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me, davidoff, 5 vegas and, my wife

kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
today was great.

today was my wife's first cigar. what was it?

5 vegas limitada 08

in a bit over a month my wife is going to vegas for work. all the people involved are cigar people except her.
she needed to be able to smoke a cigar like an old pro. she asked me to show her how to smoke.

so today, we went far a walk. i took a Davidoff Millennium blend lonsdale, and she took a 5 vegas limitada 08. i showed her my pre-lite routine. i showed her how to cut a cigar. i showed her how to toast the foot and how to puff. i showed her a bit of cigar etiquette.
then she surprised me. she pulled flavors out like she was an old pro. she noted notes of coco with the sweetness you get from molasses, a light wood flavor, and a bit of white pepper.

i thought my wife was awesome before....

she also took a few puffs of the Davidooff.
of course she liked the $16 cigar more....

i hope this leads to a cabinet style humidor.


  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    I've met your wife and knew she was awesome before. Now she's even awesomer! That's not ever a word!
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Oh snap that's the coolest.
    My flame agreed to try a cigar this 4th of July so I'm looking forward to having a story like that.

  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    Oh snap that's the coolest.
    My flame agreed to try a cigar this 4th of July so I'm looking forward to having a story like that.

    Wish I could get the current flame interested. She's stopped harassing me about it, but the past three exes would all partake on occasion with me. This one ain't going near one so far.
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Mine will only smoke acids and Javas.
  • Stryker808Stryker808 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 269
    Very nice. Some of the best times Ive had over a cigar was with the ol lady. I have the same problem, though, as you quickly found out. My girls favorites include the Casa Fuente, Xicar Conn., and RJ ISOMs. Yeah, thats a problem. Hahaha....but its worth it to have the kids sleeping and enjoy a nice cigar and movie together. Best thing for the both of us. Right on brudda. Enjoy!
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    That my friend is definitley a good day.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    I've met your wife and knew she was awesome before. Now she's even awesomer! That's not ever a word!
    I think the proper english is "more awesomer".
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    Very nice. Some of the best times Ive had over a cigar was with the ol lady. I have the same problem, though, as you quickly found out. My girls favorites include the Casa Fuente, Xicar Conn., and RJ ISOMs. Yeah, thats a problem. Hahaha....but its worth it to have the kids sleeping and enjoy a nice cigar and movie together. Best thing for the both of us. Right on brudda. Enjoy!
    I'm glad to see that other wives/girlfriends are smoking cigars too. When my wife and I were in Myrtle Beach in March, we went to the Blarney Stone and they have a cigar bar upstairs. I was smoking a Deisel and my wife tried it and liked it.

    Now we smoke together daily out on our patio. She started with the more mild sticks, but now she really likes the medium to full. She loves the Graycliff G2 Turbos and the 1666.

    It's really great spending time together and sharing a common hobby. The side benefit is that she is getting to know cigars and gifted me with some Cohibas for Father's Day!
  • fuentejpsfuentejps Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 345
    awesome matt. my wife smokes w/ me occassionally. she like those flavored cao's. she will puff on my stogie thou if she likes the smel.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Nice, My wife has Puffed a couple with me, shes like that also, finds flavors, talks about burn and how much smoke etc...... Her X was a Serious Serious Cigar Afficianado9So he thought) Giant walk in humi in the house,3-4000 Cigars in the his collection. My wife knows Cubans .Batches, Serial Numbers Years ETC..... I SUCK, but after all that she Says I have better freinds and more Knowledge and a better variety from The Brothers of the Leaf here at CCOM!
    See you guys in a Month or so unless i get some pop in time.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    My wife won't ever puff because of her asthma, but she wants to. She enjoys the aromas while we sit on the balcony and chat.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    My fiancee puffs on one every once in a while, but like yours matt, she has expensive tastes. She prefers the 10-15 dollar sticks. I have tried to introduce her to some more reasonably priced alternatives, but yet to find one she likes as much. Luckily, she only has one once in a while.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    all this is build up to a bigger thing that deals with cigars.... but thats not 100% so i dont wanna risk cursing it.

    my wife is the greatest.

    she was so against cigars for so long but as we were smoking she told me that she saw how passionate i was about it and to better understand me she needs to better understand what i love (besides her)
    i responded by telling her she should ask my girlfriend...

    but seriously, she is awesome to even think about taking time to understand my passions. this is the entire reason why i married her. she really is my best friend. its good to (hopefully) have a live in smoking buddy.

    ...she drinks good beer too.
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