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ejenne? did we lose him

Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
havent seen him around lately...what happened


  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    havent seen him around lately...what happened
    another thread about this... click here
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    but on the subject of MIA's - I miss seeing madurofan, urbino, and alienmisprint around as well. seems like a lot of the big guys around here when I started have gone. luckily we've still got jOz3r and kuzi16
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    havent seen him around lately...what happened
    another thread about this... click here
    just checked, looks like he checked in at least on 7/24. I know he said he was getting busy with work, so hopefully that's all it is. Hopefully he's just making bank so he can buy a whole bunch of cigars.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    oh lol..its all good...yeah we are missing a lot of guys around here lol
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    but on the subject of MIA's - I miss seeing madurofan, urbino, and alienmisprint around as well. seems like a lot of the big guys around here when I started have gone. luckily we've still got jOz3r and kuzi16
    I guess this place would just totally fall apart w/o those guys huh? They are very cool guys, but there not the only ones out there that make these forums great. (and NO, i'm not referring to myself...just saying)
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    no krieg..if u left, we would all perish lol jk
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    but on the subject of MIA's - I miss seeing madurofan, urbino, and alienmisprint around as well. seems like a lot of the big guys around here when I started have gone. luckily we've still got jOz3r and kuzi16
    I guess this place would just totally fall apart w/o those guys huh? They are very cool guys, but there not the only ones out there that make these forums great. (and NO, i'm not referring to myself...just saying)
    that's not what I was saying. I just meant that they were the guys who seemed to have been here a while and had the huge post counts to show for it, and then all of them kinda vanished at the same time, around may. Trust me, this place is growing like crazy and all the new guys are great. I didn't mean to step on anybodys toes, especially those of the 'most interesting man in the world.'
  • JumperJumper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 135
    Trust me, this place is growing like crazy and all the new guys are great. I didn't mean to step on anybodys toes, especially those of the 'most interesting man in the world.'

    If Krieg punched you in the face, you would have to resist a strong urge to thank him.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    but on the subject of MIA's - I miss seeing madurofan, urbino, and alienmisprint around as well. seems like a lot of the big guys around here when I started have gone. luckily we've still got jOz3r and kuzi16
    I guess this place would just totally fall apart w/o those guys huh? They are very cool guys, but there not the only ones out there that make these forums great. (and NO, i'm not referring to myself...just saying)
    To add to that...I have a high post count, but I don't think that means I contribute anything more than any other person here....in fact, I'd be willing to wager that if I had never signed up, not too much would be different with the forum. I just have too damn much time on my hands.
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    guess I'll keep my observations to myself from now on. Sorry if I offended anyone.

    Back to subject at hand, hope ejenne turns back up.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    u never offended anyone...no such thing ! lol
  • AQUADGIO1200AQUADGIO1200 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 406
    Yea....i remember those guys, i hope they pop in in the near future....i was off the forum for about 1 year....now im back...and it's good to be back!
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    no krieg..if u left, we would all perish lol jk
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    guess I'll keep my observations to myself from now on. Sorry if I offended anyone.

    Back to subject at hand, hope ejenne turns back up.
    no harm, no foul. It's all good man
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    agreed...yeah i hope he turns up to...i was trying to get a 300 count humi off him then he up and left lol..dam i could really use that bad boy right now lol...i resorted to making a winadoor....almost done
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    Could it be?!................ I'm Back!!! (sorta)

    Sorry for taking so much time off fellas. Things have been insane lately! Here is a quick update for those of you that might be interested...

    My life went from normal and slow/boring for a few months to INSANE and CRAZY BUSY with barely enough time to sleep in the last couple months! I am currently working 2 jobs, still in the middle of a move that is taking a month already, training up for a deployment coming up soon, and trying to fix the things in my life that I have let go. As of last week, I am set to deploy some time in January. I have been working extra jobs every single day to try to make enough money to get myself out of the hole I dug and save for when I get out of the Army in January 2012. I finally decided that I need to take some time off the extra jobs so I can have a few minutes of down time every once in a while so as not to go INSANE!

    I am "back/sorta" here on the forum, but money is crazy tight right now so I am going to have to stay away from trades and passes and such. Luckily, while I was deployed last year I saved up enough smokes to last me a LOOONG time, so stick count will be back up from 0 per week to hopefully one or two if I can find the time. I am planning on being as active as possible on here from now on, so hopefully you all will have me back..! I have heard rumor of a SE herf coming up in a couple of weeks, I will find the thread and get the details, but I should be able to attend.

    As for the packages that were sent my way, I recieved a couple, definitely got that box of DH from zeebra!! Thanks a lot brother!! I still owe a package or two to some people, so I will try my best to hit you guys back when I can, but it may take a little while.

    I guess that's pretty much it for now. Hopefully things are still as crazy here as they were when I left! I am very much looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Welcome back. these guys have been jonesing for you. they'll be excited to know that your alive.
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Could it be?!................ I'm Back!!! (sorta)

    Sorry for taking so much time off fellas. Things have been insane lately! Here is a quick update for those of you that might be interested...

    My life went from normal and slow/boring for a few months to INSANE and CRAZY BUSY with barely enough time to sleep in the last couple months! I am currently working 2 jobs, still in the middle of a move that is taking a month already, training up for a deployment coming up soon, and trying to fix the things in my life that I have let go. As of last week, I am set to deploy some time in January. I have been working extra jobs every single day to try to make enough money to get myself out of the hole I dug and save for when I get out of the Army in January 2012. I finally decided that I need to take some time off the extra jobs so I can have a few minutes of down time every once in a while so as not to go INSANE!

    I am "back/sorta" here on the forum, but money is crazy tight right now so I am going to have to stay away from trades and passes and such. Luckily, while I was deployed last year I saved up enough smokes to last me a LOOONG time, so stick count will be back up from 0 per week to hopefully one or two if I can find the time. I am planning on being as active as possible on here from now on, so hopefully you all will have me back..! I have heard rumor of a SE herf coming up in a couple of weeks, I will find the thread and get the details, but I should be able to attend.

    As for the packages that were sent my way, I recieved a couple, definitely got that box of DH from zeebra!! Thanks a lot brother!! I still owe a package or two to some people, so I will try my best to hit you guys back when I can, but it may take a little while.

    I guess that's pretty much it for now. Hopefully things are still as crazy here as they were when I left! I am very much looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.
    man, I wish you were around for the Saw games! MOST...ORIGINAL (and fun)....GAME...EVER!!!! no disrespect to sniper of course :)
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