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How to celebrate your school's first men's NCAA National Championship...

HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
I'm sure most of y'all don't care about college baseball, much less South Carolina college baseball, but let me tell ya, it's a BIG effin deal around here. We had a parade last Saturday in Columbia for our National Champion Gamecocks and around 40,000 folks showed up. I guess that's what happens when you've got some of the most loyal and rabid fans in the country who have been waiting for a men's national championship for over 100 years.

Anyway, I don't know what my man SS Bobby Haney is enjoying here, but I sure hope someone 'gifted' him something nice (NCAA booster regs aside, but what the hell he's a senior so screw it!). That's how you celebrate!!! GO COCKS!



  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
    Buddy of mine pitches for Clemson, so I kept tabs on it. I watched the games that he pitched when I could. I cannot grasp the Ping of the aluminum bat thought. Totally foreing to me watching a baseball game.
  • HeavyHeavy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,590
    Yeah, you can occasionally get those 18 to 12 kind of scores with the aluminum bats, but that seems to be the exception rather than the norm these days. The final game went 11 innings with a final score of 2 - 1, with lots of lefty/righty matchups, bunts, pinch hitting etc - baseball at its purest regardless of the 'ping'. Although I completely understand because that ping isn't quite the same as the crack of a real bat.

    BTW - who's your buddy at CU?
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