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A different kind of train...

rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
Okay folks... I finally have enough extra stock and an extra 20ct humidor laying around, so I figured I'd start a new pass/train... But so as not to be a complete duplicate of Maddy's pass, I figured I'd do something a little "different"... The main difference here will be a journal that's kept with the train... I'll explain in the rules...

The Rules for getting in the pass:
Rule 1: You must have at least one trade with another established member of the forum. If you only have one trade, when you supply your address you must supply a contact phone number as well. If you don't have any rep, you can PM me with any information that speaks to your character... For example, if you've been a long standing member of another forum and can show various contributions and good standing there.

Rule 2: You must PM me your info to get added to the list...

Rule 3: IF your turn is coming up and you will be out of town or unable to quickly attend to the package on your turn you MUST PM me so I can adjust the order to accomidate. Your spot will be bumped down the list until you return.

The Steps for your turn on the pass:
Step 1: You must take and put approx 3 cigars. Someone went through the trouble of mailing the package to you, please participate, don't send it back out without taking/putting something. You can take/put more than 3 if you'd like, but keep others down the line in mind. In other words, if there are a bunch of unique cigars, others may want to sample some as well, so don't remove all the uniques and put a bunch of commons!

Step 2: You must update the journal with your puts/takes. However, this is not simply a "what I took, what I put" journal. You must put some detailed info on the what and why! If you take a Hemmingway, list it in the journal and explain why. Is it because you've heard much about them and never tried them? Is it because they're your favorite and your couldn't pass up another? You like them but have never tried this size? etc... The same applies for your puts... Give a little info about what you're putting in and explain why you're putting it in. What does this cigar mean to you? If you've had them before what did you or didn't you like about them?

Step 3: If I haven't already PM'd you, you must PM me to get the next address to send to. Once mailed you must post to let the group know you've sent the package as well as it's DC number. PM me your puts and takes. DO NOT POST THE PUTS... We want each member to be completely surprised by whats in the box!

Rules about your turn at the pass:

Rule 1: You MUST participate

Rule 2: You MUST update the journal

Rule 3: You MUST send the package out with DC and post that info in this thread.

Rule 4: Don't get wrapped up in value... If you want a $7 stick and decide to replace it with a $5 stick, so be it... Nobody cares if your overall swap was a little above or a little over... HOWEVER please don't be obviously disrespectful... Don't replace 5 $15 sticks with 5 $2 sticks!

Rule 5: If you include a small bonus for someone next or further down the line, make sure it is CLEARLY marked as such. Likewise if something in there is NOT part of the normal pass, DON'T REMOVE IT UNLESS IT HAS YOUR NAME ON IT!

Rule 6: If you put any sort of flavored stick(s), they MUST be stored in a separate bag!

Other Notes:

Try to keep a balance of cigars in the train... Make sure there are some lower value sticks in there for those that may not have any high value sticks to trade... It's nice that you might want to replace a $3 stick with a $20 stick, but it may just make it difficult for someone later down the road.

When the pass is over and returned back to me, I plan on transcribing the journal here for all to read... This way people earlier on the line can get all the lather comments... The ultimate idea will be that eventually this thread will contain a LOT of different thoughts about various sticks, what various people think about them, and ultimately a sort of review on the smoke they provided.

Last but not least... I'm not going to impose a strict time limit on mailing back out... If I receive a package on Friday evening it's not really fair to say I MUST mail it within 48 hours. With that said, 48 hours SHOULD be the goal. It doesn't take but a few minutes to look over the stoagies, read through the journal, make a few swaps, update the journal, and get it addressed and ready to go out again... PLEASE REMEMBER... You wouldn't have wanted to be kept waiting a week or two to receive the train, so please make sure the person following you doesn't have to either!

I'll see how the response goes, but I'd like to see the train pull out of the station no later than next friday...


  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    This post will be used to keep track of the list of participants...

    1. Me
    2. Madurofan
    3. laker1963
    4. Stoogee (pending current trade outcome)
    5. Bad Andy
    6. j0z3r
    7. bass8844

    P.S. I will re-arrange the order as I see fit... (i.e. putting lesser known folks earlier and/or making for shorter travel times between people)
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I like it Greg, you can put me down....I hope I meet the qualifications :)
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    I love the format, but I need to hold off on the games for a little bit. I'm gonna be on my 1,000th post one of these days, and that's probably where my cigar budget will go. Urby hooked me up with a whole pile of ultra-premiums that I can't bear to part with. I also suffered a very rare weak moment and splurged on the Friday deal. The good news is that if anyone is looking to try the Herencia (thanks, Urby, for that Mexican translation on another thread!), I'll have extra on-hand for a trade :)
  • bass8844bass8844 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 416
    I'm interested. I think I meet the requirements. Sign me up!
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    sure thing... PM me your addy please... ;)
  • Big DanBig Dan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 69
    hmm im kinda interested i dnt have tht many cigars right now tho and i dnt have too many rare ones or interesting ones so idk if i can participate also idk if i meet the requirements but ill try it seems like fun
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Big Dan:
    hmm im kinda interested i dnt have tht many cigars right now tho and i dnt have too many rare ones or interesting ones so idk if i can participate also idk if i meet the requirements but ill try it seems like fun
    Please don't take offense Dan, but since you're so new and don't have any established trades or anything I'm going to leave you off the list for now. The truth is, it wouldn't do you much good anyway.. You're getting a lot of different smokes from various people on this board, but you'll want to smoke them to see how you like them... No need to trade off cigars that you don't even know how they compare to each other!

    With that said, assuming I get a good response out of this one, I'd certainly like to send it around for another trip... When that happens, I'm sure you'll have established yourself a little better and I'll be more than happy to add you to the list!
  • Big DanBig Dan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 69
    i totally understood thats why i was hesistant to post in thread because i know that my inexperience would possibly throw off the system and at the same time i do not have much to compare like you said and hopefully by the time the next round goes ill be able to do this with efficiency and knowledge but we will see wat happens. anyways thnx for the honest opinion good luck with this im gna check it out every now and again just to see how it works and how the trades go and everything like tht and i understand ur supposed to right a review therefor there will be like a million reviews which is great for me!!! ok well take care guys, enjoy!
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    Super Newbie here. Im not even sure whats going on with this one? Do you mail a package out with a bunch of various sticks and people add and deplete and keep it moving? Or does it come back to you every time? I think I need a Train 101 education? (I am the same as above -- too new to qualify or even to ask to be in) Maybe next time around or the one after once I get my arms around what this thing is.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Super Newbie here. Im not even sure whats going on with this one? Do you mail a package out with a bunch of various sticks and people add and deplete and keep it moving? Or does it come back to you every time? I think I need a Train 101 education? (I am the same as above -- too new to qualify or even to ask to be in) Maybe next time around or the one after once I get my arms around what this thing is.
    I'm not sure what I can explain that the rules don't, but to summarize, a train or pass is where a box of cigars get passed around... If there are 10 people in the pass, then it goes from one person to the next until all 10 have got it and then it goes back to the start.... Each person takes something and puts something...

    As for what "good" it is, aside from just being a bit of fun, each participant may see some cigars that they really like or have wanted to try... In return they put back some cigars that maybe they have extras of or didn't personally care for, or whatever.. The originator will typically start off with a bunch of cigars that he has plenty of dups of or whatever and in return when it's all over with he ends up with a bunch of new cigars...

    The reason that passes/trains generally like to have participants with a little bit of status is because someone could easily just sign up for them and then keep the boxes once received...
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Only 3 people so far? Surely some of the other folks wanna get in on this???
  • urbinourbino Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,517
    Posting usually drops off on the weekends. Give it a few days into next week. Once people are back to goofing off at the office, you'll probably get more takers.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    So for those that have decided not to participate, just for my future reference, is it something in the format itself that made you decide against? I personally thought it would be a pretty cool idea... I guess nobody else does! LOL, or at least only 3 of us! Stick out tongue [:P]

    Well, HOPEFULLY I'll get more response before the train pulls away, but if not just so you two know, I still plan on sending it around even though it will be a small quick trip! No reason to blow the fun!
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Maddy's train never left the station... Not sure if he's still planning to send that around. If not, I'll get on board this one instead.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Maddy's train never left the station... Not sure if he's still planning to send that around. If not, I'll get on board this one instead.
    I think he's still out of town... I'm sure he'll be sending it out once he gets back...
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    This sounds like it will be fun for sure. My only problem is that I am presently in Maddy's PIF and have a trade in the works.

    The other thing is that because I am in Canada it would take some extra time for the train to pull into my station and then again to make it to the next stop.

    I don't want to hold things up too much , so with the other things I have going on I just thought I would take a pass.
  • dutyjedutyje Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,263
    Maybe we should hold off and put this train out after Maddy's has run through? I really like the format, I just can't participate in large volumes.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    This sounds like it will be fun for sure. My only problem is that I am presently in Maddy's PIF and have a trade in the works.

    The other thing is that because I am in Canada it would take some extra time for the train to pull into my station and then again to make it to the next stop.

    I don't want to hold things up too much , so with the other things I have going on I just thought I would take a pass.
    Of course on the other hand.... you could bury a couple of those ummm no-name unbanded cigars that you have access to in there... LMAO!
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Maybe we should hold off and put this train out after Maddy's has run through? I really like the format, I just can't participate in large volumes.
    If it hasn't gotten a better response in the next couple days and assuming bass and joe are okay with it, I'll just delay this one then... ;)
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I'm ok with putting this on hold. If we can't get a reasonable number of people, it just won't be as fun.
  • bass8844bass8844 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 416
    If we can't get enough people, we can just wait until a better time. Either way, doesn't matter to me.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I blew my Pass. Not making excuses but work had me out of town a lot and tied up. I'll throw a message up on my thread as well but I like this format too. If we want to cancel my pass and go with this one instead, I'm cool with that.
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    Laker, you are an EXCELLENT trader and I hope you involve yourself in this pass. Having you involved would be worth the extra time it takes to get there and back. I'll vounteer to be the person to send to you and absorb the extra cost involved in getting it to you.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    Laker, you are an EXCELLENT trader and I hope you involve yourself in this pass. Having you involved would be worth the extra time it takes to get there and back. I'll vounteer to be the person to send to you and absorb the extra cost involved in getting it to you.
    Yeah, sorry, I don't know if I made it clear in my earlier post, but yes, I don't think anyone minds if you (Laker) gets in...

    As for delaying the other pass, I'll leave that up to everyone else... I have no problems either way... I'm easy to please! ;)

    Bottom line is, I don't want to see one pass suffer for another, and am more than willing to delay this one as long as it takes to let you get your pass straightened out...
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It seems most are still on-board with my Pass. Its going out today, so there are two things we could do, I think. Greg, we could make you the last person in my pass so that you send it to and could throw the two passes into one box and that would be the start of your pass. Or we could just delay this pass until after mine. Votes?
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    It seems most are still on-board with my Pass. Its going out today, so there are two things we could do, I think. Greg, we could make you the last person in my pass so that you send it to and could throw the two passes into one box and that would be the start of your pass. Or we could just delay this pass until after mine. Votes?
    You mean make you the first person in my pass so that once your pass gets to me I can just send both out to you in one box?

    I don't have a problem with that as long as you don't mind being first on the list for my pass... Of course on the bright side that means you'll have the prime choice pick outta the goodies I'm sending! ;)
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    So if this thing is back on, could somebody (whoever knows) post a list or something of who is in or out and the order of the pass? I am in on this one and would love to take part in Shirleys too. I should have a few more goodies by that time.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 848
    Are you guys still short on people for this...I would like to jump in but it would be my first trade group. Let me know. It would be a way to get new smokes since I am on restrition from buying them.
  • rusiriusrusirius Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 564
    I think you might be confused Laker... LOL... The list for this pass is on the first page, second post... This one has never been off, just delayed... ;) Maddy was contemplating canceling his pass, but decided to keep it on and I believe it went out today...

    I'm delaying this pass until the end of Maddy's pass...

    and Andy... Considering you helped defend our country I don't think there's any question as to your character, however to be fair to others, it would be nice to see you initiate a trade with someone in the mean time... (Plenty of time since this one will be delayed for a bit)... Post up some sticks you'd be willing to part with and what sticks you're looking to try and I'm sure myself or someone else will be more than happy to oblige!
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    It seems most are still on-board with my Pass. Its going out today, so there are two things we could do, I think. Greg, we could make you the last person in my pass so that you send it to and could throw the two passes into one box and that would be the start of your pass. Or we could just delay this pass until after mine. Votes?
    You mean make you the first person in my pass so that once your pass gets to me I can just send both out to you in one box?

    I don't have a problem with that as long as you don't mind being first on the list for my pass... Of course on the bright side that means you'll have the prime choice pick outta the goodies I'm sending! ;)
    Thats what I was thinking, it would kinda merge our two passes.
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