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My Deepest Heartfelt Thanks...

PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
Well I just had to post on here because I got a package in my mailbox today that really blew me away, and reaffirmed my belief that this forum has some of the finest people to walk the Earth and prowl the internet!

I recently was working out a deal to get my hands on a couple pretty rare cigars (Fuente Sand Shark and Fuente Between the Lines) and found a great deal. Just after the check was mailed, I had a large unexpected financial setback and had to postpone the deal indefinitely. The BOTL who I had set up this deal with was kind enough to get together a group of guys here to pitch in and get me these smokes. Words can't express how I felt when I opened my mailbox today and found the package with the above mentioned smokes, plus a LFD Air Bender, and a Lito Gomez Diaz. This was one of the kindest gestures I've ever seen and I would like to thank everyone who was involved in this. (You all know who you are)

I also have to say you better ALL watch your backs though! I will be flooding the main tubes and preparing to launch a ballistic attack from coast to coast it would seem! Thank you all again! You guys have no idea how much this means to me.


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