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Memorial Day Contest

Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
So there i was smoking a great cigar(262) enyoing the nice weather and an equally great beer(Speakeasy Porter) thinking, i need to share the bliss....and what better way than a contest with a little military history! So, the first person to post the answers for all the questions below get a prize pack that includes:
Oliva V Maduro
CAO America
RP Decade
LFD Air Bender
Padilla Dominus

Here we go.....:)

I'm a Chief Petty Officer, my collar device is a gold fouled anchor with the silver letters "USN". What does USN stand for(hint: its not United States Navy...)

A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on. He was a hero of the Naval Aviation community, especially close ot ordnancemen....What was his name and rate(read the why he got the MOH, awesome story)

What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country?

The army 7th Cavalry's battle cry is "Gary Owen". Where did "Gary Owen" orginate?

GI Joe, the iconic american toy, was an actual soldier...What was his name?(this story is really interesting)

Each year on the birthday of the Marine Corps, each large unit holds a cake cutting ceremony. How get the first, second and third pieces of cake.(lot of signifigance there)


  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    So there i was smoking a great cigar(262) enyoing the nice weather and an equally great beer(Speakeasy Porter) thinking, i need to share the bliss....and what better way than a contest with a little military history! So, the first person to post the answers for all the questions below get a prize pack that includes:
    Oliva V Maduro
    CAO America
    RP Decade
    LFD Air Bender
    Padilla Dominus

    Here we go.....:)

    I'm a Chief Petty Officer, my collar device is a gold fouled anchor with the silver letters "USN". What does USN stand for(hint: its not United States Navy...)

    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on. He was a hero of the Naval Aviation community, especially close ot ordnancemen....What was his name and rate(read the why he got the MOH, awesome story)

    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country?

    The army 7th Cavalry's battle cry is "Gary Owen". Where did "Gary Owen" orginate?

    GI Joe, the iconic american toy, was an actual soldier...What was his name?(this story is really interesting)

    Each year on the birthday of the Marine Corps, each large unit holds a cake cutting ceremony. How get the first, second and third pieces of cake.(lot of signifigance there)
    USN = Unity Service Navigation
    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on = Navy LT John Finn
    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country? The USS Pueblo
    Where did "Gary Owen" orginate? = The tune was a favorite of General George Armstrong Custer and became the official air of the Regiment in 1867. According to legend it was the last tune played before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
    Um the other's I'm kinda clueless on :(
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    1st answer USN means Unity, Service, Navigation 2nd question for recently passed is--- john W. Fin who was a Lieutenant 3rd question for naval ship held captive is the USS Pueblo held be North Korea captured on Jan 23, 1968 4th- GaryOwen is actually one word and origintaed from the marching song of the 7th calvary 5th-GI joe action figure started with 3 prototyps named rocky the marine, skip the sailor, and ace the pilot but was ultimately decided to be named G.I(Goverment Issued) Joe. last question....first piece of cake goes to the Guest of Honor second piece of cake goes to the Oldest Marine present, and third piece of cake goes to the youngest marine present signifying the unity of the troops. So how did i do?
  • Alex WilliamsAlex Williams Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,515
    So there i was smoking a great cigar(262) enyoing the nice weather and an equally great beer(Speakeasy Porter) thinking, i need to share the bliss....and what better way than a contest with a little military history! So, the first person to post the answers for all the questions below get a prize pack that includes:
    Oliva V Maduro
    CAO America
    RP Decade
    LFD Air Bender
    Padilla Dominus

    Here we go.....:)

    I'm a Chief Petty Officer, my collar device is a gold fouled anchor with the silver letters "USN". What does USN stand for(hint: its not United States Navy...)

    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on. He was a hero of the Naval Aviation community, especially close ot ordnancemen....What was his name and rate(read the why he got the MOH, awesome story)

    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country?

    The army 7th Cavalry's battle cry is "Gary Owen". Where did "Gary Owen" orginate?

    GI Joe, the iconic american toy, was an actual soldier...What was his name?(this story is really interesting)

    Each year on the birthday of the Marine Corps, each large unit holds a cake cutting ceremony. How get the first, second and third pieces of cake.(lot of signifigance there)
    USN = Unity Service Navigation
    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on = Navy LT John Finn
    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country? The USS Pueblo
    Where did "Gary Owen" orginate? = The tune was a favorite of General George Armstrong Custer and became the official air of the Regiment in 1867. According to legend it was the last tune played before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
    What was GI Joe's name? = Ernie Pyle
    Traditionally, the first piece of Birthday cake is presented to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest Marine present. Some records indicate this practice, and others vary it depending on the dignitaries present at the ball. First pieces of cake have been presented to newlyweds, the Secretary of the Navy, governors, and others, but generally speaking, the first pieces of cake go to the oldest and youngest Marines at the ball.
    How was that?
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    All the right answers are out there except gi Joe
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    I'd say that GI Joe is based off of Audey Murphy, since he's the most decorated service member to date, the prototype of the original GI Joe looks strangely like Audey Murphy, and the original was made in 1963 based on the 1945 "The Story of GI Joe".
  • GadwinDuilGadwinDuil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 474
    Is the real G.I. Joe Mitchell Paige?
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    Gi Joe = Lt. Bill Walker?
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,048
    GI Joe= Action Man
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    All the answers are on the board.... Now someone put em together:)
  • wwhwangwwhwang Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    USN = Unity Service Navigation

    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on = Navy LT John Finn

    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country? The USS Pueblo

    Where did "Gary Owen" orginate? = The tune was a favorite of General George Armstrong Custer and became the official air of the Regiment in 1867. According to legend it was the last tune played before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

    What was GI Joe's name? = Audie Murphy

    First piece of Birthday cake is presented to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest Marine present. Some records indicate this practice, and others vary it depending on the dignitaries present at the ball. First pieces of cake have been presented to newlyweds, the Secretary of the Navy, governors, and others, but generally speaking, the first pieces of cake go to the oldest and youngest Marines at the ball.

    Sorry for copy and pasting, but these answers seem the closest to what I had in mind.
  • mrpillowmrpillow Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 464
    USN = Unity Service Navigation
    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on = Navy LT John Finn
    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country? The USS Pueblo
    Where did "Gary Owen" orginate? = The tune was a favorite of General George Armstrong Custer and became the official air of the Regiment in 1867. According to legend it was the last tune played before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
    First piece of Birthday cake is presented to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest Marine present. Some records indicate this practice, and others vary it depending on the dignitaries present at the ball. First pieces of cake have been presented to newlyweds, the Secretary of the Navy, governors, and others, but generally speaking, the first pieces of cake go to the oldest and youngest Marines at the ball.

    GI Joe- Mitchell Paige
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    USN = Unity Service Navigation
    A Medal of Honor recipient recently passed on = Navy LT John Finn
    What is the only still active naval ship to be held captive to this day by another country? The USS Pueblo
    Where did "Gary Owen" orginate? = The tune was a favorite of General George Armstrong Custer and became the official air of the Regiment in 1867. According to legend it was the last tune played before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
    First piece of Birthday cake is presented to the oldest Marine present and the second piece to the youngest Marine present. Some records indicate this practice, and others vary it depending on the dignitaries present at the ball. First pieces of cake have been presented to newlyweds, the Secretary of the Navy, governors, and others, but generally speaking, the first pieces of cake go to the oldest and youngest Marines at the ball.

    GI Joe- Mitchell Paige

    WINNER! pm me your info. Thanks to everyone for playing, if nothing else the history wa really interesting, especially how John Finn and Mitchell Paige got their moh's.
  • mrpillowmrpillow Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 464
  • mrpillowmrpillow Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 464
    Just got my winnings, boy are those some nice looking sticks. Thanks to Jet for a great contest and an awesome prize!
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