Home Cigar 101


lost108lost108 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7

Hello, hello!

Total cigar newbie here, anyone got tips/tricks/little known hints for me? It would be much appriciated. :)

On another note, I produce a podcast for the radio station I work for. One of the shows we do is called Adam's Pick of the Week. Its a weekly Cigar review and is pretty cool. You can win some free cigars and stuff too so click here to check it out.

But moreso the gettin started help would be awesome.


  • lost108lost108 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    Another thought.... whats something really good to start with? I've had some cheapos and some decent ones that were recomended, but I have no idea on how to pick some out to order myself.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    check out the oliva brand. its a great brand that both new guys and seasoned guys can enjoy.
  • aron325aron325 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 158
    welcome to the forums and glad to have you. a lot of newer guys start with milder body sticks. thats what i did but i quickly found out that most of the medium to full range has more flavor to me anyways. i now like a fuller cigar like a MOW Ruination(which are amazing if i may say so myself). if you are new i would try a little bit of everything first. get some samplers from here. thats a good start to finding what you like. ccom has mild samplers medium samplers and full sampler. i would try something like a AJ Fernandez dirty dozen sampler. that worked for me very well. it really depends though on what you will like. whatever you do make sure you are smoking fun the fun and relaxation. its a great but expensive hobby. i started this hobby in march and have never looked back. it is one of the only things in my life right now that is solely me time or time withs the guys. i love smoking and hope you will as well. welcome again arin
  • lost108lost108 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    cool sounds good. thanks. anyone else got some sugestions?
  • lost108lost108 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7
    will do. i'll check out some of the mild samplers. what about smoking techniques? or are there any?
  • JSaintJSaint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,848
    Techniques? Well dont smoke too quickly. Definitely slow. About a puff every 45 60 secs.
  • ironhorseironhorse Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 469
    smoke slowly and also lightly. Don't suck on the stogie like youre trying to get a golf ball through a garden hose. Go as lightly as you possibly can to heat up the cigar. The harder and quicker you go, the hotter it burns and the sicker you can get and the worse the smoke will taste. Cook it like a rare steak, on low and slow......
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    cool sounds good. thanks. anyone else got some sugestions?
    Three actually. First, pick yourself up a Cigar.com sampler from the site here. They have a stick with lots of different wrappers (which heavily influence the flavor fo a cigar), they're very affordable & will at least give you a reference point when figuring out what you like and what you dont.

    Secondly, I would consider signing up for the Cigar of the Month club here at Cigar.com, for many of the same reasons as I listed above. The club will help you get a little more specific about your tastes, and expose you to some cigars you might not normally experience.

    Finally, dont rule anything out. A great smoke can be found anywhere, by any cigar maker, at any price point, etc. To thine own self be true. What makes a cigar a good one or a bad one depends entirely on how YOU enjoy it. Dont take my or anyone else's word for what you will like or wont like - try em all and figure it out for yourself. Thats half the fun of this hobby. :-D

    PS: Could someone who is more HTML savvy than I am put a link to that "101 Things Every Cigar Smoker Should Know" type thread that Renaissance Man put up a few months ago on this thread for this fine gentleman? Thanks!
  • sumixamsumixam Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 23
    So I've been working on this for a while now. I wanted to put the knowledge I got from here in one "concise" and hopefully useful for others list. Check it out and tell me what you think! Feel free to contribute more "things" in the comments. What are some of the stuff you think everybody should know?


    There it is, and I looked it up for my own reference as well, thanks Sniper! (and Renaissance_Man)
  • mavmech13mavmech13 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 37
    I am also new here and to cigar smoking and was just about to post a thread like this. Lots of help here guys thanks!
  • JSaintJSaint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,848
    I am also new here and to cigar smoking and was just about to post a thread like this. Lots of help here guys thanks!
    Welcome Mav
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Welcome. hang around a while. these guys are great.
  • mavmech13mavmech13 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 37
    Welcome Mav
    Thanks bro. I've searched a few threads and it seems everyone here is very helpful. Especially in regards to setting up a new humidor.
  • JSaintJSaint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,848
    Welcome Mav
    Thanks bro. I've searched a few threads and it seems everyone here is very helpful. Especially in regards to setting up a new humidor.
    Most definitely. There is an abundent amount of knowledge throughout all the threads.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    Welcome to the forums!
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    cool sounds good. thanks. anyone else got some sugestions?

    Part of the Oliva line is Nub, Id try a few of those.

    After a few of those, I get a A Fernandez sampler, maybe the 12 angry men.

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