minutemen cigar herfs.
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
before everyone gets all strange about the term "minutemen"
this is not anything political, sexual, or anything else that could be twisted to be offensive.
the minutemen were a group of individuals that were said to be able to fight on a moments notice, or in a minute, hence "minutemen"
what about all you guys that are ready to herf at a moments notice?
would anyone have any interest in a network of people that are ready to herf at a moments notice?
for instance:
If i was heading to my local shop and wanted friends to meet me there i would text them on my way out and tell them where i was going and invite them along.
most cell phones have the ability to "add group" to a text send list. the group i would text would be local people of minutemen herfers. if you show up, you show up. if you dont, you dont.
any interest or thoughts on this?
this is not anything political, sexual, or anything else that could be twisted to be offensive.
the minutemen were a group of individuals that were said to be able to fight on a moments notice, or in a minute, hence "minutemen"
what about all you guys that are ready to herf at a moments notice?
would anyone have any interest in a network of people that are ready to herf at a moments notice?
for instance:
If i was heading to my local shop and wanted friends to meet me there i would text them on my way out and tell them where i was going and invite them along.
most cell phones have the ability to "add group" to a text send list. the group i would text would be local people of minutemen herfers. if you show up, you show up. if you dont, you dont.
any interest or thoughts on this?
Last minute herfing aye? well sounds good.
as in we send our numbers to people that arent too far away with the express intent of getting texts when they are going out to herf in hopes of getting a mini minute herf?
Sandman and I were talking about working out a Vegas herf next year.......
I would be down for a minuteman hurf in Denver area.
An organized herf down there would be pretty cool though. Good excuse to meet up with some BOTLs and play around :-D
i have a feeling that this will be a problem: though this is an active forum, maybe we dont have enough people to support it.
I've wondered ever since I joined the forum
Wtf is your avatar?
Is it someone in a cigar suit?
Thats a hoot!
Im in Boston, but I have young kids, so typically I have to plan my herfs, or any night out, way in advance.