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Goodbye Wisdom Teeth

unmerrymelodiesunmerrymelodies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 19
Goodbye cigars too, but for how long? I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday and my full humidors have been tempting me ever since (I'd open the lid just to get a whiff from time to time). My question is, how long until I can light up again? I know the crappy pamphlet my dentist gave me said absolutely no smoking for 24 hours, but I feel that even 48 or 72 hours seems too soon before things really start to heal. Anyone else been in this situation before, and if so, how long did you wait before you indulged?


  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    my friend was the same way...he waited two weeks just to be safe from not getting his gums infected for they are very sensitive after surgery
  • bacon.jaybacon.jay Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 718
    Yeah, I had one pulled a couple years ago and I had to lay off the stogies to prevent getting a "dry socket" as the dentist called it.

    The thought of a huge, gaping, painful, pus-seeping hole in my mouth was enough to convince me to stay away from them for awhile.

    Good luck man!

  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    I'd stay off cigars and anything strenuous for a long while. Maybe a few weeks to a month. I had two wisdom teeth pulled a few years ago and I can tell you from personal experience, don't get ANYTHING in those newly-made holes in your gums. It's painful as all hell because there's tons of nerves sitting inside your gums.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    I want to say I was told to wait a week before doing anything that would cause a suction, like drinking through a straw. I didn't smoke cigars at the time, but it's the same principal. So if it were me, I'd give it no less than a week and more likely two...the cigars will be there waiting for you and the layoff is much better than getting a dry socket, that just sounds painful.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    i wouldnt chance it, at least wait a week or two
  • pnaylonpnaylon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 214
    I'ma have to play devil's advocate here and advise you to smoke as many cigars as you possibly can over the next 5 days.
  • interpiminterpim Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once about 13 years ago, and being rebellious I decided to smoke cigarettes, probably 8 or 9 hours after the surgery.  My gums were still packed with the gauze, so maybe that helped, but I didn't get dry socket.  To be honest, if I was to have it done nowadays, I would probably take the dentist's advice.
  • unmerrymelodiesunmerrymelodies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 19
    I'ma have to play devil's advocate here and advise you to smoke as many cigars as you possibly can over the next 5 days.
    See! Now this is the advice I was looking for from a cigar forum. Logical, concise, and impossible to argue with.

    Well, as much as I'd like to run home have a cold beer and a nice cigar after work, I guess I'll follow the general advice an wait a week. A friend is moving back to New York and a bunch of us are getting together for a "goodbye herf" of sorts on Thursday so there's no way I'll be missing that. I'll just try to hold off until then, but I've got 10 Havana VIs showing up tomorrow from the DD and I must fight their temptations.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    I had that done a number of years ago, 4 at one time and it was rough. Give it a few days and when you feel like it, go for it!
  • Pacman84Pacman84 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 633
    Give it about a week or more you don't want to risk prolonging your recovery process. Your smokes aren't going anywhere.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Yeah about a week. I started smoking after about a week. I had another two teeth pulled and I waited a week or so that time as well.
  • aron325aron325 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 158
    i had 8 teeth pulled at once lol. it sucked 4 wisdom and 4 molers for my braces when i was in high school. i didnt smoke then but any kind of pain in your mouth can be excruciating, i would definitely wait.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I had four extractions at once, waited a week and had no problems. Good doctor, no swelling and very little pain, too. Just nitrous for sedation (that might have been worth the week without smokes... fun stuff). The upside is that your first stick after your "break" is going to be that much better!
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    OK, no one else has said it! Wait at least two months and so you won't be tempted, send me all your cigars to hold for you. LOL
  • jhopephullejhopephulle Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 29
    waited a week after having all 4 pulled. best part was the pain meds. they were reallllly good lol
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