
i hear people are starting to talk forgive me for not being on lately im very busy i have alot of work anyways i gave my secretary those three packages and also about 4 more packages for clients yesterday i got a call from a couple of clients telling me they havent recieved any thing and i notice you guys havent either i ask you three to give it one more day if nothing happens im rebuying joz3r and lakers off cigar.com and me and maduro will figure something out if my secretary has indeed stolen from me i will press charges fire her and give maduro her last paycheck once again im very sorry for this inconvenience and my absenteeism
As a recommendation for the future, though, I might suggest taking a lesson from Smoke=Fire, who participates only sporadically in the games based on the likelihood that he may find himself out of pocket for extended periods of time.
You've struck us all as a stand-up gentleman and a great guy to have on the forum. I was shocked to see the pass stall on your account, and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way. Thanks for doing the right thing and stepping up to keep us all informed. It shows our initial perception of you is more accurate than the picture we'd painted for ourselves in your absence.
Now ON with the GAMES!! Does this mean Shirley is back in?
I trust Shirley, and I don't think it's an issue to let him in the pass, but I do think that establishing yourself as a trader in a lower-risk trade or game isn't such a bad idea.
Hey that's my smoking buddy Cubber Cat", one VERY KEWL laid back dude!
Told you I shave like a REAL man...
As the guy who spoke up for you when you said you wanted to join the pass, though, I have to say I think you showed poor judgment jumping into the games when you didn't have time to really hold up your end of the bargain. I'm not going to feel guilty or apologize for thinking ill of you; you behaved ill. And, while I hear what you're [finally] saying and want to believe you, real follow-through remains to be seen.
So, for those reasons and for purposes of precedent for future game participants, I propose that, even if the packages come through, Dias should be sent to the penalty box for some period -- that is, banned from the games for, say, a month or six weeks or something along those lines.
What do you think, guys?
Anyway, I'm glad you are here to defend yourself and are stepping up to make things right. I just have a feeing that this whole experience has cast a chill on our easygoing and accepting environment. It's not often you find a place with people this trusting. Hopefully this is all resolved amicably in the next few days (except for with the secretary, if she is the culprit there is no need to be amicable in your dealings with her).
I have been on both ends of this type of thing and just want to say that stuff does happen. I have been stiffed twice by people on these boards that no longer participate here. One went back to EOTAC I think and the other participated for a month or two and then hasn't been heard from since. I was hesitant to say bad things about them because I do know that sometimes things happen beyond people's control. In the end, I ended up getting the short end of the stick for giving them the benefit of the doubt. If they had come back and were still participating, then I would have definitely posted something to warn others. On the other hand, I have also delayed a couple of packages recently as a matter of fact because stuff happened. I was going to mail the packages off before I moved from Colorado but when the movers packed my stuff, they were there from 8 in the morning to 8 or 9 at night so I couldn't get to the post office. Then shortly after I got to TX, my computer got damaged so I didn't have addresses to send the packages out. I have since mailed the packages and hopefully the recipients understand and forgive the delay. I also tried to make sure that I kept them informed of what was happening to ease their minds a little and I felt bad so I included something additional as well to try and make it right.
I guess in the end, what I am saying is that if something happens, as long as it is made right in the end, no harm no foul. Until it is made right though everyone is justified in holding that person suspect.
The way I look at it is try explaining your frustration to your girlfriend
"I was online and was told I was gonna get sent cigars I didn't pay for, from someone I've never met, for winning a little contest and I didn't get them..." (and then just wait for her to start laughing.
IF you get super pissed about losing out on a few cigars then you know what... your a douche...
What I mean to say though is this...
"Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics... EVEN IF you win, you're still retarded"