm not always right, but it's better than when I started and everything was a coin toss. I still try a stick even if I don't think I will like it. I try and stay as objective as I can.

    So I do still try new stuff, but I will go through a bout where I decide I want to try something new, and hate the stick, and then I try another and I hate that one, and so on until I'm sick of that process and then I will smoke something out of my rotation that I know I am going to love. Sometimes though I try the new stick and love it. Then I find myself buying even more boxes.

    And yes, a big humidor is great. I'm actually contemplating a cabinet now.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I can probably pull out a new stick from my humidor everyday for the rest of the year and every stick will be a new one to me. I have stepped up my smoking this year big time.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Now that I've been on the forums and smoking cigars for almost a year, it still boggles my mind on how many brands/types of cigars there are. Once you decide on a few cigars you like, do you focus on those certain ones, buying boxes? Or do you keep getting a few here, a few there constantly trying new ones?

    I guess it goes without saying that a large humidor is a necessity.
    I absolutely keep trying new ones (to me). The ones I really like I will buy again (to have on hand) butr generally not boxes.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I used to do the sampler thing a lot and the lower level of my humi is still filled with a lot of onesies and twosies. My last several purchases have for the most part been boxes as I find favorites. AAA, La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte, Vintage 2002's. In some cases not a box, but buying enough of the DD to approximate a box quantity at a better price. Still like to try something new now and then but not actively seeking out new stuff. If I stopped buying cigars today I could go for years without running out.
  • jship079jship079 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 621
    I love smoking new things so I buy alot of samplers that are aimed at the flavor profile I like. When I first started smoking I just bought tons of different stuff to figure out what I liked. I do by 5 packs, bundles, or boxs of stuff I really like to smoke if Im not in the mood to try something new.
  • babsdpubabsdpu Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 143
    Always buying new stuff and just continuing to remember the ones I really liked!
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