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B&M Horror Stories

Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
Here is a place to post your horror story about a b&m that really pi$$ed you off....so without further adeiu...

I got a real bone to pick with CIGARS LTD of FRESNO CA. I go there the other night for the CAO event with Tim Ozgener. I was stoked. But from the moment i walked in the door not a single person would pay any attention to me(the paying cigar enthusiast). I brush it off and go to get my 1/2 price CAO(advertised as 1/2 off your first stick smoked inhouse). Go to checkout and the guy...who nver greeted me, charges me full price. I told him i thought it was half off your first one and he asks for my ticket....what ticket....the ticket your supposed to have for your first cigar.....dude what ticket....you didnt get a ticket when you walked through the door....no i was too busy being ignored. Grudgingly he hands me half of a green ticket and as soon as i take it he snatches it back and said....there, now were legal. I think wtf and brush it off and step over to the ashtray on the counter where most people cut their cigars. I place my stick in my mouth(i enjoy a quick lick of the cap before i cut it...not like i was giving it head or anything) and he goes off about how its ruded and improper to lick your cigar before using the community cutter. Thats about the time i silently retrieved my own Xi2 out of my pocket, held it up and clicked it open in a manner as close to giving him the finger as possible. Whatever.....so i go finally find a seat after passing by 8 open but "taken" seats by the good ol' boy club that always hangs around in there who from the time i walked in the door only leered at me with a look that can only be described as "wtf are you doing here(this shop is in the ritzy upsale portion of town, the arrogance was so thick you could smell it over the cigars). I start in on my America when Tim Ozgener walks over and introduces himself....i think finally the night is going to get better. I've met RP, Padilla and Alejandro Cuenca(JDN) and those guys have passion. All of them will readily spill their hearts out about crop planting, fertilizing, shade, harvesting, selection, aging, fermenting, rotation....all the way to how thier rollers and bunchers maintain consistency while practicing their art.....then on about the cigar influences and characteristics....Ozgener was soooo far from that. From talking to him you get the impression that he is pretty far removed from his processes and is really only an administrative oversight. He knew things.....but lacked passion....if that makes any sense. Afterward a call was made to take out your tiket stub for a drawing for a free box.....the same ticket i never got and the guy who checked me out screwed me over on....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.

Just a bad experience all around, i'll spend what little hard earned money i have elsewhere.


  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    Nice ............... That Same *** was at the Redhawk Casino here near Folsom................ TONIGHT. 175 a ticket, dinner 3 congacs and a choice of 10 CAO cigars... It wasnt clear if that was 10 cigars or choice of 1 out of 10, and you got to run elbos with the Dickhead Himself.... no class at all.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    You got it right about Tim - He runs the company administratively. The man behind all the cigars, promos, swag is Jon Huber. He has passion and is a great guy. I have nothing bad to say about Tim, I have never met him. My local CAO rep is one heck of a great guy. I have been to 1 B&M where the entire staff is holier than thou and even after new ownership it is the same. I don't go there and I will not try to put cigars in there because I don't want our customers treated like crap.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    The B&M I go to is actually pretty good. When they have events, everyone is welcome, they bend over backwards to make sure everyone has a good time. The only thing I dislike about the store is that the employees tend to talk down any cigars they don't carry. I can live with that though.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,961
    ....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.
    That is the correct answer. Although it was a shame to waste an America, that's probably my favorite CAO.
  • Dark RoastDark Roast Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 463
    Sounds like your dealing with a "Good Ol Boy" cllick! F'm. Spend your hard earned money at Ccom and enjoy all the nuts that we are. If no other B&M exist around you then buy from them occasionaly only after you beat them up a little on their prices! Knowledge is POWER!
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience Jet. We have a guy at our local cigar bar here in Cartersville, he doesn't have much of a personality and he also kinda seems stuck up sometimes. When I go in there, it really depends on who is working if I decide to buy a cigar and stay for a few beers or just leave. Not to mention that @sshole probably stole $20 from me...but I can't prove it.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    You got it right about Tim - He runs the company administratively. The man behind all the cigars, promos, swag is Jon Huber. He has passion and is a great guy. I have nothing bad to say about Tim, I have never met him. My local CAO rep is one heck of a great guy. I have been to 1 B&M where the entire staff is holier than thou and even after new ownership it is the same. I don't go there and I will not try to put cigars in there because I don't want our customers treated like crap.
    Good idea Jake...you would think by this day and age people would get the simple fact that Ccom understands so well. Great customer service = Customer Loyalty. They only end up hurting themselves by acting the way they do.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Here is a place to post your horror story about a b&m that really pi$$ed you off....so without further adeiu...

    I got a real bone to pick with CIGARS LTD of FRESNO CA. I go there the other night for the CAO event with Tim Ozgener. I was stoked. But from the moment i walked in the door not a single person would pay any attention to me(the paying cigar enthusiast). I brush it off and go to get my 1/2 price CAO(advertised as 1/2 off your first stick smoked inhouse). Go to checkout and the guy...who nver greeted me, charges me full price. I told him i thought it was half off your first one and he asks for my ticket....what ticket....the ticket your supposed to have for your first cigar.....dude what ticket....you didnt get a ticket when you walked through the door....no i was too busy being ignored. Grudgingly he hands me half of a green ticket and as soon as i take it he snatches it back and said....there, now were legal. I think wtf and brush it off and step over to the ashtray on the counter where most people cut their cigars. I place my stick in my mouth(i enjoy a quick lick of the cap before i cut it...not like i was giving it head or anything) and he goes off about how its ruded and improper to lick your cigar before using the community cutter. Thats about the time i silently retrieved my own Xi2 out of my pocket, held it up and clicked it open in a manner as close to giving him the finger as possible. Whatever.....so i go finally find a seat after passing by 8 open but "taken" seats by the good ol' boy club that always hangs around in there who from the time i walked in the door only leered at me with a look that can only be described as "wtf are you doing here(this shop is in the ritzy upsale portion of town, the arrogance was so thick you could smell it over the cigars). I start in on my America when Tim Ozgener walks over and introduces himself....i think finally the night is going to get better. I've met RP, Padilla and Alejandro Cuenca(JDN) and those guys have passion. All of them will readily spill their hearts out about crop planting, fertilizing, shade, harvesting, selection, aging, fermenting, rotation....all the way to how thier rollers and bunchers maintain consistency while practicing their art.....then on about the cigar influences and characteristics....Ozgener was soooo far from that. From talking to him you get the impression that he is pretty far removed from his processes and is really only an administrative oversight. He knew things.....but lacked passion....if that makes any sense. Afterward a call was made to take out your tiket stub for a drawing for a free box.....the same ticket i never got and the guy who checked me out screwed me over on....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.

    Just a bad experience all around, i'll spend what little hard earned money i have elsewhere.

    Holy Crap! I guess these can't be "Horror Stories" but bad experiances never the less.

    There was a Cain "Event" at a local B&M (I haven't been in a B&M in years 'cause Mass. is very Cigar Un-Friendly). It was the shop Owner, an 80+ year old gentleman and the Oliva Rep. I walked in thinking OK. Cain F, Cain F Nub & Oliva "V". I haven't tried any Nubs yet and with limited funds I could only get somewhat of a "Deal" (considering Ma.'s Tobacco tax and Sales Tax). 6 Nubs. NO Cain F!!!!!!!

    That was Friday.

    Yesterday feeling a little un-satsfied I decided to try anohter B&M looking for an Arganese Maduro.

    So I go in, the guy is nice and within a few minutes of my looking around he asked if he can help me. I ask for what I'm interested in and he says, "You don't want an Arganese". I said, "I don't? I could have sworn I did when I came in a few minutes ago". He then said, "They're an overpriced cigar. We don't carry them anymore." OK. They don't have them. He could have just said that. So, next on my list is the LFD Airbender. Never tried one so I ask about those. He again tells me, "You don't want one of those either. You have to smoke them too slow because if you don't the wrapper will split. They're too densley packed with tobacco and the wrappers are too thin." Now I'm like is this guy F'n with me? I've never been to a place where someone tried so hard NOT to sell me anything. Pissed I leave spending $2.00 more than I should on a Decade. I had to get outta there!
  • ljlljl Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 819
    Here's what happened to me, it was awhile back.I went to a local B&M (tinderbox) and the guy behind the counter was totally not interested in the customers that walked in.
    When I got there I started out by checking the case for a good cutter (my old one was going out so...). I was the only person in the place, and still had to ask this guy to help. Finally he walks over and just quotes some prices (which were marked). No product knowledge at all. I asked could I handle some of the cutters - at first he said he wasn't sure, I protested that I wasn't going to drop that much $ without getting a feel for what I liked. So he took out the stuff I asked for, one at a time.
    After a bit another guy walks in and looks totally confused. He asks for some guidance after checking prices a bit and this dude just tells him that cheap cigars are on the left of the display. Finally I go over and talk to the guy and steer him into some flor de olivas.
    If you are going to run one of these shops - know the people that will wind up working for you. Check with some of your customers to see how that person is handling it. This guy had 0 knowledge and 0 interest in being there. It will put people off.

  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    Here is a place to post your horror story about a b&m that really pi$$ed you off....so without further adeiu...

    I got a real bone to pick with CIGARS LTD of FRESNO CA. I go there the other night for the CAO event with Tim Ozgener. I was stoked. But from the moment i walked in the door not a single person would pay any attention to me(the paying cigar enthusiast). I brush it off and go to get my 1/2 price CAO(advertised as 1/2 off your first stick smoked inhouse). Go to checkout and the guy...who nver greeted me, charges me full price. I told him i thought it was half off your first one and he asks for my ticket....what ticket....the ticket your supposed to have for your first cigar.....dude what ticket....you didnt get a ticket when you walked through the door....no i was too busy being ignored. Grudgingly he hands me half of a green ticket and as soon as i take it he snatches it back and said....there, now were legal. I think wtf and brush it off and step over to the ashtray on the counter where most people cut their cigars. I place my stick in my mouth(i enjoy a quick lick of the cap before i cut it...not like i was giving it head or anything) and he goes off about how its ruded and improper to lick your cigar before using the community cutter. Thats about the time i silently retrieved my own Xi2 out of my pocket, held it up and clicked it open in a manner as close to giving him the finger as possible. Whatever.....so i go finally find a seat after passing by 8 open but "taken" seats by the good ol' boy club that always hangs around in there who from the time i walked in the door only leered at me with a look that can only be described as "wtf are you doing here(this shop is in the ritzy upsale portion of town, the arrogance was so thick you could smell it over the cigars). I start in on my America when Tim Ozgener walks over and introduces himself....i think finally the night is going to get better. I've met RP, Padilla and Alejandro Cuenca(JDN) and those guys have passion. All of them will readily spill their hearts out about crop planting, fertilizing, shade, harvesting, selection, aging, fermenting, rotation....all the way to how thier rollers and bunchers maintain consistency while practicing their art.....then on about the cigar influences and characteristics....Ozgener was soooo far from that. From talking to him you get the impression that he is pretty far removed from his processes and is really only an administrative oversight. He knew things.....but lacked passion....if that makes any sense. Afterward a call was made to take out your tiket stub for a drawing for a free box.....the same ticket i never got and the guy who checked me out screwed me over on....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.

    Just a bad experience all around, i'll spend what little hard earned money i have elsewhere.

    Holy Crap! I guess these can't be "Horror Stories" but bad experiances never the less.

    There was a Cain "Event" at a local B&M (I haven't been in a B&M in years 'cause Mass. is very Cigar Un-Friendly). It was the shop Owner, an 80+ year old gentleman and the Oliva Rep. I walked in thinking OK. Cain F, Cain F Nub & Oliva "V". I haven't tried any Nubs yet and with limited funds I could only get somewhat of a "Deal" (considering Ma.'s Tobacco tax and Sales Tax). 6 Nubs. NO Cain F!!!!!!!

    That was Friday.

    Yesterday feeling a little un-satsfied I decided to try anohter B&M looking for an Arganese Maduro.

    So I go in, the guy is nice and within a few minutes of my looking around he asked if he can help me. I ask for what I'm interested in and he says, "You don't want an Arganese". I said, "I don't? I could have sworn I did when I came in a few minutes ago". He then said, "They're an overpriced cigar. We don't carry them anymore." OK. They don't have them. He could have just said that. So, next on my list is the LFD Airbender. Never tried one so I ask about those. He again tells me, "You don't want one of those either. You have to smoke them too slow because if you don't the wrapper will split. They're too densley packed with tobacco and the wrappers are too thin." Now I'm like is this guy F'n with me? I've never been to a place where someone tried so hard NOT to sell me anything. Pissed I leave spending $2.00 more than I should on a Decade. I had to get outta there!
    Without naming names (I know where you were Friday), what city were you in yesterday? There are only two in MA I'll frequent...
  • Dustin1981Dustin1981 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 410

    Holy Crap! I guess these can't be "Horror Stories" but bad experiances never the less.

    There was a Cain "Event" at a local B&M (I haven't been in a B&M in years 'cause Mass. is very Cigar Un-Friendly). It was the shop Owner, an 80+ year old gentleman and the Oliva Rep. I walked in thinking OK. Cain F, Cain F Nub & Oliva "V". I haven't tried any Nubs yet and with limited funds I could only get somewhat of a "Deal" (considering Ma.'s Tobacco tax and Sales Tax). 6 Nubs. NO Cain F!!!!!!!

    That was Friday.

    Yesterday feeling a little un-satsfied I decided to try anohter B&M looking for an Arganese Maduro.

    So I go in, the guy is nice and within a few minutes of my looking around he asked if he can help me. I ask for what I'm interested in and he says, "You don't want an Arganese". I said, "I don't? I could have sworn I did when I came in a few minutes ago". He then said, "They're an overpriced cigar. We don't carry them anymore." OK. They don't have them. He could have just said that. So, next on my list is the LFD Airbender. Never tried one so I ask about those. He again tells me, "You don't want one of those either. You have to smoke them too slow because if you don't the wrapper will split. They're too densley packed with tobacco and the wrappers are too thin." Now I'm like is this guy F'n with me? I've never been to a place where someone tried so hard NOT to sell me anything. Pissed I leave spending $2.00 more than I should on a Decade. I had to get outta there!
    Dont listen to him about the LFD Airbender. I have had about 10 of them now and I have not had any issues with the wrapper splitting. I did have a to touch it up a couple of times but nothing that would stop me from buying them again. I pick up a few each time I go in to my B&M.
  • ug danug dan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 375
    The only place in my town that sells cigars with any selection is in the smokeshop at the colony. No snobbery there at all. NDN.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Here is a place to post your horror story about a b&m that really pi$$ed you off....so without further adeiu...

    I got a real bone to pick with CIGARS LTD of FRESNO CA. I go there the other night for the CAO event with Tim Ozgener. I was stoked. But from the moment i walked in the door not a single person would pay any attention to me(the paying cigar enthusiast). I brush it off and go to get my 1/2 price CAO(advertised as 1/2 off your first stick smoked inhouse). Go to checkout and the guy...who nver greeted me, charges me full price. I told him i thought it was half off your first one and he asks for my ticket....what ticket....the ticket your supposed to have for your first cigar.....dude what ticket....you didnt get a ticket when you walked through the door....no i was too busy being ignored. Grudgingly he hands me half of a green ticket and as soon as i take it he snatches it back and said....there, now were legal. I think wtf and brush it off and step over to the ashtray on the counter where most people cut their cigars. I place my stick in my mouth(i enjoy a quick lick of the cap before i cut it...not like i was giving it head or anything) and he goes off about how its ruded and improper to lick your cigar before using the community cutter. Thats about the time i silently retrieved my own Xi2 out of my pocket, held it up and clicked it open in a manner as close to giving him the finger as possible. Whatever.....so i go finally find a seat after passing by 8 open but "taken" seats by the good ol' boy club that always hangs around in there who from the time i walked in the door only leered at me with a look that can only be described as "wtf are you doing here(this shop is in the ritzy upsale portion of town, the arrogance was so thick you could smell it over the cigars). I start in on my America when Tim Ozgener walks over and introduces himself....i think finally the night is going to get better. I've met RP, Padilla and Alejandro Cuenca(JDN) and those guys have passion. All of them will readily spill their hearts out about crop planting, fertilizing, shade, harvesting, selection, aging, fermenting, rotation....all the way to how thier rollers and bunchers maintain consistency while practicing their art.....then on about the cigar influences and characteristics....Ozgener was soooo far from that. From talking to him you get the impression that he is pretty far removed from his processes and is really only an administrative oversight. He knew things.....but lacked passion....if that makes any sense. Afterward a call was made to take out your tiket stub for a drawing for a free box.....the same ticket i never got and the guy who checked me out screwed me over on....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.

    Just a bad experience all around, i'll spend what little hard earned money i have elsewhere.

    Holy Crap! I guess these can't be "Horror Stories" but bad experiances never the less.

    There was a Cain "Event" at a local B&M (I haven't been in a B&M in years 'cause Mass. is very Cigar Un-Friendly). It was the shop Owner, an 80+ year old gentleman and the Oliva Rep. I walked in thinking OK. Cain F, Cain F Nub & Oliva "V". I haven't tried any Nubs yet and with limited funds I could only get somewhat of a "Deal" (considering Ma.'s Tobacco tax and Sales Tax). 6 Nubs. NO Cain F!!!!!!!

    That was Friday.

    Yesterday feeling a little un-satsfied I decided to try anohter B&M looking for an Arganese Maduro.

    So I go in, the guy is nice and within a few minutes of my looking around he asked if he can help me. I ask for what I'm interested in and he says, "You don't want an Arganese". I said, "I don't? I could have sworn I did when I came in a few minutes ago". He then said, "They're an overpriced cigar. We don't carry them anymore." OK. They don't have them. He could have just said that. So, next on my list is the LFD Airbender. Never tried one so I ask about those. He again tells me, "You don't want one of those either. You have to smoke them too slow because if you don't the wrapper will split. They're too densley packed with tobacco and the wrappers are too thin." Now I'm like is this guy F'n with me? I've never been to a place where someone tried so hard NOT to sell me anything. Pissed I leave spending $2.00 more than I should on a Decade. I had to get outta there!
    Without naming names (I know where you were Friday), what city were you in yesterday? There are only two in MA I'll frequent...

  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    Really? W.C. Cigars? If so, I'm AMAZED. Never had a single issue with those guys. That's actually where I got the great deal on my Perdomo Edicion de Silvio, actually on Saturday evening. Who was working if I'm thinking of the right place? Hell, we might have just missed each other, haha.

    That one and the one in Westboro are the only two I'll even go to.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    Really? W.C. Cigars? If so, I'm AMAZED. Never had a single issue with those guys. That's actually where I got the great deal on my Perdomo Edicion de Silvio, actually on Saturday evening. Who was working if I'm thinking of the right place? Hell, we might have just missed each other, haha.

    That one and the one in Westboro are the only two I'll even go to.

    I was there at about 10:00-10:30 AM. Again nice guy but, thats just what happened. I was absolutley blown away.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    That sucks. My shop pissed me off when they started to charge 5 bucks to use their fracking lounge!!! Or 50 bucks a month to get in there anytime and 5% off! Though getting stuff online will be cheaper anyway, well most of the time. I haven't been back since. Nice people though.
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,585
    Really? W.C. Cigars? If so, I'm AMAZED. Never had a single issue with those guys. That's actually where I got the great deal on my Perdomo Edicion de Silvio, actually on Saturday evening. Who was working if I'm thinking of the right place? Hell, we might have just missed each other, haha.

    That one and the one in Westboro are the only two I'll even go to.

    I was there at about 10:00-10:30 AM. Again nice guy but, thats just what happened. I was absolutley blown away.
    Sorry man. That sucks.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    I got some more beef.....not with any particular b&m in general but some of the winners that go there. Like those people that pick up almost every cigar, smell the whole thing against their nose, finger f*ck the wrapper every which way only to put it back down....WTF...i dont know why that annoys me so much. If i pick up a stick 99% of the time i buy it. Then the people who go down on their cigar before lighting it...does this accomplish anything....then they top it off by using the community cutter...Etiquette anyone? Ugh...
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    I got some more beef.....not with any particular b&m in general but some of the winners that go there. Like those people that pick up almost every cigar, smell the whole thing against their nose, finger f*ck the wrapper every which way only to put it back down....WTF...i dont know why that annoys me so much. If i pick up a stick 99% of the time i buy it. Then the people who go down on their cigar before lighting it...does this accomplish anything....then they top it off by using the community cutter...Etiquette anyone? Ugh...

    LMFAO!!!! That is Freakin Excellent!!!! I hear ya!!! Thats one reason why I get mine mailed to me.
  • AdcuriumAdcurium Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 170
    You would be better off driving to Providence. Although I just purchase from CCom and find a nice bench by the water. I usually prefer the company of seagulls.
  • gdsim1gdsim1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 213
    You got it right about Tim - He runs the company administratively. The man behind all the cigars, promos, swag is Jon Huber. He has passion and is a great guy. I have nothing bad to say about Tim, I have never met him. My local CAO rep is one heck of a great guy. I have been to 1 B&M where the entire staff is holier than thou and even after new ownership it is the same. I don't go there and I will not try to put cigars in there because I don't want our customers treated like crap.
    Which B&M was that Jake?

  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    You got it right about Tim - He runs the company administratively. The man behind all the cigars, promos, swag is Jon Huber. He has passion and is a great guy. I have nothing bad to say about Tim, I have never met him. My local CAO rep is one heck of a great guy. I have been to 1 B&M where the entire staff is holier than thou and even after new ownership it is the same. I don't go there and I will not try to put cigars in there because I don't want our customers treated like crap.
    Which B&M was that Jake?

    Without naming names it is in Springfield.
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    I'm lucky that I don't have any real horror stories. I've been to two actual cigar B&M's and they're botch top-notch establishments. The local place I buy cigars from once in a blue moon is really just a tobacco shop. The guy who owns is a really nice guy, but he doesn't know anything about cigars, he just sells them. There's another guy there, who claims to know, but he doesn't, and he's a real douche. I remember my mom bought some sticks for me a few years ago for Christmas, before I really got into cigars. The guy told her she could store them in the fridge. A few of you may remember me mentioning this the first time I came here seeking advice. The general response was that guy is an idiot, lol.
  • gdsim1gdsim1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 213
    You got it right about Tim - He runs the company administratively. The man behind all the cigars, promos, swag is Jon Huber. He has passion and is a great guy. I have nothing bad to say about Tim, I have never met him. My local CAO rep is one heck of a great guy. I have been to 1 B&M where the entire staff is holier than thou and even after new ownership it is the same. I don't go there and I will not try to put cigars in there because I don't want our customers treated like crap.
    Which B&M was that Jake?

    Without naming names it is in Springfield.
    Whew! I thought you meant it was one of them here in KC, which surprised me - Ive NEVER had a bad experience locally & thought something had changed. Then again, you deal with them on a much more intimate level than I do & would know if someone in the local shops was an @sshole.

    Please PM me who it was in Spfd when you get a chance - Im thru there a lot going to visit family, and I dont want to go to the wrong place next time Im down south if I can avoid it.

  • doromathdoromath Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 576
    My B&M exposure is pretty limited thusfar as I'm still fairly new to the hobby. Most everything I have has been gifted to me or was an online purchase, but even with this small exposure I have a story. It might not be horrifying but it's at least concerning.

    My fiance and I have a large liqour strore down the road that we frequent when we need to stock up on wine due to the great selection there. They have a humidor in the back but like most combo stores the focus is on the booze.

    So the last time we were in there I told her I was going to look through their stock to see what they had, jsut for giggles. They actually had a fairly nice stock in there, even though there was nothing earth shattering. I was noticing good chunks of full bodied cigars with some bloom on them and was starting to think this would be a great place to pick up some power gars with a good piece of rest on them.

    Being lost in the shopping daze as I was I didn't notice anything. About that time my finace says "Huh. Is that normal?" and points at the cieling.

    Well their "humidifier" was sitting on a top shelf. It looked like an electric law blower with a water tank on it. Not sure how good it was a humidifying the cigars but it did a great job of putting lots of "PLUME" on the cieling.

    I took a second look at the gars, confirmed the third dimension of the plume, sighed sadly to myself and we left. I debated on saying something to the cashier but decided not to.

  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    I usually prefer the company of seagulls.
    Yeah, at least when they crap on ya they don't mean anything by it.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 257
    Here is a place to post your horror story about a b&m that really pi$$ed you off....so without further adeiu...

    I got a real bone to pick with CIGARS LTD of FRESNO CA. I go there the other night for the CAO event with Tim Ozgener. I was stoked. But from the moment i walked in the door not a single person would pay any attention to me(the paying cigar enthusiast). I brush it off and go to get my 1/2 price CAO(advertised as 1/2 off your first stick smoked inhouse). Go to checkout and the guy...who nver greeted me, charges me full price. I told him i thought it was half off your first one and he asks for my ticket....what ticket....the ticket your supposed to have for your first cigar.....dude what ticket....you didnt get a ticket when you walked through the door....no i was too busy being ignored. Grudgingly he hands me half of a green ticket and as soon as i take it he snatches it back and said....there, now were legal. I think wtf and brush it off and step over to the ashtray on the counter where most people cut their cigars. I place my stick in my mouth(i enjoy a quick lick of the cap before i cut it...not like i was giving it head or anything) and he goes off about how its ruded and improper to lick your cigar before using the community cutter. Thats about the time i silently retrieved my own Xi2 out of my pocket, held it up and clicked it open in a manner as close to giving him the finger as possible. Whatever.....so i go finally find a seat after passing by 8 open but "taken" seats by the good ol' boy club that always hangs around in there who from the time i walked in the door only leered at me with a look that can only be described as "wtf are you doing here(this shop is in the ritzy upsale portion of town, the arrogance was so thick you could smell it over the cigars). I start in on my America when Tim Ozgener walks over and introduces himself....i think finally the night is going to get better. I've met RP, Padilla and Alejandro Cuenca(JDN) and those guys have passion. All of them will readily spill their hearts out about crop planting, fertilizing, shade, harvesting, selection, aging, fermenting, rotation....all the way to how thier rollers and bunchers maintain consistency while practicing their art.....then on about the cigar influences and characteristics....Ozgener was soooo far from that. From talking to him you get the impression that he is pretty far removed from his processes and is really only an administrative oversight. He knew things.....but lacked passion....if that makes any sense. Afterward a call was made to take out your tiket stub for a drawing for a free box.....the same ticket i never got and the guy who checked me out screwed me over on....i ws so righteously pi$$ed i snuffed out my cigar and went home.....and fired up a Decade.

    Just a bad experience all around, i'll spend what little hard earned money i have elsewhere.

    Wow. Glad I didn't make it there for the 'event'. My dad ended up going out of town, so I put my trip off. I'll be there in a couple weeks. I'll be sure to stay away from that store.

    Is the Clovis store any better?
  • brotheradambrotheradam Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 896
    PM to you minibeezy.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 257
    ...and to you.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Hey Vinny, I have to say, I have talked to a few guys who feel just like you do about mr. O. For some reason when I see videos of him at shows he seems sort of detached. Now when I watched a great video of mr. Rubin of alec bradley cigars that guy is so into his cigars. He goes on and on and on. I'd love to smoke with him and Bs.
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